Nordic Recruiting

We (Denmark Nordic-eSport SleeperzZz) need 2 players;

- Avi to play in this EC
- Avi to play in the upcoming eC-Lan (1-2-3 july)
- Eng SMG (multiclasser ?)
- Medic (multiclasser ?)
- We will not consider unproven players nor do we have time to give new talents a chance.

Our LU ; Griim Eirik Lazio

- We have sposnored entrance fee, with some additional sponsoring also available (contact for more info)

Contact = PM here

or just write a name in the comments beneath of who could be pro & avi
me ofc :DDDDDDDD
Good luck gentlemen x
gl greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
good luck guys
good luck! <3

pwn the back stabbers
How about them kids that got !kicked from NEVO

ohye and gl m8s :]


lol and imagine they own the new NEVO. mad?
nevo spelers, ma dan wel de polen :p
Poland Lucas

trust me, he's a beast + he's lan avi
no ex-cheaters or players who cant perform without cheats
I'm avi, eiriks et teacher with bigger biceps
Estonia freeze

x requires full-support
x is not avi to prac : ((
Al7 and chizz6l ?
ask for full support then get some beasts to pwn lan
we don't sleep on money like you do :D
avi for next season !! :)
i am pro and avi
fumble & garin
good luck! :)
Goodluck :)
best of luck m8s hope you find 2 good players :) cu Enschede
We're gonna steal u with a 2nd mate to nordic :D
hehe would like to play with u guys but never gonna stab stownage :D
I'm avi with Crod!
gl griim :D!
best of luck for you mates. :)
dave wants me and shitty
Poland FragStealer
Poland numeric
Damn, we were really hoping on getting you :(
i like to merc in low+/med clans but going to lan? no thx
ask fanatic and ska heard they avi!
GL guys
avi, but probably not for lan, gl
Goodluck Toogs
July gaming-eSports Lan Team
best option atm !
- We have sposnored entrance fee, with some additional sponsoring also available (contact for more info)

give you 1 week and u won't : P anyway gl
Ovie and me!
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