Defix recruiting

defix needs 3rd


*should be able to play few games almost every evening between 20CET-23CET later on weekends

*should play engi or medic

*should be somewhat known or at least good

*have slac installed, hard to get oppos without

*be somewhat mature and stuff

*would be nice if you can talk Finnish, but English is also fine

*arent afraid of hackers! :D


*haven't played actively in more than a year

*no idea if we will paly ladders or any competition, rather just want to have some fun

*2 nuubs that argue with each other every 3 mins

*have bad sense of humor

Lineup so far:

*if you don't know it, don't bother pmming


*pm Sandah on irc

*pm Spirea on crossfire


Written by spirea
gl :) always nice opponents
gl buddys :DDDDDDDDD
GL guys, just slap Lepari to nerd a few 3on3s :)
i should slap you to play with me :O)
nice opponets <3
omg defix back
best 2on2 opponents so far

big GL
fais pas le mac
tout blanc qu il est le canadien mangeur de karibou
back in action ! :D
gud luck!
good luck
*2 nuubs that argue with each other every 3 mins

sounds like me
you and mission :D
well ye before but same with me and smirzz ;D but i win!
Quote*have slac installed, hard to get oppos without

not really
FinlandznArk unhit as fuck and very hyvä player
wait till i gonna buy a deathadder again! nub
i once had a deathadder, worst period of my ET career
once i saw a monkey, he couldnt play with a deathadder
i was too use to the G5 :) now G500
heard laser is shit :s
depend on ur mousepad i guess, i dont even use mousepad :P
/q Swanidius

replay dont paly anymore:<
be somewhat mature and stuff

does not fit
i am dont lie
Lineup so far:

*if you don't know it, don't bother pmming

hope you lot never get a team and all die in real life.
good luck guys :) looking forward to play against you again if nSens comes alive again in not that long :3
get back into 2on2 ladder, its starting to get boring to play vs some random polaks & nl ppl :(
We're gonna play some 3on3s again tonight with the oldschool lineup :D would be nice if you guys are up for playing
2bad i dont have comp atm, but when i get it back i expect to see u searching some offis :)
Haha I hope so aswell :D
göde lück! :D
gl spirea. :)
gl both.
nice oponents indeed :) :)
needs lepari!
gl old m8s!
wtf the legends are back :D
gl you two :P
nice to see u guys back again! Good Luck!
Lineup so far:
*if you don't know it, don't bother pmming


*pm Sandah on irc

*pm Spirea on crossfire

i c what u did there :>
jahas sitä aletaa pelailee taas vai..
gl sanda awesome friendly guy :)
awesome players, gl!
nice, gl :) i can play every once in a while
Good luck mates! :) ottakaas laddu taas haltuu!
gl you two - bestest mates to play with <3 never whining, never flaming.
gl 55accSanda
I recall wars vs defix as the best 3o3 so gl for ya :>
gl mates <3
should be able to play few games almost every evening between 20CET-23CET later on weekends..

too late at week =(
i seriously hope you wont play every night!!!

no way imma gonna handle that ;)
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