Finlantic6 need support


During the last weeks we've put tons of effort in contacting all the top organizations we could think of, but despite our well prepared presentation and professional approach none of the organizations have been interested. Now there's only one month left until the LAN and Sunday is the deadline for payment so I thought I'd try to find support this way.

We have already booked and paid our flights and got the trip well planned so none of you need to worry that we wouldn't come to the LAN. Our financial situation isn't that great though and going to the LAN from Finland isn't very cheap. That's why we're asking if some person(s)/organization would be interested in supporting us. The minimium support we are asking for would be the entrance fee (350€).

We are open to any offers and could for example provide you with a blog or other content related to the LAN trip in return. Just let us know what you'd want and we can discuss the terms.

Our lineup for Adroits ET Masters is Iron, Jewe, Matias, OLBAA, Salaneuvos and twidi.

For any additional details please contact me by PM here / msg tipsa @ QuakeNet.

Best regards,
PM Mummy
Good luck! I've a list a mile long of potential MGCs but I'd guess that you will have already exhausted them all. (Have you spoken to R0SS/krein? I assume they'd have similar information)
Good luck!!!
GL finding a mgc but it will be very hard
I really doubt some of your players know what 'professional approach' is.
I really think you are one spoiled retard, wasn't a big surprise, after all your genes are what they are.
why u mad tho?
Talking about 'professional approach' and moments later posting a comment involving immature meme/troll crap :-------) youareadumbpolak
makes no sense, i suggest you read your comment again and think for a minute what you wrote.
Yeah it does not make sense because you're dumb. In case you didn't notice, your comment is the only comment with a hint of negativity (excluding the replies you've recieved) and is also rather pointless. Do you think that fin6 players would act like they do ingame, on CF or @irc when contacting a possible sponsor? Sand in vagina or is it that time of the month?
you really have no clue what you're talking about. I personally have no problem with their players, I even like most of them. Read my other reply and educate yourself. Insulting straight away huh? Grow the fuck up.
Your other reply is NOT about _professional approach_ which means approaching organizations for any possible support, it's rather about already having an org. behind you and your contribution & devotion for them. I suggest you do a better choice of words next time.
I suggest you fuck off and not reply every time someone has a different opinion. And fyi professional approach is not only if you're polite while sending an email with pdf so I hope you can learn from our little chat and become a better man.
already getting offended, you're so naive... thanks for the chat polak
why would the whole team even have to???
because one guy only is not valuable enough for organizations. ET is poor as it is right now and one guy writing a post now and then would get them nothing. I just dont think some of them would invest their time to actually contribute something for their org. And I think they would fold or go inactive after lan anyway and I personally would never support that.
now we're talking about something completely different than approaching organizations..
i do agree that if the team is likely to die after lan then its a huge deal breaker
Well its not like you stated that in your pdf anyway right? :D And lets be honest, you can do only this much to approach orgs. You send an email, you send msges via MSG, xfire, etc. and you hope they reply. I've done it quite a few times before so I know it's really not much you can do at this point. The fun starts when they actually reply in a positive matter or ask for more informations. Sadly it's a rare occasion :<
We have had the same problem with this as NBS. We have contacted so many companies on lower & higher scales on a professional level. But none seemed to be intereseted. We had SPEEDLINK's interest for a bit, then it turned out they were not in to sponsoring small amount of visitors at the LAN.

Still trying tho!
what are u talking about speedlink
for sure SL was interested into a non german speaking team :o
not team he means for this lan support from speedlink
ah, so about sponsoring the lan itself

nvm then :o
Yes, weve mailed each other, but they werent interested anymore after they heard how many people would visit the LAN :x
GL guys would be great to see you guys playing there hope you can find what you need!
QuoteWe have already booked and paid our flights and got the trip well planned so none of you need to worry that we wouldn't come to the LAN.

We are coming, just would love to get a little support due to our financial situation :)
Yea I know just hope you guys don't have to waste all your money :P
Can sponsor Olba with 20€! Now you need just 330€!

EDIT: Collect from community, give back in possible winnings, ie. with 35€ sponsor, guy/girl/wsk earns 10% of your profits. Shouldn't be such a problem for finns to give up for one or two beers next weekend.
I'm sure we'd get people interested with that deal (10% for 35€), but it wouldn't be very ideal for us as we're planning to win more than 350€ (assuming the prizepool would be 1500-1000-500)
Eäh :/ Get a job then! Unleash matias & iron to the poker-tables.
can offer you all one or two beers at wzzrd

e: i know its not 350 euros but I don't earn money at the moment aswell :<
i'm gonna hold you to your word!
Will hold on to my word aswell!
yeah, waited you at the bar @ enschede, didn't see you
you saw me when we were swimming, ehehe
Korkoa pitäs maksella.
Good luck, hope you find one.
gl guys
What was the presentation?
PDF with "Who are we?", "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory in Brief", "What can you expect from us?", "What do we want in return?" and "Player Profiles". Put quite a lot of effort in the graphical look and texts. We got really positive feedback on it, but most of the orgs just didn't have any interest in Enemy Territory, sadly.
What did you actually write in "What can you expect from us?" part? This is pretty much the crucial part I would guess.
Not going to c/p the whole text here, but it was mainly about what we could offer besides good results in tournaments. Blogging, articles, pics/vids and other sort of content to gain visibility for the organization and get all the ET folks to visit their site etc.
The problem with that is that they can check that you didn't do it in the past. I don't mean previous orgs etc. but on a daily/monthly basis. Would be really good if you did blogs/article before to show it as a proof of your activity (dedication or whatever). I really hope you best of luck but without an org with somehow strong connection to ET you might not find anything. The main problem I see is that you wrote what you 'could' do and didn't really show any examples of your work.

