
CLAN.jacksparrow has secretly played together for 6 months now

after the loss of a keyplayer to the Finland army , we are in need of a 6th


* have a server

* play as a team (example:if you see an engineer planting objective and theres a medic behind you needing a shot (syringe), you go for the revive and not for the kill 8))


* speak England all the time

* are a teamplayer (see previous example)

* are medhigh

PM me

we will be playing with fakenicks and fake quids and if we think your good enough we will tell you who we really are

p s . clan jacksparrow is a fake name

p p s . we will try to qualify for cpc2 with a fake clan name,we cant risk being exposed
sounds kinky
oeh lets yawn them and ruin the surprise
Quote* play as a team (example:if you see an engineer planting objective and theres a medic behind you needing a shot (syringe), you go for the revive and not for the kill 8))

Quote* are medhigh
yeah, that's the way to play, now you only have to wait 19 sec spawn for an engi.
we need more medhigh players in teh w0rld!
why? atm all ppl are medhigh.. u never see low / low / med asking for clan here...
(13:30:28) (+nocti-sick) tell him that i searched for medskileld clan

:< irc!!! i said crossfire forum!
i'm low+ tbh.

& proud of it

(& tetsuo is low+ too but he won't admit it)
thats because low players don't know that this side is alive and kicking :D and that you can look for a clan in here :)
Reminds me of that q3 clan that used to swap names / cd keys all the time to avoid people picking up on playing styles ^^
ban them :D
Jack Sparrow, thje pirate?
I still think killing the engi would be the best thing 2 do ..:/
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