Nbs Brink is recruiting

image: 4zw4ls

After our mainpublic server reached rank 20 on the list of gameservers in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and our 2nd public is going the same way, NBS is now expanding their community to Brink!

Nbs(Nothing But Skillz) is a Wolfenstein Enemy Territory ETPRO clan with many members, multiple scrimteams, 2 warservers and 2 very popular public servers.
As we intend to grow even further not only as a clan but as an entire gamingcommunity, we are expanding to the new game Brink and our first public server is a fact! ( Our serverip:
At the moment there's already some members of Nbs ET division that'll come with us on this journey, but there's never enough!

Are you a Brink player interested in a well organized clan with active servers and even more active members/admins, then look no further!
Come see us on www.nbs-clan.com and post your application now!

What do we offer:
Low ping public servers plus warservers, with experienced admins to take care of them.
A nice looking website with an active forum that is kept up to date on a daily base.
Nice and fair admins that are not too serious, but can be when needed.
A teamspeak server with 50 slots.

What can you expect from Nbs in Brink:

Public servers aswell as Warservers with low pings and good and up to date configs. ( Our serverip:
A rapidly growing membersbase with a solid organisation.
Skilled members, we live up to our name ofcourse.

What are we looking for:
A mix of the following:
Mature players that know how to have fun in a game, but can be serious when needed. (Note: Maturity doesn't mean 18/21+ only, maturity is more than age alone)
Active players, since we want to get our servers to the top and we want to keep the fun inside the clan at the highest level, activity is a must!(You do not
have to be online 24/7 but being off for several weeks without notice is not appreciated!
Skilled players, we do not say you need to be supergood, but we do want people that know their way around the maps, know the teamplay and have a decent aim.

We are at the moment still also looking for admins for Brink, if are you interested in becoming Recruiter or maybe even Server Admin of the Nbs Brink division,
let us know when you apply immediately!

Still not convinced? Contact us at:

Website: www.nbs-clan.com
xfire: Tiropag / Bloodelf99
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Steam: BasA1991 / Mitchell99
Wolfenstein servers: /

Nbs Brink to the top!

Thanks anyway ;p

We'll carry on here ^^
gl bitches !
Thanks major bitchsupporter :)
That's my rank yeah.
thanks tamjee from wooooooooooo
Thanks, thanks Tamjee too :)
ill thank him for you ;) ^^
Hehe, im too tired to reply twice the same thing, even my english is getting worse atm ;p
cool story bro
Thanks my fanboy :) May consider becoming a writer :)
never heard of you but ok gl with your server
Same goes for u but yet u call me bro :)
1 - 0 for Woooooo :$
ye 1-0 now get back to our shoutbox and answer me damnit xD
I suck at replying.
vind je ? Ik vind het meer zakelijk
Ik ben altijd gezellig, ook als ik zakelijk ben. Bier onder de vergadering, np.
Bieeeerrrr onder de vergadering +1
Binnenkort maar ff een staffmeeting regelen dan maar weer he, bedrijfsuitjes alles, hoort er allemaal bij! Op kosten van de bitchsupporter uiteraard. Of eigenlijk van de Financieel manager, gauw ff rank aanmake en iemand daarop neerzette..
Financieel manager mhh, dat lijkt mij wel iets voor HunteR..
Staffmeeting moet zeker een x weer geregeld worden, hebben weer veel te bespreken ;)
nothing but shit
they havent asked about your skills 8D :P
gl wooooooooooooooooooooooooo
no wonder for rank 20 since u have no cheat protection.
Just becauwe we do not run slac or pb doesn't mean we don't have cheatprotection :) I can assure you with the scripts we use we've lowered the amount of cheaters by 95%, the other 5% must be taken care of manually by banning/kicking but mostly the problem still is namechanging nabs whom go around our namechanger script..
i sure wanna see how this scripts u mention works :))

and why your 2nd server which i see is slac protected ,dont appear on slac list on the sl-anticheat.com ?
you may ask our scripter for those then ;)

our 2nd server is not slac supported, so maybe thats why :P

our slacpub is the 3rd pub we've opened but we're still coding/scripting more stuff for it, we're working on a new kind of adminmod aswell to make sure we can handle anyone anytime.

Not sure why it's not on the list on sl-anticheat yet though but it soon will be, plus posted on these forums
if u check trackbase.net u gonna see nbs#2 saying it has slac protection.i m sure pretty much amazed of this coder that done your scripts.in other words he is as good as chaplja since he made an anticheat,right?http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverlist

now let s make a simple test:put slac ,real slac on this 2 servers and i guarantee u gonna have 90 procent of your population banned.word
Maybe because we started out with the 2nd server on slac, I dunno really.. but it doesn't have slac atm.

