NationsCup 2.55 Final - Don't miss this!

image: nc55bnr

It's been 2 months since the NationsCup for 2.55 Enemy Territory was announced and it's all come down to this. The final match between the furious Team Finland and the notable Team Netherlands.

A small interview with the teamcaptains LORDI and Enigma.

Enigma, what are you expecting of the match versus Finland today?
"Finland is a good team but we will manage to win this game with a bit of hardcore playing."

Lordi, what are you expecting of the match versus The Netherlands today?
"I'm looking forward to a fair and very even match but knowing Enigma Netherlands has had codes in their hands and passed them on. True story. It will be close though."

This match can be seen in GamesTV like you were normally watching a match. Don't forget to set your GBooky money!

image: game23019

Team lineups
NetherlandsTeam Netherlands[/b]]
  • NetherlandsEnigma
  • NetherlandsL4mpje
  • NetherlandsDomi
  • NetherlandsHenk
  • NetherlandsKarel

FinlandTeam Finland[/b]]
  • FinlandLORDI
  • FinlandCele
  • FinlandArabi
  • FinlandSungi
  • FinlandHIRVI

Don't miss this close match today at 19:00 CET! Good luck to both teams!

Other information
Cup mIRC @ quakenet. #nc.55
/!\ Finland /!\

every country should sue you for calling it NationsCup, each lineup is like wtf low+/hax+
does crossfire also have an ignore button?
Check his profile and click : ignore ==> Profit :P
Thought Roba was your friend. :o
he has never been a friend of mine:x
lol okay then, my bad.
Good luck for tonight. :)
Too bad you're low+ at all.
no one gives a shit
L4mpje will deliver ;)

375 slots :D
Yeh you're right. They might be too little for this amazing match.
you mean like 370 slots to much :D
main news !
all ya niggers posting in a troll thread
nice to see players from the 2.55 community : D
Seriously m8, wtf? -.-'
Got asked to play, have enough time so why not =D
henk and karel XD?
knowing enigma its probably perfo and azatej
Dommel will carry NL :))))

Gl finland tho, especially sungi :PPP without forgetting HIRVI ofc
ye ye... whatever
team fin are big hackers.. and still lost thats like... dude....
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