Crossfire ET Guide
One of the key objectives for Crossfire 4 is to make it a more welcoming place to new players. You may say this is too little too late, but you'd be surprised how well the words ET Download and their variations do on Google.
We intend to launch a complete guide for someone downloading the game, from install, the classes, public mods, clans, tournaments, ETTV & Shoutcast, trickjumping, configs etc. The goal is to back up that process with some public servers from noob up to pro, in addition to supporting TZAC.
The initial ET guide (which FYI probably will launch after CF4), will need to be brilliant and detailed. It is far too large a task for just one person to write so I am hoping that the Crossfire admins that are involved could rely on some support from willing writers within the community. You'd be required to write one complete section, for example you'd be assigned the 'Field Op' section or something of that nature.
If you're willing and able to lend your time over the Christmas period this would be most appriciated and you'd be doing ET a huge favour. If for example we are able to convert just 600 of the people downloading ET (of which there are tens of thousands on a monthly basis) that would be 100 new clans and a completely new breath of life into the competitive scene.
Please reply below with your interest and suggested area, we'll use google docs for collaberative working so please make sure you've a google account.
We intend to launch a complete guide for someone downloading the game, from install, the classes, public mods, clans, tournaments, ETTV & Shoutcast, trickjumping, configs etc. The goal is to back up that process with some public servers from noob up to pro, in addition to supporting TZAC.
The initial ET guide (which FYI probably will launch after CF4), will need to be brilliant and detailed. It is far too large a task for just one person to write so I am hoping that the Crossfire admins that are involved could rely on some support from willing writers within the community. You'd be required to write one complete section, for example you'd be assigned the 'Field Op' section or something of that nature.
If you're willing and able to lend your time over the Christmas period this would be most appriciated and you'd be doing ET a huge favour. If for example we are able to convert just 600 of the people downloading ET (of which there are tens of thousands on a monthly basis) that would be 100 new clans and a completely new breath of life into the competitive scene.
Please reply below with your interest and suggested area, we'll use google docs for collaberative working so please make sure you've a google account.
CF4 will have a dedicated page for ET downloads, and one section will be to *learn* ET.
New players will be redirected to this page, and the ET guide is meant to help them to start playing and not getting completely owned.
This idea comes from a long-time favourite website of mine:
We can reuse a LOT from this website. Also, the ET wiki can come in handy:
Many etpro players (even good ones) can only crouch, go left-right and shoot, which makes them very easy to kill. It would be beneficial to both eventual newcomers and actual players
I'm not that interested in writing about the basics of ET for the new players (again) as I think that anyone who has good knowledge of the game and writes decent english can do it. However I could definitely write about some sections of competitive gaming when you're starting up with the guides for more advanced players.
like :if ur teammate is low hp kill him and revive him instead of medpacks
if u are with an engi , let him first so u can revive him
something about movement: like when u jump move ur mouse so u can jump longer(need to be explained better than i did)
how to time a nade for spawnkilling ,
etc :D
nothing close to the "rain of brain by eujenlol"
Can make some video if needed.
+ et download button
Suggestions to keep it simple or userfriend you could setup some wiki or wikia to help with that!
hehehhehehe love u straym8 <3 xx
etc.. :P
[img]dafuq snape[/img]
lure me with some cookies and i will do it
I could also put some beginner manual in for those who want to learn to trickjump but I don't think it's useful to learn it from paper. It should be learned ingame.
as long as it's not landmines i suppose
but i welcome your idea to make it easier for beginners to join ET. My point was just related to the competitive scene.
(not that i share the optimism, but it COULD work, at least in theory)
with some real awesome tutorials and other resources to improve
edit: and not just mess but to be a better player
Pretty much okay aim is enough to be med skilled.
not that they wouldnt be of help to people, but they will never be accurate enough either to be worth publishing imo (game changing constantly, and the millions of things that need to be considered)
hoe is het ginder in ierland?
