Nbs servers: Lay-Out and Ideas

Hello Crossfire,

Nothing But Skillz is reorganising their servers. We currently have 3 Pub servers running, but this will be increased to 5 soon.

We want a new 'lay-out' for our servers (servername), so if anyone has some ideas for a nice server name, it would be great if you could share.

At the moment we have this:
ETPro#1: No Obj, vote maps
ETPro#2: Obj on, maprotation
ETPro#3: No Obj, vote maps

We will get 2 extra servers and I want to know what the comminity wants.

We are currently thinking about:
ETPro#1: No Obj, vote maps
ETPro#2: Obj, maprotation (Supply, Adler, Goldrush, Deli, Frost, Bremen, Radar, Erdenberg)
ETPro#3: No Obj, vote maps
ETPro#4: Obj, maprotation (Supply, Adler, Goldrush, Deli, B4, Pirates)

And as 5th we are think about an Hide and Seek server.

We will not make an slac server, because that will not work, we tried it but stopped about a month ago because of low server utilisation.

So we need your opinion/ideas about:
Server name (with Nbs in it ofc)
The maprotations (or no rotation at all?)
What we can do with our 5th sever (Hide and Seek or something else?)

Thanks in advance
HunteR www.nbs-clan.com

NBC (nothing but cheats) Server
Thanks for the hate,

But I can say we are working on our own anti-cheat, and have a long ip ban list. I dont say its all clean, but we are def working on it and its getting better and better.

Slac = no utilisation and PB = Lag, less hitboxes, kicks for useless things and still easy to cheat.
it's so hard to get a new ip..
It's not really hate and I don't accuse people of cheating very often at all and don't even whine at the people that are cheating but in my time playing ET I have mostly been a pub player and nbs although not a bad server I have never saw so many people so obvious.

Whilst the cheaters on the server are pretty shit at the game anyway "can't even kill you seeing you through a wall 5 seconds before you see them" it's just the plain fact they have more of an advantage than you and actually think there good at the game.

I also think the admins at the very least should use SLAC so it proves they are clean and shows a good example and can help them see whose using SLAC on the server so it's a little more easy for them to ban cheaters.
Our admins have PB on cuz of the adminlevel, slac does not support this.

Ref by password is disabled and rcon is too strong to give out to random admins.

Admins ban by commands which is given by adminlevels.

We would surely be glad to get more help from people to keep the cheaters away, but what most people do is just whine about it instead of trying to help or anything, not saying you are.
enable ref and tell ur hacker admins to use slac
Man, you d better watch your admins : yesterday, an admin kicked a random delivery tunnel rifler because he had 600 dmg given and 100 dmg received. THE FUCK. Do you think this is a behaviour etpro players expect from etpro admins ? You should give the right to kick to 3 or 4 members max and tell your admins not to mute because of swearing lol this is not jaymod this is etpro, everyone swears, whines, insults, deal with it...
On the other hand, a Baserace server would be awesome
Nbs Frag World

and best would be if u get as 5th server a Baserace only server. so we can play baserace 24/7 as we know baserace is the most awesome map in ET
Hmm baserace sounds fun :D

But 24/7, I dont know, I dont think there will be enough players in the server. But we will keep it in mind and might try it :)

Thanks for the ideas
just get a server with maps which are not played normally, like all the "jaymod" maps, minas thirit, baserace, northpole etc etc
and it would be awesome to get a server without map rotation which got the levels available so ppl who play for longer can get akimbos like back in the days at 2.55
please maprotation on every server, is way more enjoyable!
I personally agree with you, but we have to look at the opinion of the most, and there are lots of ppl that love to play deli/supply 24/7 :)
no offense but, if ur server is full is mainly cuz u have no AntiCheat. Better put slac and try to get ppl in there by staying some hours.
we did, it just wont work. You also see this at other servers, like Crossfire public and gamefrog. They try and are great servers but still its not enough. BiO is only very active SLAC server and dont ask me why, but it seems other servers just dont work.
well, then u will still have a server full of cheating fags. Far worse than an empty server.
I once got kicked because i said that the members and admins should use slac,
If one of our members it abusing, just make a screen and show it to an higher admin so we can deal with it. Posting on CF isnt solving anything.
it was a long time ago as i said once like 1 month ago.
It's so easy to call everyone a cheater since there is no 'real' cheatprotection on the servers. Just because there aint no Slac nor PB on it doesn't make every single pubber a cheater, thing is, most people are just so damn full of themselves they think that every damn time they get killed/owner on a pubserver without cheatprotection, the other guy MUST be cheating.

Cheaters aint the problem, accusers are.

People should whine less and frag more.

