FPS madness

Hi AnonymousCrossfire nerds and especially computer geeks!

Some days ago FranceKraguesh saved my electronic life by helping me with tzac. Now, it perfectly works. However, my frames per second do shit. I've already smashed 1 keyboard & 1 headset on my wall because I raged very hard! :s

This is insane when I try to change some values to get better performance (e.g. picmip, textureMode, etc etc) my computer reacts the opposite way fps go worse than before. I can't understand.

I was wondering if someone could help me @ irc or gimme some advices here.

I dont even expect to reach 125 stable fps because I'm used to play with 76.

My specs :

AMD Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 4850e (2511MHz)
nvidia geforce 6150se nforce 430

If someone could post his nvidia gfx card settings it would be nice too.

If you love baguettes, Eiffel Tower and Napoléon Bonaparte, please help me. You're my last chance.

image: 1337637285

MarseilleLeFrancis Lefu.
Check if you have v sync on
You buy pcs, I pay bitches.
haha nub, you need to pay in order to get laid. While bitches pay me to have sex :)
same problem :SSSS
good luck friend
thx for pushing my thread down, noob.
my job is now done
same problem ...
honestly ur pc is poo, i could run ET 100 times over with 125 fps, time for a new pc i think
I sincerely think it's enough for ET.
then you have software issues...
tought you quited Et a few weeks ago
follow.et still need my gaming abilities for some games :s
Same here :(
QuoteThis is insane when I try to change some values to get better performance (e.g. picmip, textureMode, etc etc) my computer reacts the opposite way fps go worse than before.


Mon travail ici est fait.
got huge fps drops... :/
same, when you find a fix, pm me kiwim8 :|
same shit here fps drops 125>30 ^^
looks like my gf
Nice excuse for getting rolled yesterday loool
They lost because of me.
5398 dmg for 6rounds even low- can get more.
follow.et cannot into victories after recruiting me. Me + Rifle = cant win.
i like the chick.. :D
Got the same. As yours, my computer probably could support twenty ETs at the same time but can't run it properly..
i reach 250stable even in a 6on6 in goldrush :D
only if tank arrives it drops to 100 .. intel i5 + gtx570 = WIN!
remove pb folder
I had the same cpu, with a 9400gt and with the same cfg i use now i had arround 76-125 on higher graphics.
will give it a try thx
ye soz about all the bs in the cfg but i guess you know what to use';p
buy prozac and don't care bout FPS
Le Francis imo your PC is cappable to run ET at 125 FPS without any drops.FPS lagz are caused probably cos you have Threaded Optimization turned on now you're gonna ask yourself what's Threaded optimization it's nivida graphics setting that has something to do with multicore processors since ET is old game but still #1 :P it's not used to more cores then one although even that can be sorted out.

anyways go to nvidia control panel

-advanced 3d settings
-pick a path through the ET.exe
-Turn off threaded optimization

Open task manager and make ET to use only one of your cores if you need more help you can find me at irc.

regards parA
This helped me with FPS problems as I always forgot to change it after reinstalling Windows.

NVIDIA Control Panel -> 3D Settings -> Manage 3D settings -> Multiple-display/mixed-GPU acceleration -> Single display performance mode.
Yeh Hukk ithat may help ,there's also few more tweaks to apply via nvidia drivers for better FPS.
I will try turning off threaded optimization for ET, don't have time to test it today.

I need all the juice I can get out of E7400 & 8800GTS OC
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