Tosspot's view at supply

Well i think many of you has just seen the magnificent match between zP and Impact with a 4-0 win of Impact.

And with the very beautifull round at Supply and comments by other shoutcasts to Tosspot like "how is your view now", Tosspot's view at Supply has got to be different then he did before.

With posts like here at crossfire i hope he knows that the community wants Supply back for sure although it is a bit "overplayed". But it includes a lot of history and moments in the
ET scene.


And let's keep ET alive :O

TosspoT's reply - Whatthe hell does my opinion matter? I put the map in the CPC Map pool on the same days that I was whining about it onair and in the columns. My opinion dosent influence anything. If Supply is not in Clanbase, then take it up with Clanbase, not TosspoT, I can only put Supply in competitions I run and that means CPC and nothing else! Please realise, I have NOTHING to do with decisions of other organisations.
Indeed. That what we always said. If 2 skilled balanced teams are playing supply, it can be one of the most exciting map such as we saw on quakecon2006.
i dont give a fuck, i only play oc 3on3, and there is supply :o)
rofl, agreed!
Remove bremen and add supply
(while you at it remove beach and ice from 3on3 and add braundorf)
totally fucking agreed, supply just rocks.
you just want to perform your lame trickjump :P
Finland Raveneye does that trickjump also. Netherlands Diazz (the new Germany Butchji) as well
NetherlandsDiazz who?
the new Germany Butchji
supply ftw!
I dont play CB..
tell taz that he is a vitun hinttari with his hinttari hair
well I already said that with my fists @ lan ...
thx, he may tell you some lies about me getting beaten up there, dont believe him.
i heard that you are small
supply > karsiah/battery for sure :)
supply sux :)
supply > *
supply sux all the way in 6on6, except axis first spawn @ panzer, and if you are allies, the whole 2nd axis spawn part pwnz with panzer
supply is clearly the best map in et IMHO
sd2 > bremen
bremen > karshia
I PUT THE MAP IN CPC MAP POOL WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? - honestly if you want to piss me off, these types of thread are the way to go. I put it in the competition I run, what more can I do?
agree, TosspoT =/= CB
Supply > all. Bremen just sucks
supply is an n1 map... donno who started to whine about it
Why the fuck are you asking TosspoT this? If I would be him, after this shit I would have removed supply from cpc. This is just too funny, go whine to cb who didnt include supply not tosspot who actually did. Just rofl...
nice asslicking and ignoring the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!

agree btw.
idiotic topic
balls, supply > all gotta relise pro clans love that map, and your taking away the map we adore, yeah its old so what? enemy territory is old. is this game dead? no it isnt, its still active after so many years, thats what people have got to relise, just because something is overplayed, doesnt mean it shouldnt exist anymore in leagues, etx..etx.. just attracts more people to the et community, by getting rid of supply your killing et, now we can't be the ones to be blamed for that now can we.
el drama
QuoteTosspoT's reply - Whatthe hell does my opinion matter? I put the map in the CPC Map pool on the same days that I was whining about it onair and in the columns. My opinion dosent influence anything. If Supply is not in Clanbase, then take it up with Clanbase, not TosspoT, I can only put Supply in competitions I run and that means CPC and nothing else! Please realise, I have NOTHING to do with decisions of other organisations.

Not true, he got a big influence on the decisions of other orgs.
He's as close as you could come to a "leader" of the community, and i think many people takes his opinions for being the same as for the community in general, and he also has a big influence on the actual opinions of the avrage xfire-member.
If he hadn't brought up the "overplayed and boring -topic" we might have had supply in this cb-season too :O)
he can say whatever he wants but CB made "supply-out" decision, not Tosspot
Ofcource, my comment was just pointed to
QuoteMy opinion dosent influence anything.

Which imo is incorrect.
But then again, he must be allowed to have his own opinions :D
Yes, it is. They should either add one new map, or no new maps. Not two new maps and removing supply. :<
supply sucks, next
forget about supply... your whine its annoying

start spaming cb after this season...
What has TosspoT to do with CB? eh
supply is overplayed! true!

so replace it pls :) thq
AGREED! We need supply instead of Karsiah
supply 4 life! <3
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