Promod what is it?

Had i bit of time on my hand and wrote this Promod Guide:

Feedback appreciated.

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had i bit
cool story bro.
crazy guy xd
wrong community mate
Forums » Call of Duty

i know quite a few people who play cod4 and are also on crossfire
wrong community mate
wrong community mate
wrong community mate
wrong community mate
wrong community mate
I also play cod4, but cf aint the place ur looking for
It is actualy, can't believe stupid people like you aren't open minded enough to let other games making their places in crossfire, probably 20% of cf users are playing cod4, why wouldn't it be the right place to post something about that?

How about pansy's news about her cod4 streams ?

How come there is a forum part called call of duty and so on movie section for this game on crossfire ?

enough said
simply because a majority of cf people are acting retarded and tek9 is a better place to post this, pansys posts are well considering she aims the post towards the ppl who already play promod and dont need an explaination, while this post wont get a lot of positive feedback considering he aims for cod4 ppl new to promod. or at least who need a guide for it.

I wasnt attacking him, I was easily stating that he wont get a lot of good feedback from this community.

as far as I understood his post at start, at least.

Ienjoy playing cod4 and im at cf, so I personally dont see a prob with it though
It is true that cf users are 50%+ complitely retarded however I remain confident about the amount of people giving interest to such a kind of thread. Even if it's beginner oriented, you never know, a few players started playing it weeks ago wouldn't be suprise it attracts more and more people.

I may have got you wrong, but saying at first it was a wrong place/community is the wrong thing.

Should rather help him out/cf community to get involved in a such a move.
I think u misunderstood me, I was trying to tell him that he would not get a lot of feedback on here and should try tek9 for that (since I think tek9 is more willing to help with cod4 while even with ET most people here have problems helping), and the message was ment that way, but then again I could be wrong
wrong community mate
Thank you for writing that up, comes in handy if people want to play CoD4 promod.
This post has been on tek9 and is appreciated, the amount of people who enjoy CoD4 on crossfire is growing and the people sitting there discouraging other communities to utilize is retarded.

The sad part being, ive posted about ET on tek9/cadred before...promoting streams and upcoming games and the community has always received it well and has enjoyed the content being provided. It is a real shame crossfire is not mature enough to do the same and just adds another nail into's coffin.
Should create cod4 part on cf, not independant but more callofduty based, should ban every summerfags aswell !
i give up on crossfire half the time and its users. Makes me a sad panda.
some crazy people r here too ! DON'T ! ^_^
Apart from the Promotion paragraph, I suggest you if you are +/- expert to speak about config tweaking as it is quite important for competitive gaming in this game. I had myself troubles with the basic one back then, changed my life with a player config after.
lol... only a noob wudnt know about promod
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