savage clezz

because the other threads have failed, its here once again :]

he is searching for a clan ready to compete in EC
he is UBERSKILLED and active
can speak swedish and english
and he is fucking clean

pm him @ #disposable
gl din jaevla
good player!, but im better

gl savage :D
gl bög:D
savage <--- clean?
fo sho
why else would he spam that he is clean
I hope he doesnt find a clan, people who believe he is clean are soo naive.
savage sucks.
he cant make his own threads? owow
tornis taught him all he knows...
really nice player..he is clean i played with him..take him he owns
" because the other threads have failed" FU!

gL savage <3
jij was naakt en had een erectie je liep tegen de muur en je had een gebroken neus!!
kakkerlak :<
nice guy , take him

Hallo Savage <3
gL savage <3
its maybe france peeps are the only who eat froglegs :>
(or have the idea to cook froglegs :>)
we are also recruiting 1 rifle mid/high

<3 :)
p & l
nice one mtvman
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