You've ruined this site

Hey guys.

I dunno about you, but the big changes that's been made to this site (4.0) are dreadful. Why change it after so many years to something as bad as this? It was perfectly fine before this. Please say you'll change it back..
It's different, but try to give it some time :)
gimme a break

or actually give them one :O)
its not bad.. this whining is just like cf2->cf3-whining anyway
and this kind of complaint is leading where exactly?
It ain't a complaint, just my opinion of how bad this is compared to before. Before didnt lag, was simple, and looked good
yeah but asking to change it back in the manner of a 4 year old kid won't help either.

you didn't suggest anything - besides "change it back to exactly what it was". which you know is never gonna happen. try to be at least a bit constructive and mention the things you can live with and how exactly things could be improved so you would like the site more.
We won't change it back. This site does have some issues but we will fix them as soon as possible. We are working hard on this version.

The thing is that Crossfire 3 simply didn't have the code base to grow anymore. Crossfire 4 is on an entire new level and should be far easier to maintain. Give us a few days and most of the bugs that are currently there will be fixed.
The site is quite okay, but the layout is suboptimal. You should have asked for (more) opinions. Still great job :)
It was a lot better before. I mean circles, pictures, and many other things you're making like Facebook.. Suppose it's just my opinion, come back after 5 years to this site, and it changing 2 days after I get back like this, is a lot.. And I'll always prefer it how it was before tbh
you can turn the flags back on in your preferences
Ahh, fair enough, still this site hurts my eyes a bit..
I want my pink crossfire theme back, cause this site hurts my eyes now, its too white and has too many open spaces that force me to scroll more
oh and it lags and i want to be able to see what are the new comments and what i just read and i cant even see who replied to who
I understand what you mean, actually, you should download Fl.ux its an application that alters your screen in a way that it mimics being paper in electrical light. In other words at night your screen becomes a lot less tiring for your eyes!
I dont really see the changes as im on mobile but telling a user to dl a 3rd party app to improve the site is meh.
I'm telling the user to download a 3rd party app to improve his overal experience behind the computer. If this is really too white for him he simply should either turn down the brightness of his monitor or get out of the cave he is living in.
You're quite the simple man, aren't you? It has to do with his CF experience, not his overall experience. Other sites/computer apps arent his issue ;)
I think its you who should go back to facebook and take this site with you. thank you
i dont know about the features ,but the looks are very bad,especially the fact that theres too much white
I have to agree on the over-usage of white.
I simply have to agree as well.
Im sorry dear CF community, but I agree. It looks nice and everything, but it just hasn't got the feeling anymore, that I want to come on CF and read journals and posts etc.
so fucking true man, whenever i come on cf its like: hmm nothing to do here
True not even browsing it as i did before :/
Might be okay changes IF I COULD SEE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A POST AND A POSTER, INVINSIBLE LINE ISNT ENOUGHT. Whole page is just a text wall with random pictures(icons).
Turn your screen brightness down dude :P
They should make an "oldschool" theme for this new engine and everyone will be happy!
I don't want to judge on a 5-minute basis, but I really like 3.0 better up until now.

most annoying part is slow loadtimes, xboxhueg comments, and the layout feeling messy and confusing.
crying like a kid because u can't handle a website update..
Because I, and many others dont like the changes, means I'm crying like a kid. Ok then.
that is some very constructive critic!
stuff it
It's just the lay-out that really sucks right now.

  • The totally white is not nice.
  • Also the profiles are fucked with the FLAGS & GROUPS.
  • I also don't see what's the point of the followers in the profile if we don't get notificiation when they post a journal etc. or do we?
  • I also liked it that we could see who of our buddies that are online in our profile. That ain't possible anymore
  • Also righ now everything is at the right of the site. I think it'd look better to add some stuff at the right side like it was in the past and ex. the news+polls+recent/events/polls at the left side..
  • There are also too many spaces.

That's atleast my opinion. I just find the site harder to scroll into and to work fast with.

I'm sure that with some tweaking that you're obviously doing right now, it'll become ok.
It's a tad too white.

I like my pages multicultural.
Had to make this fake acccount as I can't migrate my account just to disable those ugly ass avatars
You can set it to flags when you click the turning wheel. Try some stuff out before crying k.
I did set it to flags? read?
crap, overread the word "to". My apologies :x
Just hope this site isn't going to be as broken as tek9...oooooooh i went there :PpP
I like it. Some added polish and some user-created stylesheets and it'll be great.
I actually like this site...
Trying the be as fair as possible.