Well he didn't make an anticheat but he has many scripts loaded that take out certain cvar settings or even programs being used with ET, ofc not all can be taken out but most of the noob aimbotters/wallhackers are still gone anyway. Those that do know how to handle a cheat will be able to get around them but still, many just don't care the effort ;p

Thing is, just because there is no pb or slac on the server, everyone looks at anyone as a cheater in the first place, I've been called wallhacker/aimbotter many many times in my pub, though anyone that knows me know I'm just low+ or so but I can have my good moments, same goes for many others. The whining nabs in the server are a lot worse than the actual cheaters. Since we've got many admins aswell that take care of atleast the obv ones, I'm sure we've easily downgraded the amount of cheaters already.

I won't put slac on either one of the 2 pubservers, but I did make a 3rd slac, so like I said, for those that care about slac only can go there. Doesn't really change much anyway since people will still be calling eachother slachackers then.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a Brink Recruiting topic :P
yea mate ok good luck and watch out for some of your members who s buying ddos programs from coders forums to have some fun.a small tip for u to be more carefoully what admins u recruit in your clan
If you know something, please inform me :)
I've already found out that 1 admin was using some sort of programm to trash the logs, he's subnet banned :)

Though, it doesn't really matter whether they're in the clan or not for that matter :P
Nbs.Stary? the level 5 admin?

Or just Star?

If it's just Star it's a faker that likes to annoy
idk what level he has ,all i know is that he is romanian
That's our Stary indeed, but I have no clue what he must be doing then, haven't noticed him doing anything really..
ask drovage,if the prick still have the balls to admit what he told me as well.about stuff star is doing when he is not nice and chill
u seem that u understood me wrong.i did not told u star is ddosing your server,i said he bought ddos program from hacking forums.what he is doing with ddos ask drovage,cause if i know he bought this programs i know from drovage.and with all the respect believe me or not i dont give a fuck,but star is a pathetic fuckin kid,and drovage is not far away either.good luck with retards in your clan
So fut pe mata in gura cu bucati de pula de'un metru, tu vrei sa mori in mortii matii de incompetent sau sa plangi iar pe la YCN ca nu iti merg serverele futemas in mata de tigan borat, ai cu 2 clasa mai mult ca trenu si suferi in spatele monitorului n-ai coaie sa-mi raspunzi la telefon si ii dai lu drovage adrese false muritiar mata'n puscarie de drogat. De nu mori tu de mori tu de mana mea mare noroc ;)
sa mor de mana ta?suna ma cu numar normal nu privat si iti raspund .ai adresa mea.daca te dai asa rotund,de ce il pui pe drovage sa caute pe google maps adresa mea.cat de prost sa fii sa crezi ca imi gasesti adresa pe google?.tu stai in bucuresti,la cat de smecher pretinzi a fi ,nu ar fi mare lucru pentru tine sa vii in pitesti.asa ca nu vad de ce ma injuri aici ,cand ai putea sa o faci fata in fata.dar bineinteles,esti doar un bididiu retardat ,fatat de mata din laba de la un aurolac de bucuresti,si nu te tine pizda aia decat pe net,in viata reala esti pisat in vant.de ce nu ma cauti baga mi as pula in tine de bididiu?iti recomand sa iei cartea de telefon din pitesti vita ce esti si sa vezi ca adresa e reala.ce sa mai ne lungim mult pe net.stii unde stau ,fa mi o vizita si ti arat cine sunt.pana atunci,taci in mortii matii
Esti un tigan la 50 de kile care cica vine cu "tough guys" daca se i-a cnva de el o sa vedem :PP
copile....termina sa faci pe durul pe internet.ai ceva de lamurit cu mine,fa o fata in fata.pana acum vad ca esti bun doar de gura,in viata reala nu ai demonstrat nimic inca.daca sunt doar un tigan de 50 de kile de ce nu vii sa mi o tragi in fata,sa mi arati cat de tare esti?eu inca mai sper ca o sa ma vizitezi.pana atunci,du te si suge i pula lu tactu mai mult,sa poti cumpara hackuri de pe net sa te dai rotund

QuoteExperienced admins

gl ,nice servers and admins
full of cheaters gl
Server is empty atm? :) ty for ur goodluck wishes tho
Hey Bas :)
Best Brink server for ET players :DD
nice nickname
Thanks, so many girls screamed it during sex I thought I'd take it into ET.
Typical virgin
I know right :$
Server rank raising!
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