Looking for a skilled, german, stable..

.. 3on3 / 6on6 Team!
Actually I wouldn't search for a clan on Crossfire, but the last few times the clans I joined were either pokemon skill or 2-Week Clans.

Classes: Fop, Engie (Both) and Panza, :)
Skill: I don't like skillfaking so low+ / med -
Exclans: Actually I prefer pubbing, to name a few of my exclans: eraZed-Gaming, ReSolution-Gaming, and a few no.name clans.

Language: German only. :(

I'm a mature 17 old guy, willing to listen, nice and friendly, not too shy, with a lot of humor. :)

Thx in advance.
you are pokemon skill

sry for flaming, just bored
gl. dafür, dass du keinen englischsprachigen clan möchtest, ist dein englisch aber recht gut. :O
Ich kann mich aber nicht selber englisch sprechen hören. :(
sicc = siqq = santa = busted ! nP
he's actually better than you midas <insert flame against me below>
u played with me or against me recently ????

i guess noT coz i am more or less inactiv but at least it was flame without knowlegde like his flame :>>>

and i wont flame u coz i am bored of lowflames :>
i'm sry u feel that way
i dont get the sense of ur sentence ???
i thought u would enjoy flaming a lowbie like me
sorry i cant judge ur skill :>
yes!!! but i like m!das more mR.p3rF0r4t0r
QuoteLanguage: German only. :(

I'm a mature 17 old guy, willing to listen, nice and friendly, not too shy, with a lot of humor. :)

ur 17 and can't speak some understandable english?
I can, I even was on several school trips to england and was able to get along with everyone, I'd just like my clan to be german.
then say you would prefer a german only clan

now it looks likes you only speak german, which is pretty wierd since your post is in english ;)
Just making some crappy replies since I got nothing to do @ school, the teacher is explaining something from the last test which 90% of my class needs to redo.
The only language allowed on Crossfire is English. Postings in other languages will be removed.

viel glück klingt sypathisch
LoL i can't critik your skill because i'm a naab :>
gl like all "ex-erazern"
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