New ETPro Server concept

Hey everyone,

I am pretty much new to Crossfire (as a registered user that is), and it seems like a very decent community of gamers and more, hence the reason for posting this.

I would like to create a new public ETPro server for everyone to play on, preferably from this community. I am aware there are many servers with this objective in mind; but why would another one hurt? And if it does, please feel free to leave comments expressing your opinions.

The main idea is a server by gamers for gamers. I am willing to spend a good amount of time moderating the server, avoiding cheaters, improving it, and recruiting new admins to ensure the gameplay is pleasant. The server will folow YOUR suggestions.

Like? Dislike? Please leave a comment below.

PS: You may test the server (ping, gameplay) on: keep in mind this is the first attempt, and many improvements are to come.

Note: Thanks to all of you for joining and testing the server. Your feedback is appreciated! :)

Slac will be active when the server is restarted. The server name will change to "Frag Arena - ETPro [SLAC]". Once more, thanks for your suggestions.
dislike already enough servers
Ye if you would still call cybergames a nice pub -.-
stop teamkilling/bleeding? -.-
? Its not that I play there, I just prefer pubs with gametype 4 :D I want maps to move on (and the players in that map ofc), not spamming 3 exits of supply bunker for like 11000 minutes :P
etpro servers are waste of money if you dont got constant donators :)
Although donations would be appreciated (in the future), money is not an issue in this case.
Copy killerboy's SLAC server and you'll be fine :)
Will do, thanks :D
quien eres?
Markitos, no creo que te acuerdes de mi
de entrada puedes ir quitando el delivery... que no se juega en clanbase ya y es una peste de mapa. el resto debería verlo pero como te dicen, el bio es un buen ejemplo igual que el hirnlos.
Gracias por las sugerencias Vivi, lo tendre en cuenta :)
ni caso al vivi,el hirnlos apesta XD

suerte con el server
donde esta mis pussies
Where are you going to Host it?
Server will be hosted on my dedicated server located in Germany. Although if many users suggest an specific location, I could try hosting it in the desired country.
I think UK is the Best Location for a Server, But then that is my point of view :)
Mwah London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt are the most global locations, probably also the best for the EU players. This server looks like it's hosted at Hetzner tho, which is not THAT good like the other 3 locations, but still 'ok' ^^
Correct, still, it does a very good job, I haven't really had any complaints.
They took care of their connection the last few months. When we (gamestv) had our first matchservers at Hetzner, it kinda sucked, freezes ingame and such, these are luckily gone now :P
You are right, I must say, 9 months ago, when I first got the server (estimated time), there were serious network issues, how ever, they got sorted out and are no longer a problem. (In fact, haven't been for a looong time)
The problem for a server these days isn't the way it's set up, it's more how you want to keep it active and full. Most players are fine with any public, tho it wouldn't hurt to have another BiO-like server, which is definitely the most liked in this community for years. This means: Stopwatch, XP-Reset ervery round, shuffle after maps. I for myself would like a map-voting system after every map, but this might be subjective.

But as I said: Not the settings or the administration are the key problems, it's keeping it alive. Most CF players won't waste time on filling up a server being the first players there. A player base which does this needs weeks or even months to build up. Would you also be able and willing to spend time filling it up early afternoons?
Thanks for your reply :)

I am aware of this, it is the reason why I am trying to develop this 'concept'. I have tried filling up ET servers several times in the past, and have failed most times. You are indeed correct, a player base is not easy to achieve. Your suggestion is appreciated (BIO-like server) and will be kept in mid.

As my timetable is still not defined, I can not guarantee what times of the day I will be available, but I will most likely be active during the afternoon, as you said. I will comfim this as soon as possible.
I don't want to slighten your effort, but I don't think that you alone will be capable of filling up the server. I was admin on the pretty active eLemenT'Fragland for years and I can tell you that it isn't easy to get it running.

As for the location: Germany would be the best solution due to it's middle european location.

Good luck with the server, I might visit it when time has come.
Cokeser, we have the same opinion. Fortunately, I do have help from fellow players and friends, I know it's not enough, but it's certainly a good start (at least for me). Thanks for your suggestions and information.

Until then, take care ;)
"I for myself would like a map-voting system after every map, but this might be subjective."

that would be very irritating.. everybody would try to rechange the map constantly when they don't like it etc =/ If you could make it 2votes/round/all players that would still be a good option
yes indeed.
Good idea :)
I'm not talking about the normal ET-Voting-System. I was suggesting a 30 secondish time span after every map, where every player might vote for his favourite map via adminmod commands. "!supply, !adler, !frost, !b4" - regarding the current competition map pool. Any map votes during a round should ofc be disabled.

I don't know if it's still running like that, but eF'Fragland had this kind of voting system. Still, it's just a suggestion...
Yeah, reminds me of the map vote during the intermission time in some ETPub Client servers, except this one is text based and not an actual UI at the end of the map; during the map. It's certainly a system which I've always liked, but I don't know how I will get it working on ETPro.. will see.
It's possible with adminmod, maybe Perlo0ng would be willing to help.
I don't know Perlo0ng, but I might try getting in touch with him/her later, however I doubt he/she will want to help in exchange of nothing.
his name is markitopanel
Need to turn on PB D:
Will do on next restart :p
In my opinion make it as close to Bio and then gl for the players to come :D
There are many things to try, so why not? lol :p
That is comepletely your wish :)
nice imo .gl with it Marc
Thank you :)
No weapons/ranks upgrade, keep it to 0, like it used to be on Cybergames. Apart from that, you ll need admins with a very good knowledge of the game so you won't ban a good player after 3 insta hs.
Disable panza (that's only my opinion, you probably wont do it tho :P) which is the most annoying and egoistic weapon...
You're right on the weapon & ranks, I'll probably do that, and I agree on what you said about the admins, I do know a few that would do the right job :) But any one is free to apply. How ever I'll probably leave the Panzer on. Thanks for the suggestions :D
slac & a good host(nice ping n stuff) :')

adlernest bremen grush suply karsiah radar ftw
Quoteand it seems like a very decent community of gamers and more..
Brief and simple intro, what's wrong :o?
zlol noob #1
The server is now SLAC protected, but since I am unable to find a working LUA script to kick players who are not running SLAC, players will be kicked by an admin (or callvote) until a LUA script that does this job is released.
thers no possibility to detect who has slac with lua atm so u wont find a lua that is working
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