MulSu (continued) ..

original journal:

like everyone i see nothing wrong with chmpp (although i would not be surprised with all his yawn warnings and we have all seen how many people have actually been busted after questioning these little red signs).

but take a look closely at mulsu ..

Quotes from xfire users:
Quote by MulSuI'm so flattered that somebody even thinks that i use hacks =D

Typical reply from a hacker (not saying he hacks)
Quote by Nilsi personally dont like chmmp since he accuses us so much but i dont understand why this is cheat... the only wierd demo is the one of mulsu and again that might jsut be lucky

yes .. lucky .. ofc
Quote by dmrI don't see anything suspicious in the avi's taken from chmpp's POV... The avi with MulSu's POV was kinda weird ;o but I don't think they cheat... and even if they did this isn't proof enough!

ye it is just one thing but it should not be bypassed ..
Quote by perforatornegative image hacking is a rly good joke

since when do you have to be skilled to hack? i think i've seen low and med skill also busted before.
Quote by kiitosthink they are just laggers
dont think they cheat

Your skill on ET is usually connection dependant.
Quote by CS4f1It's a normal movement if you think an enemy will come from that way, and strange to say, but if you jump, your crosshair jumps too. If you come from that way, and wait for somebody run in from main entrance to the tank, you will point your crosshair to the cp corner thats 100%, and if there is somebody then your crosshair will be on him through the walls

ok, yes it can be normal to preshoot there i guess sometimes, but ...

image of when the first shot was fired: (wouldn't you preshoot more to the left?)

image: mulsu1xt9

image of when the last shot was fired: (how far into the wall is that? :X)

image: mulsu2up7

Who preshoots that far from the doorway and into the wall?

Unexpected that the shots fired are directly at the enemy too..

w/e make up your own decisions, i am not accusing anyone, just thought i would bring this to attention as i believe things like this should be looked into more closely before making judgements :)
I didn't read it but I agree.
and it's people like you who our community could do without ;)
i think i smell sarcasm from him
i would imagine you're very sarcastic when you play against cheaters aswell
last time i play a team war was a month ago, only public cheaters but 3 votes pb_kick and ther gone:D
If you believe that is hacks you seriously must be a retard.
dude ...

that was a joke ? you mean this clip right:

I don't know if the first zeto movie was a hack movie, all i know is that he was on a higher position and he always got the first shots = guaranteed kill. Second movie was skill + lotto.

The first clips are teh funny. He does the normal thing anybody who is there with the smallest bit of common sense would do. He keeps an eye on main, but knows there's ppl at the tank so no problem if the engi goes there (axis just respawned).

After two seconds of no action you are sure the rifle is leaning and he's just pre shooting, trying to hit the hitbox you can mostly hit when ppl lean, then goes after him. Ok, its a bit of a risky move as a low hp fieldops and just past spawntime, but waiting would only mean the rifle could shoot faster. Besides with 30 hp all he could do was to attack.

the second movie which you made is the one i was referring to, if it was skill + lotto then why did you name it "zeto busted" ..? edit: funny joke idd, remind me to lol

Nice edit once again, you are referring to chmpp where as i am referring to mulsu, please read carefully before posting :/
plz dude, don't offend me. I didn't make that movie. I posted it because it was an awesome spree. Besides, posting such a clip yourself is reserved for retards like Kamz, who got owned in the clip btw.
Isn't it obvious? The clip isn't wolfcammed? You can even see what happens after all allied tapped out. If the ... was meant to be rhetorical I'll tell you what comes to my mind right now: 'damn what a retard'
you obviously didn't get what the ... meant, either your brainless or just bored and trying to make conversation first thing in the morning

and plz stop editing your posts every 2 seconds :/
I'm trying not to look like a peon.
let me translate the ... for people with less brain capacity like yourself.

it means wtf are you talking about, why have you gone completely off-topic, it's like you are talking about something else to somebody else, i would delete all your comments before others catch on to your stupidity.
good choice, people can say stupid things whilst tired i guess, nn
One last thing: if he were really really wallhacking and shooting at that place after comming out of spawn, wouldn't it be just so stupid to shoot there? Only the biggest noob cheaters shoot at walls.

Ofc it would be stupid.It's prolly one of the first things you learn as a wallhacker, not to shoot the walls. I think with such a history of activity he would have gotten busted way earlier if he shot walls on a regular basis.
Seriously get a demo before calling hax.
This one is really strange, but what I have specced mulsu, I'm kinda sure he doesn't hax :D
u said now he sux xDDDDD
really strange ye "right"
and u like shooting walls which got enemies behind them?
mulsu didn't shoot at any corners, that was chmpp ?

