R.I.P Jintah.

A sad day for the ET community, former Royal clanleader and bio member Jintah has sadly passed away this past friday. On wednesday he was admitted to hospital with chest pains and they released him on the thursday for on the friday he collapsed at home. It took one hour for an ambulance to arrive.. absolutely disgusting. A huge character of the UK community is gone.

<3 jint :( rip buddy.
Rest in peace Jintah :<
sad to hear..rip
pleasure to have known him

great guy
sad news
such a nice guy <3
where does he live ? oO and indeed this is sad news although i didn't personally know him
from leeds i think
and he was only 37 .. sad
evan worser just looked it up at his profil
Default age.
r.i.p. mate!
yeh he was 24, fake age in his profile. tragic
looked like fake age in his profile. tragic in my eye and I couldnt help smiling a bit

cant say I knew him, just saw few times on pub/match but this news still stopped me to think for a moment

sad news
wtf :/. 1 hour for ambulance is bs. Condolences for his family & friends and may he rest in peace.
R.I.P m8! :,<
rest in peace man ...
OMG.. Just rest in peace mate .. :/
omg, rip :<<<
now i cant sleep...
best english team ever

Rest In Peace
rip jintah, you'll be missed
so young guy. im crying

ps. all ET players, be nolife. then ur life is saved
QuoteHow can you kill which has no life?
South park watcher.
:( Rip mate
omg played him a lot.

rip :'(
=( jintah.. rip mate. someone make it a newspost imo
:( R.I.P
sad news :( rip
A best uk mate to have :<
R.I.P :'(
RIP jintah was a nice guy will be missed
sad news, rest in piece! :(

best wishes for his parents and friends, i'm next to you in my mind!
I'm shocked ... RIP Simon
Thats bullshit. May have got raged every time but he was a pleasure to play ageinst, a real class act who believed in the sportsmanship of the game. My sympothys to his family, friends and e-friends.

I remember him :( RIP m8
This is such a tragedy, I'm at a loss of words.

I knew Jintah from many, many matches we played together in old BiO. I can still hear his voice on Vent. :(

R.I.P. and condolences to his family
Very sad news. RIP Jintah
24 to fast to go.

Take care familiy and Friends.


maybe add him as friend because of respect...
omg 24, 2 years younger than me :<

rip :(

wp for the fucking ambulance
R.I.P, sad to here he was of only such a young age :(

i am sure he was a character from his reaction when i pushed him off a edge on BiO public ;/
RIP m8, a shame for such a jung man/boy

really sad news...
Rest in peace. ='/
rip jintah!
rip man
rest in peace jintah
RIP Jint <3
Rest in peace i will remember you
was a great guy. rip jin
rip :<
It's truly always sad to read something like this.

Rip Jintah
rip :´(
i didnt know him but i lost my old clanmate and reallife friend to ( since 16 years knowing of him ) @ November 21 2006 .. he died in a carcrush with his own ones :((

ill hope that he and jintah are on a better way now :(

i take place @ his family and all friends ...

r.i.p guys ...

one page from my old friend ...

chris finner aka sKn Homepage

and here is a nice movie ...

very shocking movie...it's always shit to hear such sad stories... :<
theres more to life than xfire:P
cant say i knew him, but weve played against him often - what a lose for the et community, cool and respected player

i remember playing against him and royal on caen in the first eurocup

rest in peace, jintah.
yeah they had that mean mg-42 at allies backspawn :(
rest in peace and i wish theire familie my condolances and strength in the upcoming time , rip man , im truly shocked

EDIT: any site we can bring our condolances too or something?
God bless his soul. R.I.P, you will be missed. He was such a nice person. :(
rip mate, sad loss :'(
Didnt know him, but still very sad news :< rest in peace man.
R.I.P , very nice person to know
R.I.P =[
R.I.P jintah
R.I.P ;[
R.I.P :(
He was one of my best mates on here , been in and out of games with him for 4 years now , gonna miss you loads jint :(

jintah and your clan were the ones who made me wants to keep on playing ET and get better when i started 3 years ago in 7squadron, i am really sad something like that happened.

RIP to his family and his buddies :(
R.I.P. jintah :(
ffs :<

R.I.P. boy... hope there´s something beautiful on the other side.
RIP m8 think i remember seein him about the place
things can go wrong so fast :'(

i didnt know him but R.I.P
RIP. Sad to hear. :(
rip buddy
RIP :'(
rest in peace jint :(
cant say i knew him, but this is tragical...R.I.P m8 :(
after 30 minutes :l sad....

rip :(
Rest in Peace m8
rest in peace bruv :<

news it please
rest in peace, may you have found a heaven
Didnt even know the guy .. but anyne that passes through this ET community will be sadly missed. R.I.P
rip aan de nabestaanden : (
moeten die dan in vrede rusten?
die moeten ook dood wordt indirect gesugereerd ofzo
heb ik ergens opgevangen
rip dude :(
rest in peace GL in heaven..
what a bad news :( rip
sad news :< rip
rip, i will remember you
sad, rip.
peace 4ever dude
never fun to hear that, rip m8
really sad, rip
I cant belive it :/ known him from way back in ET, nice guy, good laugh.

R.I.P m8
rest in peace !
Ive known simon for a very long time, pld loadsa games and matches with him.
Im completely shocked by this news.

Simon, youll b missed, RIP
omfg ;( I remember him from BiO yeah.. played sometimes together.. And now this sad news ;/ Life is fucking short :S

R.I.P jinath !
I used to chat with Jint a lot when he was running Royal and was so pleased when he came and joined BiO.

I remember when Lynx joined us a few weeks later and I said it was like signing Ronaldo - Jintah felt a bit left out. Wanting to make him feel special I told him that he was like signing Zidane. Turned out Jintah had never heard of Zidane and was decidedly unimpressed...

Jint was a great player - we were fortunate to have a really good bunch of people but Jint was one for the big occasion, I always knew that in the big games vs the top teams he'd step up to the plate.
I recall one match on radar shortly after we'd introduced the tactic of hiding someone in the tree by the command post. Jint spent almost the entire match up there much to the amusement of ourselves only dropping down occasionally to blow the CP or knife someone. "And Jintah's still in the tree" from the shoutcast always cracked me up for some reason.
Great player and a pleasure to play with. And he kept Christa entertained. Would have him in my team any time.

Jint helped me a lot by taking on the ref responsibilities for the BiO server which he did for years. He got a lot of fan-mail from that.....well by fan-mail I mean emails to me complaining Jintah had kicked them for no reason. rofl.
The funny thing was that Jint's version of events was always so different... I persevered though because I knew that he'd keep some sort of order there - even if it did involve the use of excessive force from time to time ;)

Pro gamer. Pro flamer. And a nice guy. I'm really sad and I'm sorry I can't chat with him any more.
Miss you buddy.
Though I neither know you nor him, this touched me tbh.
r.i.p. ;/
Rest In Peace :( , so sad ...
never knew you , but this is sad.

1 fucking hour?
we should rape the guy that was driving the god damn ambulance.

rip :(
R.I.P :(
R.I.P Jin..condolences to his family and all who knew him.
Shit man, I don't know the guy, By the sounds of it, He sounds like a great guy, Rest in peace man, we will stilll think about you :(
oh my god :(
R.I.P :(
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