bgt & harmony need 1

as the topic already says we need 1 guy to play some offis/ladders/cups during the summer.. not too serious, just be avi 1-2 times a week

What we expect from u:

- from Europe
- a cool guy
- be good
- know atleast 1 of us

leave a message here or join #5s and /q bgt

thx for reading, have a nice day

image: hot-bikini-girl
i think a canarie is less yellow than her teeth.
ur gay or what??! :D

if u see that pic u look @ teeth?? WTF
or he is not nerd enough to drop his can of cola in amazement cause of a pair of tits.
gl Harmony

wie wärs mit dir?^^
Maybe im avi :S
btw pixel is rly noob
Gl Harmony!! :{D
thx man :DDD

ur playin again?
yes sumtimes :D
gl bgt m8
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