Like explaining every cmd/cvar you can write in your cfg... some are explained, some not.
As newbie i would ask myself: Do i need this cmd? What does it? etc
Explain how spread works and in which ways (turnspread, jumpspread, spread on ladders and stairs)
How to throw grenades faster as normal.
Show that it is important to stand in the right angles in front of your enemy, that it gives you an advantage.
Tell how the connection works and why you can land a hit while you aiming behind the player model you can actually see.
how to abort a panzerfaust shot.
a tiny cross is easier to use then a dot.
/timescale while connecting (what is it, does it really work)
using push in fight
using pistol b4 out of ammo/overheating
you can turn your body while constructing to watch your back
using fops and covops more/better in general
mouse configurations!!! (what are mAus, azatej, butchji, phyzic, nuggan etc requirements to get such a good aim basically [maybe interviews])
rifle tutorial
how the console works!! extremely important for newbs!
you mast win OC or EC first :)
(only oc prem winners... not lower divisions)
ps. could be that they stopped giving it to teams that won oc prem at the end of 2009... they told us smth about it, that it wasnt fair that EC winnng teams & OC prem winning teams got the same prize..
maybe i am thinking faster than the switching :PPPP
Settings timescale to 100 makes your game connect to server faster than normally. Just connect to full server with timescale 1 and open console, then set timescale to 100 and open console and you see how much faster your game is trying to retry connects on server. ( Everytime 'Server is full' line pops up you are retrying connect on server. )
on the other side, you can put a number like 1000. answers the server on all these requests?
?? :D
Possibly indepth piece on a certain class, or talking through certain maps (e.g. supply) and explaining what the allies and axis have to do. (I could do this like a video tutorial, which I prefer, rather than writing it all)
If that's something you want to introduce into the beginner pack?
- play rtcw
Howto gib?
- play rtcw
Howto control spread?
- play rtcw
After a couple of matches of those you'll be amazed with the progress.
If you plan to make some translations english<->french let me know it.
I also can help you with those subjects :
- How to create a successful clan (registration on ladders, practices, irc channel and blablabla)
- How to enjoy GTV "fully" (how to synchronize a shoutcast with ettv, how to open it, how to request a gtv coverage,...)
- I could also get some audio interviews of "known" players as I did in the past to teach some stuffs to newcomers.
I'm kinda open minded concerning ET, feel free to /q Francis (FRANCIS offline) @quakenet or pmme on cf (i have gmail if needed)
ET will come back if etpro gets better in my opinion.
The question is, will TZAC still be there...
this could come in handy if a german wants to translate. its a weapon analasys.
Skill comes with experience, not a tutorial.
Web server browser
Built in chat/warfinder (maybe ETgather IRC box? on all pages)
Invite friends with maybe a Facebook account link with ability to post to their profile (hello coders).
Get some posters on the go in your local area, someone make a nice poster with information on it, people print it off and stick it in random areas like toilets, shopping centres etc...
Especially for beginners! Ive been trying to get a load of new player to download et and start gaming (ask Owzo) however none of them actually stay playing just because they are getting Owned too much and there are no more low skilled scrims around anymore.
It's really hard to get new et players to stay! What servers would you advise them to start on?
I'll try that, thanks!
but i already knew 99% of that :( still very helpful!
learned many things from this, and its not totally gimmicy stuff either :P
CVAR list like this one by antman but even more thorough and with more screenshots / videos explaining what they do.
With maybe some implemented cfg's already (ie: your own, Xylos', a starter one,...)
Anyway, I would like to help.
P.S. I'v done ET Tutorial Pack ( but imo the result isn't that good. I mean, my english isn't perfect(+ didn't planned anything what to talk, just mic on and talk), config maybe too dark(should be neutral at videos), and little bit too rushed after all. But there are some nice ideas what to include to this new tutorial pack.
Also, I'v made this:
Mayne we can use it as it is, or change/add something.