hard disk failure

when i boot my win7 this is the message I get before starting windows:

"SMART failure predicted on Hard Disk 0: Hitachi HTS5458628B9A358-(PM)

WARNING: Immediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.

Press F1 to Continue"

guys wtf?? how can this be? my laptop is only like 1 year old. So is there any way to fix the hard without buying a new one?? HALP! HALP!
buy new one
"SMART failure predicted on Hard Disk 0: Hitachi HTS5458628B9A358-(PM)"

You know what to do :)
:) shit HD is shit
Press F1 to Continue
well in my opinion SMART failure predicted on Hard Disk is the problem. fix it.
format c:\
Insert a linux CD, use "try" mode, open a console, type 'fsck', enjoy.
I had same last week, bought new hdd backed everything up and sending fucked up hdd back for a new one.
no problems found. the fuck
so its not a logical fault with the data..

next logical guess would be the temperature of the hard drive is too high?
try checking your hdd temp with speccy
01 Read Error Rate 089 (089 worst) Data 000024002B
02 Throughput Performance 100 (100) Data 0000000000
03 Spin-Up Time 200 (200) Data 0000000001
04 Start/Stop Count 100 (100) Data 00000004E7
05 Reallocated Sectors Count 003 (003) Data 0000000000
07 Seek Error Rate 100 (100) Data 0000000000
08 Seek Time Performance 100 (100) Data 0000000000
09 Power-On Hours (POH) 094 (094) Data 0000000BC1
0A Spin Retry Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
0C Device Power Cycle Count 100 (100) Data 00000004DA
BF G-sense error rate 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C0 Power-off Retract Count 100 (100) Data 000000002C
C1 Load/Unload Cycle Count 094 (094) Data 0000010CA1
C2 Temperature 112 (112) Data 00000A0031
C4 Reallocation Event Count 100 (100) Data 0000001596
C5 Current Pending Sector Count 100 (100) Data 0000000036
C6 Uncorrectable Sector Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C7 UltraDMA CRC Error Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
DF Load/Unload Retry Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
Temperature 49 °C
Temperature Range ok (less than 50 °C)
Status Good
seems a little high im building a game from my hdd at the moment and its only at 28 but that shouldn't be enough to set off a hardware alert really.. have you tried dusting your case and checking air flow inside over your hard drive?

my current hard drive has worse figures than that and no warnings or problems here :d
I clean my laptop on regular basis so no problem there. well seems like I'm just gonna have to buy a new one. and my warranty card just expired 2 weeks ago. awesome -.-
hmm you could back up your important files and just keep using the current one no telling how long it will actually last
SMART failure?

Pretty much means your harddrive is dying.

Had the same on my old PC, could run it for a few more weeks and then it was game over.

Get a new HDD asap so you can transfer data
Replace the harddisk jeuss
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