butcher cless

hi, my spanish friend needs a clan

- med+ skilled
- fops / medic
- active: 4 day/week
- ping on german server: 98

contact: #aBx.et @ qnet or /q aBx|CRACK
ping on german server: 98

hey bitch ; )
hey crackbitch ; )
gl butchji
who is you'r spanish friend?

gl anyway
abx.btc he pwnz!
Don't fake Germany zP.butcher !
gl Czech Republic butch
med+ skill and aBx? last week aBx was still low+ :) cheats?
gl France butch
[med+ skill and aBx? last week aBx was still low+ :) cheats? ]

no,i dint play ;)
<3 butcher
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