xAv avi for 5on5 OC

Need team for 5on5

1st/2nd division (pref 1st)

all classes

/q Wolfax or xAv
or pmme here
You have had decent skilldrop

Couple years ago u came from nowhere to own the shit out of highskiller ppl and nowdays u search clan for OC, solid.
kinda regular thing when returning from inactivity
haha, no.
rofl? so you're telling me that someone who was 'highskilled' 3+ years ago will be the same now after years of inactivity/playing barely ever?

Quotemaybe i was inactive since some month no?

Years baby, years.

Now get the fuck out from here cocksucker.
years of inactivity/playing barely ever

how about shut the fuck up pizzaface homo
Fact is that he came from nowhere to roll top-5 teams with rifle without any problems, and there was even teams who refused to play pracs vs him, that how obvious he was. Cant really see why he aint able to do it now, game havent changed too much since that

And anyway what the fuck do u even know about the subject, did u even play ET back then?

Ps. How does it feel to suck ppl's dick daily on crossfire?
yeah i did and what difference does it make? you are a fucking retard if you think that going inactive for long periods has no affect on your skill. and before you mention sample he was still playing et semi regularly anyway. random offis with krp and i bet he was even playing irc wars from time to time.
Top-5 rifle ( actually even 3 from my point of view )
Months of inactivity
OC premier rifle


oh, and i understand that some ppl might just wanna play for lulz some lower division, np, but this for sure isnt one of those.
so he was turning some heads a few years ago means random EC teams will wanna recruit him? :D ru srs? :D

he was trying to argue with you about the fact xav came from nowhere, but WAIT, where did mind come from?

spoil : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Zl4KCAmsg

more like crippled mind
give me some examples. i only make arguments when i know im right it doesnt matter who its about, i argue about different shit involving different people all the time.

e: also a kinda funny comment since 90% of my comments are flaming people :D fucking mongol
pumu still pwnz
maybe i was inactive since some month no?
Cant see ppl like sample having any problems playing NC with months inactivity.
ok so find me a team for playing EC
speak dutch & join bF
i already have some trouble with english and it's better then my dutch so :(
jveux bien te donner des cours gratos sur ts si tu veux :p np.
t'as un problème avec l'autre mongole de finlandais la? sinon on le choppe dès qu'il va à la lan :p
on need un backup chez wck, normalement y aura pas de place en line up a moins qu'un straf/quake nous lache ;p

gl sinon
i think he could easily own again those "highskiller" as rifle, hes also skilled enough with smg to pown ;)
un troll roux
gl xAv :)
gl fdp!
GL xav mon ami
miNd speaks truth
Hey! Un gros good luck xAv, Ca fait bien longtemps.. :)
Does SLAC affect your performance?
Putain GL vieux ;)
GL, good guy and goood rifle :D
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