EDIT: if you're referring to when mulsu jumps out of spawn and lands, it's just a move the model makes, when landing from a jump... if he'd actually shot at that point we would have seen a muzzleFlash, and the weaponIcon flash :)
ye I talked with mulsu, he said it's a wolfcam bug
finnish players > *

look his demo MulSu is only skilled
just a strafe noob
seriously we got to many newschool medhigh wNb´s who cant realize that there are guys which playing this game fucking longer and got more xp :>>>>
brb, laughing
CB has it's own logic in banning cheaters no-one just understands it, gotta love the razz 1 year from rivatuner in a scrim, but torspo a warning using wallhack in an official \o/
what is this warning that you are talking about
use the search
I searched and nothing came up except: Evidence Inconclusive, No Action Taken

you want to give me a hint(ti) or smth?
hintti :D

And what is this wallhack you're talking about
you are not the right guy to speak about cheating, when u have no other than lowskilled finnish cheaters in your buddy list
all the "lowskilled finnish players" are all most likely better than you..
ofcourse cause they have better haxes. u stupid fuck
typical response, they will own you @ asm 07 too.
lol ur config has sky?
I have it too! is there something wrong with that? :(
Are u serious at chmpp or mulsu would cheat?
On that avi I see a low sense player trying to strafejump out of the spawn and then an allied player whos unable to hide from his eyes.
And don't tell me the 5k in you're URL means you're playing for 5 kings. :-D
it is 5kings the gaming royalty theres the presentation movie!
these demos are not even near suspicious tbh
As he strafe jumps he has to move to the right slightly in order to avoid the tree, and if he plays low sense then his x-hair may not move too much, which is why it might have been aimed at the wall.

As for him shooting there, i think a lot of people forget about things called Teamspeak and Ventrillo. If a teammate calls "one main" or something im sure he wouldnt be the only person in that situation that fired a few shots just incase they rush tank instead of towards old cp.
They said on comms theres one guy in that room :lll
rsb useless man
Oh, what a dirty hacker.
But no worries m8, I am going to ASM'07 and if MulSu doesn't come there he will be a proven cheater (online only) and If he comes, it won't be a problem for me to punch him to nose :)
neither will that be a problem ;)
can i assist you? i have some hairpins at my desk so we could be a tag-team!
sure but dick-team sounds better ;)
if he hax, then i want my win in the 2v2 riflecup
this is retarded
play at least one war before making noob comments on some ugly vid which doesnt prove shit
zitat: this is retarded
play at least one war before making noob comments on some ugly vid which doesnt prove shit"" right
Nothing against you, when I played on a low public level I had the same paranoid mind. But gamintelligence, gameexperience, communications, luck and a good headset can arise scenes like this. Even if a wannabe like me checks his demos, he finds many suspicious scenes. And they are even more suspicious than this scenes.
Go focus on xAv, not MulSu.
ja gratz viax
thX meighT, you iz not ignorant either?
Well, vanq played 6 months with his wallhack and he never shot a wall, he only preshot one time.
omg hairy mp40
i loled in rl
And another one bites the dust!
definately not cheats
LOL plz man.. no hacks in both players... tbh i cant rly see your problem... in chmp clip i cant see nothing... is normal with coms, or with his gamin experience... in mulsu clip cant see nothing special too
chmpp on koodr :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
chmpp lowskiller you didn't even kill him :{

from all the players in the et-scene chmpp and mulsu are being accused of cheating? made my day :D
np: THC - Klik Klak
maybe chmpp said that there is one guy @ corner, so mulsu tried to preshoot him. and next time do these videos with sounds.
That avi is bugged by wolfcam or something.

Since i don't shoot at wall i got full clip when i plant the mine
+ avi shows that i got 32hp when i just spawned.. when i got 125hp

You can all see it in my demo
it's just a move the model makes, when landing from a jump... if you'd actually shot at that point we would have seen a muzzleFlash, and the weaponIcon flash (with that config) :)
ok, yes it can be normal to preshoot there i guess sometimes, but ...

image of when the first shot was fired: (wouldn't you preshoot more to the left?)

Clearly not eveybody understands that
Weapons has reacted to jump-landings like that, in the q3-engine, since... q3...

but tbh, if that "shot" was what this clip was about (from the clip-makers pov.), his soundcard/headset must be broken, or he's simply dumber than dirt...
all Finish players hacks!!!
Busted, bye.
I just got to laugh at u ppl for making such conclusions :D
pssst there is no shot...

Time 10-30 /r_shownormals 1
He is shooting twice into different players behind the objects
Lower timescale, and you will see that he is shooting behind the box into head
ye, kinda clear:)
This made me lol'd . Its like so bust-a rhym-ed . Ok im off to lol again
imo 5k > fusen, new bust of the year
i lol'd so hard
woooh! yeaah biatch! ban this muckafuckka right now! yeaaah ! woooh!
Here Gagarin operates from own name

To us already It is indifferent For it is too much here experts on wh with 3 the years experience of game with it, able to approve that in .avi of 100 % is not present wh And too many experts on skills with 6 years experience, able to tell from 100 % confidence that wh is.
Anything except for personal emotions it is not stated
nice bust :)
and also you guys would leave without bruises in your faces.

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