Samoa - QL

image: unavngivetlt

Hi, I'm currently searching for some guys who want to make a nice and cool QL CA/CTF team.

I'm thinking of a team that can prac once or twice each week afterwards we can join up some cups/ladders and such.

Already found a MGC that could take us in and provide full PRO subscription.

Everyone can join as soon as they have a understanding for the game and know how to rocketjump :P

contact me on mIRC under the nick "ar".
ET or gtfo
Crossfire 3.2 - A Gaming Community
i could play ca/ctf.
Dear Adi,

I am very interested in joining but I do have a few questions

Question 1 : Will we get LAN support ?
Question 2 : Will QL be played @ aalborg lan ?

that is all

thanks in advance
QL will be played @ aalborg lan IF the participants have pink allstars!
Oh nice, I'll start wearing them again :>
I'll give you an answer as soon as I'm done puking after seeing that girl pic on your profile.
I don't know the girl btw :D Nyke gave me that pic.
If you, by any chance, thought I would let my GF take such a pic then hell no you're wrong, that would be rather demeaning.
wie's da meisje op u profiel dan ? o0
read above:P
oh lol, kdacht 't al :D
Das eigenlijk gewoon een manier om iedereen te laten weten da ik het ben aangezien mijn fake username soms voor problemen zorgt:_P
Ge kon geen betere manier vinden tbh :d
avi, when are the tryouts?
Could be cool.
ctf 4on4 forever, new maps besides japanese castles are total shit
i can tell you that map is not new ;D
i know, wcp1 or something from q3 but i say overall about premium maps
CTF =)
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