weapon switch

Hello everyone,

i got this stupid auto action in ET, if i walk around with any weapon medpacks ammo or whatever if i pickup a weapon its suddnly switches to it... like i go around with knife pickup mp40 and then its changes to mp40 i dont know why probably im just to lazy to figure it out so help me !

is there not a command with autoswitchweapon or smth ?
isn't this command related to no ammo?
Can't really remember :F
probably what walle said tho !
cg_autoswitch 0
check your autoexec.cfg in the etpro folder for the following command "cg_autoswitch" and switch from "1" to "0".
Should be cg_autoswitch 0.
But thats for that when you run out of the ammo.
But I dont remeber.
sounds somewhat cool tbh :D
seta cg_autoReload "0"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"
You noticed early.
thanks alot :)
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