dunno why you are looking to jaymod forums?

anyhow he's clean, good nice player imo
i'm also banned there :ppPpp
try my server :)
are you seriously replying to me 5 months later? :Dd
i was searching some data on google about servers transitions from jaymod to et pro and it s effects among players,and i found on last link this topic.found something interesting ,so i made the reply:).u know ,some things are better to be discovered later,than never :P
try my server :)

Name and IP?
try my server :PppPPpppP
jaymod serial bizness
Quotethis ban wasnt wrong, u pointed enemy head behind wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should be in control of CB, they are much more experienced in busting cheaters :|
if they never played at competitive level, its useless to argue
Still didn't see a proof on the forum. Noobish admins, jaymod-style.
sorry for late reply,but not all jaymod admins are noobs.depends on situation
hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT!
solltest du nicht auf einem Kindergeburtstag bei McDonalds sein?
der is schon vorbei, bzw er geht erstn morgen richtig ab mit hamburgerl und bonaqua!
und warum bist du dann nicht im eiertsi?
Laughed @ these comments from jaymodders who think they're so cool having their own server and clan :D reminds me of my own pubbing time
i have my own server and clan but i ain t cool cause of that.i m cool cause mama nature made me cool :P
omg still playing Jaymod? :O
i think u played jaymod till really recently or still play, dont u?
I did, not anymore :d
Obvious hacker imo
Why here on crossfire arent button "like" just like on facebook.. this comment should get +100 "like" button clicks
cause admins would loose control over content
bossi jaksaa vääntää ettei tuu bannei jaymodii xDDDDDDDD
elämä ja kuolema kyseessä
näköjää joo xDD
who gives a fuck about them jaymodders....
get a life, no need to spread the word that jaymodders are hacking. who cares.
i got banned on EA Server also for "aimbot" i lold hard

just delete your etkey =)

tell them to get slac!
slac = etpro only afaik
dude you are so stupid cunt omfg cunt cunt
lekker ding
It can get SLAC support if the mod developers contact chaplja
but it doesnt support it atm
people get banned for speed hack there too xD
If you kill Admins there you will get banned for cheats. I also was banned there from Admin ^^
Random admin:
i just never point heads behind wall becose i dont know where is enemy
and if i play whit very loud sounds then i hear somebody coming
1. idk is it enemy or teammmate
2. i dont know where is head

I stopped reading after that :))
jaymod can own, but the admins :/ its like they think they know something about the game?
"We play jaymod 20vs20 with dubble jumps and 5 sec panzer charge, no one can get better than us"
more like 5sec :X
wrote wrong, now edited
low gaymod adre noobs arguing with medish etpro players, didnt know etc where so fuckign retarded but then again, its gaymod
remember u played on my server some time ago...did anybody accused of hacks?no.don t judge all jaymoders by one stupid clan only...
there would be shitstorm if mAus would go to that server xD
Quote2. he have broken caps lock buttond and he walking
need the ip to that server kthxbai
give him red triangle!! busted on jaymod you want more prove :O:O:!!?!?!?
this ban wasnt wrong, u pointed enemy head behind wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he must be proud man, i get banned on those after 10m
u crazy frend :P
Your just awesome, he suck
yep. im best
i knew that he's not so smart but this? ;D shoutouts to ppl who actually read that.
can I get a hug?
QuoteI speced u few maps and i have demo to how u pointing head behind wall.
i allready posted video in foorum

I would already give up after that
olol serious business. who the tell cares if I'd be banned on a random jaymod server? XP are gone? LoL
dude, xp = skill!
/!\ please
Jaymod = serious businezz
I'm astonished by your patience while trying to explain in such a nicely way a bunch of retards why it wasn't cheating... Sincere congratulations lol
with all the respect,i know nothing about u,and i found this topic by mistake.i know is kinda late to reply still i m gonna do it.i m also running jaymod server,but with dj off,no adre,most settings and map very similar to et pro.yes jaymod admins,many of them can be easy tricked by an experienced player.i have 2 questions:that server runs with pb or without it?second:not all jaymod admins are for example,i can make difference if i spec some1 between nab hacker,and pro player.try me
Quotei dont undestand what here talk more !


edit// server ip plox :D
"Ill keep it simple : Fuck off cheater. lol Focus on ur ban, U made me roll on the flour laughing...." :D
Our competetive scene needs admins like that.
post ip and lets all get banned ^^
I tried and it was awful.. couldn't get a bloody kill despite all the headshots. And there's rapid fire :/
at least post the server ip so we can 'cheat' on their server :D
Will pay them a visit tonight :D Might try to get some other tagfags to join teh funz :D
ill come, what time? :D
lets say 20:00 ? we'll just say something like 'hi, we're from the internet' and rape them
haha i got kicked , REASON : turn off your bot it isnt funny
why so much effort to get unbanned on a jaymod server :P
good good,
howz you + slac doin? :P
couldn't be better :)
I'm ashamed to be of the same species as the people producing such nonsense
Jaymod rules, and BossHK is a cheater. That's why he gets banned every time he connects to our Jaymod server.
They must be affiliated with Splatterladder. I remember seeing ETc|Jay in one of the threads.
damn ETc| Nabs!

i know BossHK now 4 years... i started with him ET in bl00d :)

i never think he cheat!!

