#TAG.et looking for two

image: cbtag1

Since Netherlands Sensor is tired of maplestory he is considering of playing some very serious business ET games.

Our current lineup
Netherlands Sensor
Netherlands Toiva
Flanders Bobot
United Kingdom med1xza

We dont plan on playing anything serious for now,just some 'mixes' in the evening
- we speak english all the time
- we can play a couple of games a week

What we are looking for
- 3 or 4 semi active players who want to play some ET
- experience in oc permier / EC
- know anyone of us

image: 07-minister
"Our initial assessment is that they will all die!"
would go for filuS aphesia clown

I guess if they wanted they would have asked directly without making forum post
just looking for three, maybe even four people who want to play TAG mixes. I thought the easiest way was to just make a post and see if there was anybody interested in playing some ET again.
I was just saying that if you had anyone of these three in mind you would ask them directly since they are online pretty often and all are idling on #tag.et channel
talking about yourself in 3rd person = crazy

I am craaaaazy!
+1 silent was like wtf after reading this
god knows :$
welcome back overdrive !!!
pls I am avi as rifle 2days per week :DDDD
pls give me a chance :x
Gonna boost this thread up with some random pic

image: PC%20BBQ
medixza dirty scum
I see some nexus players in here!
take koop!

no homo

e: don't really take koop
overdrive zLoL!
sounds like a job for Netherlands Anox
gl, avi sometimes
medixza stopped tryharding quake?
more like FFAharding
on zhe v ctf ebashil s "..." (dots)
No way! Playing TDM and FFA loads :)
avi sometimes
Sensor whats ur IGN on EMS? :_D
wb overdrive & gl :-)
yeah, take oc prem winner buzzer!
We lost! Eh :(
GL overdrive <3
gl lads
Sounds good to me! I'm in private channel, let me know if I am required to re-install windows.
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