ET problem

Hello CF fellows,

I've got some shitty problem while playin, basically whats happening is et freezing in the moment of constucting CP or any other objective. It last only for a second or so. I know it was mentioned before, but I seem to be unable to find it.

Thanks in advance, take care : )
no problemo.
is the announcer making it freeze? guess you could turn off that sound somehow, wouldnt be too good though
dunno how to fix this rly, id just copy pak0/1/2.pk3 from a fresh install, maybe theyre corrupt
Yea it is announcer. Turning sound off is not an option.
what zeddd said might already be the actual problem but just to make sure, can u give us some details on ur pc specs? processor and ram would be interesting to know.
Well I already excluded hardware/software (drivers etc.) malfunction, because it was okay like 2 weeks ago. It starts to happen just recently.
so it is only the announcer? if so then simply use cg_announcer 0 and it should be solved.
Well cg_announcer does not turn off these sounds :D
maybe some of ur drivers? sound card,exec ET as admin...
no fix for that, is just a random unlucky shit , when happened to me my solution was: reinstall win7
but it doesnt work for my friend who has same problem so for me it became a matter of luck, since no1 ever came with a real "solution" when ppl post this on cf.
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