People get accused without being specced or whatsoever, I play on the pub for 1~hour and I get accused of wallhacking or whatsoever 3-4 times and the people that know me, know I am not even that good. Cheatprotection may help against this surely, but we've got our own kinds and we've got a shitload of people listed on our lists that are surely NOT able to get back on. Getting a new ip doesn't really help, only for the normal bans, not for the stronger ones.

In the end it's about having fun, even when there is 1 cheater, there's nearly never a cheater on so obvious he ruins the game for everyone and if so, that will be taken care off pretty quickly as most pubbers play with us often and have got our xfires.

We try our best to keep the servers clean, people like you that can only complain instead of seeing how hard we work for it are ignorant.

We are providing the most active etpro servers of the few ones around and we even ask the community what they want on the servers, yet all you do is complain? Don't like it, don't play it. There's probably 1-2 other 'active' etpro's.
too long, didnt read. Cant believe u wrote such a stupid text brick to prove the most obvious thing in that server. Anyway, i doubt u admit it, so no more replies from me here.
You just agreed that people like you are useless, thanks. The whole text was more of a normal reply rather than a reply towards you, you just brought it up once again ^^
lol ur so wrong
nbs is full of cheaters u blind?
U willing to help get rid of them?
hm nop, i barely play pubs anyways, a decent solution for ur prob is slac, the prob : it kills ur server, so basically there is nothing to be done imo., u can either keep a server with cheaters or put slac and run n empty server most time.
Why care if u don't play anyway? Like I said before, it's not like it's such a cheatersheaven the servers are unplayable. There's only those few that actually can fuckup a game for some but they are taken care off fast enough.
nah man, it rlly depends tbh also as some other ppl also pointed: ur admins,
last time i went to nbs i was there for 1 hour and there was this random awesome player called "butchjiderko" but ofc no slac, and hacking freely on ur server, 4 ppl went spec, told one of the nbs there he hacking , and he said : ugh its highplayer not hacker stfu no whine
so i just left : )
We're looking into the admins and their rights atm :)
Maprotation would be nice but I would love to see not only custom maps in it .I personaly get fast bored when I play only custom maps.And perhaps a Trickjump or Headshot server (not insta gib).
Same here, I dislike TJ though, we had a TJ server already but had low utilisation aswell.
HS server I do like, or Purefrag sorta, we'll just have to look into what the best settings would be.

The 'oldskool' server would be cool aswell with levels given to players, but again, we won't just run anything as we do want to keep it as close to etpro as possible, skill is everything ;)
There are already enough headshots servers.
lol rlly i dont think any1 cares about the cheat server
for the 5th server, just run all the suggestions 2 weeks and then look on the average player amount during these weeks and then choose the suggestion with most players.

Suggestions: BaseRace,Headshot,Original maps,Jaymod maps, etc.
actually i think it's nice having nopb, there's just as much cheaters as in pb servers if not less. and tbh, people who claim there's nothing but cheaters wattafuk cheaters are rare, atleast noticable cheaters that abuse their cheats 0DX=D if u added slac-addon it would be dead empty cos ET is dead enough. good the way it is, cheaterfree enough =)

1) dont kick me anymore, get into know what's possible without cheats and whats not
2) rename servers to make it clearer, e.g. NBS etpro #1, #2 etc, instead of NBsETpro#3, NBSETPRO!!!!!!! etc, those looks ridicilous
I have an idea. Why don't you remove 99% of your members for being whining cunts... THEN you can look at changing the servers :)
A lot of whining cunts and none of them caught me cheating yet. And no, I don't even try to hide it.
I've been kicked for "wh" or "aimbot" off of their servers several times... AND I AM A BAD PLAYER
I surely would love that, but as I gave mSc and Swkippy full charge over the ET division I am not going to do it.

Anyway, we're here for suggestions on the server, not the clan. Plus, suggestions do not always have to be with hate in it.
It is a server suggesting. How Can I possibly play on a server when your members are bitching at me and kicking me for cheating?
I don't know :D but I will surely look into it. I'm all about only a few admins with actual rights to kick/ban but some others aren't.

I'll try to get a better organisation in the whole 'higher' adminstaff.
You could try one slac server orjaymod maps or baserace...
Make ranks available only 30 ammos at public sucks :s
The world seems to be upside down!!
We could surely try a Nbs Slacpublic once again, but it sucks to pay for a server that's empty most of the time.

If we'd pub slac on, we would look into it what the best config and all would be for the server, like maprotation or not and which maps then if we do.

We'll discuss about it.
don't know why everyone's whining about cheaters, there aren't that much, at least when i'm playing on your servers.
for the 5th server, you could put different cfgs on it, like h&s, panzer, sniper, etc, so people could vote and choose the cfg they want.
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