Cheating with slac/tzac?

i just played vs some hacker(s) - polish ofc - and he was obviously hacking even with slac/tzac

please tell me how it is possible... i came back believing and hoping there won't be hackers anymore
if u dont believe just play against hC clan....
kiding me ;s
1 year, 2 months and 23 days

What do u expect. Prolly some wich just started playing :P
tzac is based on silent detection so u are able to hack on it but on next day u gonna have to make new account to play, thats why every1 above 23k+ tzac number is possibly a cheater
idd, was hoping i wouldnt have to write this myself lol
it does insta kicks on obvious hacks (public bullshit)
you're just low and paranoid

tzac saved et and its uncrackable
im just asking, not posting results :)
Quote- polish ofc -

lold hard
learn to play fucktard
afraid of your real nationality and silently covering your hacking mates... good tactics, kinda lame tho
You're kidding me right? This guy is extremely shit.
i know... i like to make jokes about polish :D
says a guy who gets carried every offi by asslicked "highskiller" and never saw bottle of vodka
Ye you're totally right! I do get carried! According to them and the scores, I don't. However, i didn't need to cheat to play at a med- level, shows how pathetic and much of a joke you are. You little ugly polish faggot.

Ye never seen a bottle of vokda, coz im such a nerd nerding 24/7, but i forgot that your the coolest guy on the block! NOT NERDING 24/7 AN HAVING A REAL LIFE. Not, fucking retard rofl. Hurry up and die of cancer like your mother, you inbred twat.

seems u are so mad about internet rotfl
You clearly dont know me nor know what mad is then xd
he just does not speak english... in poland they teach kids how to steal and suck life out of other countries
They also teach them how to commit suicide because their nation is a joke, and so are their lives.
I'll take you back for that, nigga.
yeyeyey cu @ lan oh wait
Finally I like one of your comments.
They were quite obvious yesterday, altho I didn't really thought of them as cheaters. Tho considering what you just told me, I wouldn't be suprised at all if they wh'd.
Quote coming back with better hax?
did you take the guids so u can check whether they get banned or not?

if they dont get banned in a few weeks, they were probably(99%) clean
The great thing about hackers is that they know shit about the game and that they are so easy to out-brain that they are still no match.
"Even with hax he sucks hard!" When you actually got bashed by him but did not want to admit it since it was done in an illegal way
Weren't true in the past, guess it isn't now either.
maybe you lack the brain as well then.
I don't care if someone hacks or not i'll still own them :)

last guy being busted by slac at et

I guess he turned it off or sthm :D
The embarrassing part is that that zorki couldn't even get the flag in supply
thats fun when it happens
well there is a problem on Cheaters list, sometimes show UNK but if u click u can see if it's cod or ET
unk is returin cheaters
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Now i know.
np for u, saw u outaiming an aimbotter in your youtube videos.

im your fan <3
thought the same :p clip of him playing quake was kinda nice as well.
wasn't cheats, just focus and concentration
#lotte.priv (fintards globally) are also fucking cheaters.
wasn't cheats, just focus and concentration
OR your shit yourself with slac :X
tzac should disable accounts of still banned people on cb/esl whatever else.
Posted by Bozar

stopped reading right there
haha get a life nerdy shit... ur a shame of my country
wow GOD replied to my comment
did you play vs zAAba if yes, he cheats.
i didnt play et for long time
nobody really can distinguish cheat actions from some highskill plays and i doubt you're exception
It's not impossible. Although I agree that one action alone isn't enough to judge, the overall play however.
what i mean when people suspected me hardly anybody had a clue about what's doable without cheats and what's not. it's not impossible for sure but so very rare, don't know anybody besides me who does that :( perhaps killerboy?!
I'm pretty good at spotting cheats, imo. :p
ppl stopped suspecting you after they saw how shit you're in real formats :D!
its like a football playeer adapting to icehockey me going 3on3 -> 5on5 :l
yeah that is true actually, moving from 3on3 to 6o6 ( or 5on5 w/e ) is weird if you haven't got a substantial amount of experience with that format. Of course having good team mates will help out a lot.
the difference is absolutely huge i've noticed :[ a guy like me who has played 3o3 and only 3on3 for like 6 years just can't adapt to 6o6 very well in short notice and the same goes 6o6 players going may isnt that bad with a team carrying but a 3on3 dominator might be just an average player in 5o5/6o6 =)
i think thats a lot of crap... when ur good ur good, otherwise u suck :)
mAus is good but not in 3on3. 6on6 players suck in 3on3 so i dont see why it wouldn't go other way around
i would like to see that... but in 3v3 u have to be a good tracker coz its a lot about duels... in 6v6 u have to aim very fast coz u play vs more people.. but good players usually dont have such a big difference in these two things
it's not about aim, aiming itself is the same in every format.. what makes the real difference is map knowledge, 6on6 players dont have a clue how to play 3on3 sw_gr for example, the basic game dynamics and fundamentals are also different in 6o6/3o3 in which you need a huge amount of practice to get a grip of
i dont agree... its individual, the aim is different and game sense aswell and its up to every player how flexible, smart and overall skilled he is

but otherwise i agree with u, just the ratio does not fit imo
either way i dont think it's possible to perform the same in 3on3/6on6 if you're only experienced in 3on3 for instance. no matter how talented/flexible/skilled you are =P it's all different with diff individuals of course, maybe it's harder for an aggressive 3on3 player like me to adapt to 6o6.. and the difference between 3o3/6o6 specialists is not really that huge, it's just those small mistakes in gameplay you notice, like 6on6 players taking cov in sw_gr cp stage when attacking
There are some really old demos of him playing 3on3 (like in 2006) watch them, he's definitely not bad at 3on3 as he's more of a defensive aimer, which is quite handy for 3on3 imo. :O)
i've seen some and seemed like he was kinda lost and was making silly calls etc :f it's not like aimer like him wouldn't be handy for most of the teams but if he was dedicated to 3o3 he could be pretty awesome =)
Cheating with slac/tzac?
Posted by Bozar

stopped reading after that
75% of "obvious" actions can be made of sound,brain or just preshooting to make sure

true statistics
:DDD true, but come on... they r polish
no i owned them, but still got pretty pissed of coz i hoped that u cant cheat at tzac
hax to the max
ahhhhhh these polaks
polish ofc

Uninstal ET retard
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