I have visited this site on a pretty much daily basis for the past 6 and a half years. A year or so before that without a user here. I have always enjoyed sometimes spending hours here just reading journals, forum topics and news posts, commenting and stuff. At the moment I won't be doing any of that. I just don't want to be here and I will lurk somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, at some point I am willing to give this update a chance, I will try to get used to it. But right now, I just can't spend over 5 minutes here. It looks way too white, the overall layout is pretty shit and the comments, journals and everything just looks wrong. This is not crossfire. CF2->CF3 wasn't half as painful as this. Though I wasn't fond of the changes back then either, I accepted them rather quickly. If this won't be drastically changed, I can't see myself adapting. I guess you lost a shitload of active users with this move. I understand that CF3, as it was, was as good as it was going to get and you have to be innovative to keep up with the competition, but you should have thought about the consequences of such dramatic changes. You could have at least created a layout that was somewhat similar to the CF3, not something completely and utterly disgusting, like this.

Sorry, but I am a bit disappointed, because the internet became a whole lot more boring for me.
QuoteThis is not crossfire.

My very first thought.
+fucking 1
Well said.
I have visited this site on a pretty much daily basis for the past 6 and a half years.

2 years, 1 month and 4 days

Yes, because this is my first and only account on this site. newkid, 4 years :<
same opinion:(
always need to sign in each time i open it :/
I love it, great work every body :)
old webside was better
In my opinion most of people came back here cause they were used to this site, I mean they didnt play anymore at all, but they were so used to it they couldnt just leave it. At least this is how it was with me. Now I just cant stay here for couple of mins, cause it looks just bad and not as the old xfire looked and felt like. I know couple of sites made exactly the same mistake before (for example the biggest polish esports site,, after theyve changed layout it took couple of months people completely stopped to visit them). I just hope it will be different in this case. gl with that, i dont like the new look.
there will be less time wasted, maybe we can find more useful things to do when bored now :b
yeah, no ET, no crossfire, jesus christ Im gonna go full real life now! :P only HoN still keeps me in nolife shape
This is too much aids for one man to handle.
Not if that man is you! You can do anything.
crossfire killed ET

whats bad about it? new awesome trendy look (old crossfire loookd like some 13yr old designed it in a week)

thers shitloads of bugs tho...
I for one will say thanks to the coders and designers.

(and try to get used to this, as altho im trying to stay positive its a huge fucking change)
only cf 3.2 can know peace from this rustling
Basically, CF 4.0 could be pretty awesome. Apart from bugfixing and some missing features, the layout just needs some changes imo:

- add more colors to the header; some banner or whatever
- add navigation bar on the left - put the serious stuff in there such as news, tutorials, events, etc
- right bar for 'spam related' content; extend the journal and forum list on the right side
- add some colors to the main area
= best CF there ever was; including typical CF-feeling imo
Not a huge fan of the layout. Everything looks a bit messy, and unclear. Not a fan of email logins. Also this follower thing is bs. I haven't played et in years, so understandably I have been removed from some people's buddylist, so now I'm their follower?
Turning into Twitter -.-
You can easily remove the people you don't want to follow by clicking on their names, and clicking the "Stop Following" button on their profile.
must say i rather like it, nice n clean but still has a underlying tone of crossfire with a blend of autumn fruits
you know it brosef
It seems cool to me.
Oh, and it's just a lot slower than it used to be.
It's not
And if it is for you, it's going to be fixed as soon as possible; just give it some time
no problem with the old site but cf 4.0 meh, clicking a button and nothing happens. 5 seconds later some ajax start working.
so thats another point I dislike about cf 4.0: the mixture of ajax and non ajax. It just don't feel right if one half of teh page is using ajax and the other one don't.
Is it still slow for you? Works perfectly smooth here..
Looks like its better today.
it was slow yesterday, so maybe the performance fixes helped a bit
ah I had been glad already too early. Inside the profiel when clicking the tabs ("Wall", "Information" and so on) nothing happens. After some time its switching to the clicked tab.
Maybe it should switch instantly and if something takes time to load a wait icon will take its place.
Please report any bugs you may encounter on the following link
I guess we'll have to add loading indicators.
Certain pages like activity are incredibly useful yet very costly in terms of performance.
the tabs in the profile are using ajax, the tabs in the inbox aren't
was slow 4 me before also, now its fine
My biggest complaint is that I see Goku's fucking face twenty times on every single page.

Makes me want to punch a seal.
But seals are nice creatures :(
God I should've added the +1 feature just for this.
That would've been a great addition, I agree!
just give me my xfire layout back and im happy
As I already mentioned during this beta website, I don't like the new layout at all. I'll try to adapt to the new style, but as of now surfing on this website is just awful. Don't see myself visiting cF that much anymore, it just isn't Crossfire, but a Facebook/Twitter ripoff. :|
too much white everywhere cant see shit captain , we cant focus on the most important
You just gotta get over it... Only option, unless if majority of the people hate the website they'll do something about it, because then I'm assuming that the traffic on this site will decrease if that was to be a fact.
I just miss the flags at the username, apart from that I don't care much tbh!
You can change it back to flags in options :P
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