#Nbs Gaming need players/scrimteams/e-sports team

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Jo crossies,

Nbs was kinda unactive lately except the public ET server. Some months ago Woo decided to go for dutch/belgian members only but that didn't worked out at all. We lost alot of members and activity inside the clan. Now that i'm also owner of Nbs I want to get it running again. Wooo is kinda busy with other projects atm but is still their to help me out .

So now is Nbs gaming back on the look for players for their public ET memberbase. You can have fun with other clanmembers having scrims or go play on the public, their is one nbs warserver where u can war at, can set up more if need.
Prolly gonna try to set up one more time a public2 but not sure about that, because it was always empty before. Only public 1 is 24/7 full.

Beside that if someone wants to create a fun scrimteam we can offer a warserver and teamspeak to play on.
Also on the look to find some e-sports team back to play maybe even on upcomming lan, we can support u for ur online praccs etc.. but can't afford lan support since their is not really much to get back for it in return.

To join our Public ET memberbase: go to the forums @ http://nbs-gaming.com
#Nbs @ Quakenet
contact Nbs`xarQi / xarQiOFF #Nbs

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Thanks for the info then :)
ah man that 2Nd pic <3333

Decent post, good luck.
avi as rifle
avi for scrimteam or e-sports team
Check my post for more details: http://www.crossfire.nu/threads/45635/dexter-looking-for-team
Nice chicks

avi to be ref on the server #2 !
gl for pub, gl for scrimteam, gl for e-sportsteam, gl for everything bro.
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