Lol Jay or Exx unban him!
I have NOT been in bl00d, so pls remove my name from your "bl00dclan list" at your profile. Thx.
If your curious where I have been: |idwP|(i don't wear panties), ctrl-(controlled gaming). + 2 weeks (-,(umbrella) and little bit more at .EpiC#(name says it lol).
Awesome times.
gaymod player
why do I have spanish flag in your profile? :D
why the fuck would you even play at that shit.. we all know shitlows think everyone hacks.
1) Replace etkey with a new one
2) Start ET with pale's splendid Jaymac blocker
3) ????
4) Play more jaymod!

E: Oh wait, you need to change your IP too because Jaymod is a bitch... Well, as you live in Finland I'm guessing you have a dynamic IP (as you'd have to pay extra for a static one and I doubt you do that), so just either restart your computer or unplug your router for a while and it should do it... If not, change your MAC address, it's really simple. I have no idea how to do it on Windows though, so I'm giving you instructions for Linux that are probably of no use whatsoever to you:

1) run ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr to find out your current MAC address (you'll probably want to change only a couple of digits from it)
2) run ifconfig eth0 down as root
3) run ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 as root and replace the string of zeroes with preferably your original MAC address with a few changed digits (remember that MAC is hexadecimal so use only numbers 0-9 and letters A-F..)
4) run ifconfig eth0 up as root
5) IP changed ;LOOOL

That at least works on Sonera's (a finnish ISP) nameservers, as they distribute IP based on MAC. It oughta work on just about every other ISP too, though.
5)nauti uudesta bannista
6) toista askeleet 1-4? Menee ehkä 2min kiertää noi jaymodin bänät..
totta, sit pääsee taas pelaa pariks minuutiks - melko turha :l
Nojaa, enpäs usko että nuo tajuavat parissa minuutissa että kyse on taas samasta "koodarista" :D ellei nyt ihan samaa nimeä jne käytä, tai huutele "mie oon bosshk ban me"
Niinno ei tuo ole ongelma muuta ku sillon jos ragebottaa.. Mutta esim. tässä tapauksessa kun ei edes oikeasti koodaa jantteri niin ei ne varmaan ikinä tajua että se on sama tyyppi. Nuo jaymoddarit on usein niin vitun idiootteja että ne ei edes tiedä että bannit voi kiertää :D
It's a relatively funny "fake" player thing for Linux written by some relatively famous guy whose name I can't remember now though.. Basically it creates these bots (quite alike to omnibots) that connect to your server of choice, and then you can make them follow players and shoot stuff and so forth.
Here's a video of it I believe: (it's not written by Pale although he made that video)

E: I haven't had a chance to test it myself, though. There's an original thread about it on the ET-Linux area of a relatively known cheat coding forum, but I'm afraid it would be rather dubious to link it here.. Besides, the said forum seems to be down at the moment.
Mikä tää Jaymac blocker on? Jos haluut unban Jaymod sunhan pitää vaihtaa guidi(etkey) vaihtaa MAC osote ja IP. Eli saako tällä jaymacilla vaihettuu MAC osotteen vai mitä?
Se laittaa siihen MAC-osotteeks nullin, eli ei yhtään mitään. Tällöin Jaymod ei osaa bannia sitä MACia.
Okei, ETPub ei vissii bannaa muutaku IP ja GUID vaan?
Im locked up

They won't let me out , nooooo
this ban wasnt wrong, u pointed enemy head behind wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am banned on this server to. the players there are so unskilled idiots
IP? I wanna have some fun :D
Quote by randomidioti just never point heads behind wall becose i dont know where is enemy
and if i play whit very loud sounds then i hear somebody coming
1. idk is it enemy or teammmate
2. i dont know where is head
3. u can see it only if u have wh
4.if u play then u know all the time where is enemy
5. when u look around the corner u still cant point head becose u dont know where is enemy head
6. u can point wall but u dont know how fats enemy moving 1. he used adre and running. 2. he have broken caps lock buttond and he walking. 3.If u hear footsteps then u know enemy coming but u dont know where is he head.
4. cheaters never play like normlal players 5. u realy thinking we are so stupids and give u unban.

lol, this guy is really plain stupid :D not a single true statement :D
image: 106726961-4

isnt this daily shit for an etpro player?
try my server,nobody will ban u most of the et pro players fault,they choose so called well known popular jaymod servers ,instead of the smole ones,where probably ppl are not so close minded
take it as an egoboost and let it be, no use to argue with jaymod-only players
sad story bro
rlyrlyrlyrlyrly lol at this comment:
"Yes he was banned, but why: "stealing enemies fps". Is that any kind of proof? To be honest, its pretty ridiculous claim"

Ill keep it simple : Fuck off cheater. lol Focus on ur ban, U made me roll on the flour laughing....

image: n622216354_2119823_5234
haha yesterday played against him in cup and he's good but hes not cheater...
He's clean, he gets banned from alot of jaymod servers xD
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