zZz in need

Since we split up with the hungarians, we are in need of 2 main players & 1 backup to finish EC and maybe more. You should be able to play on a decent level... We need 1 medic, 1 engi + backup player ...tryouts will be on Thursday! for more infos msg me or xcon here on cf or query us on irc

Denmark xcon
Finland toNi
Germany znArk
Hungary Nonix
EC 2 much pressure for them
good luck :9
wow.. what happend?

after the EC qualies was done, i have seen 3 or 4 teams searching for a new 6th, or in ur case.. a new 4th, 5th & 6th.

its said that the teams that fought for EC spot starts breaking up once they got it:(

gl finding ur replacements tho!
:D Har været lang tid undervejs... Forskellige ting, men gider ikk uddybe her ;)
og tak :)
det forstår jeg.

der var synd å høre uansett.

Håper dere rekker å få på plass en lu før vår offi på søndag!
HAHA, norska och danska asssåååååå :D
Has been a long time coming ... Different things, but don't go into here ;) and thank you
multilanguage superstar;)
violy !

Hope you can make it , want to ask you till when we can play the offi so i think its going to be 100% on sunday?

GL Diggah!
znArk moly is avi I heard :P
gl statti or stexx :P
gl xcon!
possibly avi
:( u makez me sads
Dave, u know what we need to do.
1, Admins should remove you... please, half of the team is out, wtf? There must be a more worthy TEAM which have stable line-up. Nothing against you, but EC should be something "bigger" :D
2, Where did the almighty huns go?:o
its not like we wanted to see things happen like this, we rly tried over weeks to keep this lineup..but as you can see...it didnt worked...
yea, its not your fault. but a wouldnt let a "half" team play in the most important tournament.. If EC still means that :D but gl with finding strong ppl
will do, dont worry :)
avi, can't tryout but tryouts are for maybe/maybe not people anyway ":D". Gonna get my comp back asap and then avi to tryhard.
nonix will stay so only need 2 guys and backup :-)
lol u keep the biggest rambo :P
gl my lovely freind :)

cu at the battlefield arrrrrrr! :P
gl toni and znark good players :)
gl, nice team :)
Actually you need a new whole team.
Why don't you give the spot to another team and you join them..
but if you're in EC you need an strong Line up also teamplay..... well Good luck!
gl med at finde folk, :)
gl! Hope you get a smart player :)
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