Then again I hope I'm wrong and you get a great mgc :)
To be fair twidi used to be an active contributor here and is one of the few guys here that actually know what it needs to be part of a mgc.

I wonder though, what makes you an expert in this area?
Yeah, twidi was a contributor but for crossfire and not his own team (if im wrong correct me). What makes me an expert? Nothing, just over years talking to 100+ orgs for support both in ET and CoD4. If you do it long enough you can see the pattern -.-
Here is an example of what I contributed while my team was part of Insignia Cadre:

News, articles, interviews, LAN coverage, cup supervising.. I also did my best to promote ET within users by writing ET related tutorials and other stuff.
yup, pretty much what every team that wants a good org should do :)
man if you want to say smth just tell it

so what, so they sucks??? they dont deserve support? you dont want them to get one?

dont know what you have in your mind but i think you have a problem with them / getting support or you are trying to act like master of "support finder" and wanna tell more about it.
you really dont get my point, guess its not easy for a frenchie to understand english after all. Read my comments again and try to think this time instead of writing a 'hate reply' right away. You can even skip most of it and go right to last sentence in what you replied to.
"I really doubt some of your players know what 'professional approach' is."

please tell me more
Read all of Krein's reply's, maybe you can understand it then, sjeez.
hes just here to talk about his knownledge

cba reading all of these stuff for nothing
GL guys, A great pickup for any MGC!

See you there :_)
you aint goin so stfu.
I doubt you will have much joy this close to the event, unless someone well linked with ET sees this and decides to sponsor you - contacting teams now would be quite a waste of time.

Like said though, hopefully someone spots this and gives you something.
no great organisation support ET Teams
best of luck
Insignia Cadre
hasn't had any team for years, it's just now providing eSports coverage :p
go ask them for Insignia Cadre Qcup money then!
I hope u guys the best of luck in bringing the money to Finland if u find a way to the event!
Id do it only for Matias:P

I need support too!
10e from me!
10 from me as well that makes 20!
1 red ball nose from me
1 beer from me
a pair of socks from me
Best of luck, team deserves a good sponsor/MCG!
gl guys and hf at lan
Too late for ET :/
Moral support avi
HAHA i can sponsor you guys!

would like to see you attending first :DDDDD
ROCCAT! They seem to have special contact with Finnish people;P
what evl said really...instead of playing 24/7 :) but good luck tho..
wtf for a comment is this judging other people activities based on some shit you got in mind, retard
Yes, you are not allowed to study anymore
yes, you are not allowed to study and work as well... and i wasnt hating, now watch your mouth!
if i pay you 350 euro, will you guys wear moldu as tag and t-shirts with "I <3 MOLDU" at back and my face in front ?
and with your dick printed on a cap ^^
if you pay it before sunday and provide us with the t-shirts, sure!
I'd like one of these t-shirts as well, you know, for pulling girls.
if olbaa teachs me the west jump on supply i will pay 100
can teach you master.
22:11:14 • Skeit [[email protected]] has joined #Sleeperz
22:11:19 Skeit • zZz^Lazio
22:11:21 Skeit • whers my +o
22:28:36 • Skeit [[email protected]] has left #Sleeperz

So fucking pathetic
:D was trolling lazio has been doing that for like 2years now :d
is there a clip available from him doing this jump? didn't see i think
dont have shit installed to make a clip atm but if u wanna see it ;-)
oh thx to you ;)
have a nice weekend!
wannabe :X
haha its ok man there are still only a handful people that can actually do it during wars ;)
haha yeah true ;p but still !
you can stand on my head np
coming to CGS is totally cheaper!
heres my support: gogogo
I'll give you 350e. If you get into the top3 (money placements), I get back my 350 and 15% of the prizemoney you win.
That's a pretty good offer actually :-)

Most MGCs take more off the prizemoney
If they would win 500e, I would get 400 of that, doubt any MGC will take more :P
The MGCs I've been part of took 15% or more off the prizemoney. We did not need to pay back the entrance fee or hotel costs, but considering that you are not representing a MGC backed up with sponsors and other partners, I still think your offer is more than generous :-)
I thought about that "system" for quite a while now, tbh.

not for ET tho.

I'll have to think about it, not sure about their performance on LAN
If we were unlikely to finish in top3 that would indeed be a generous offer, because then we would most likely just get our entrance fee paid for free. Personally I'm certain that we will finish top3 so taking this offer would just mean handing out 15% of the prizemoney while getting nothing in return.
At least this way you could still play the tournament though instead of just spending a weekend in Amsterdam :-)
Issue isn't that we wouldn't have the 350€ to pay the entrance at the moment and also we already got a better offer than this one.
Eddo and me will both give Jewe 10euros.
we need support as well. we are cool guys and stuff :)
350€ is working ~40 hours at burger king, where is the fucking problem to get such a small amount of money? :S
40 hours of working, hähä Its 18 hours for me
you receive 7€/h here in Germany when you work on 400€ base at burgerking, ofc you get much more as a regular staff :P
Luckily I dont work at a Burger king :D
your only twice as good as a burger flipper,

mad, y/n?
Yes very upset =( Non education work paying twice the amount of a burger flipper :D
8.13 hours for that sum.
It's not like 350e is their only cost, add plane+train tickets and hotel + money spent there over the 4-5 days, -60e per face would come in handy. But if 350e is nothing for you, feel free to help them out.
but they are just asking for the 350e.. Also I'm not the guy who is giving money to unknown people on the internet, german government is already taking too much of my money for the lazy fuckers here.
So you are searching support for 350/6

"The minimium support we are asking for would be the entrance fee (350€)."
Learn to read, smartass.
They are satisfied with 350.
Whats so wrong about my post
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