United vs. RONALDO

Manchester United 1 - 3 RONALDO

Mourinho: 'Best ever' Ronaldo better than Pele and Maradona
GL United :)
lol, "better than Maradona..."

Mourinho is clearly just saying this for effect.

Even Messi isn't better than Maradona was - and he's far better than Ronaldo.
how is messi far better then ronaldo xD
Without question.
ronaldo has much more better qualities then messi.
I am also wondering...
thats a load of bullshit right there.
Are you kidding me? Maradona ran around with the ball, no tribbling skill. I often wonder if the opponents were paid to be imbeciles. GL
Clueless idiot, stop talking stuffs u have no clue bout it.

We saw the last two games what he could do, basically 0.
better than pele :DDDDDDDDDDDDD brb going to laugh
Pele was good when the balls were square shaped, bitch please. There were almost no professionals back then like it does today.
QuoteLives in Portugal pt
QuoteChris (21)
July 22, 1991
does someone have a good stream for tonight? I mean, on my student wifi, it's always awful..

download PC Streams mate. Or check http://www.rojadirecta.me/
le thank you!
How can you compare Maradona and Pele to Ronaldo or Messi? When Maradona and Pele played, the football was way different than now. Without a doubt, Pele and Maradona would be great in this time aswell since they were ahead of their time, but you could say the same about Ronaldo and Messi.
Because in the future they are robots? - copyright chizz6l-
Imo Maradona yes definitly, Pele i dont think so.
This. In their time Maradona and Pele were gods.
Maradona had the strength and speed that modern players have, and would therefore have ruled today as much as he did in the past. In addition he played this style back when opponents used to try to destroy him and he was given little or no protection at times. If he had been afforded the freedom and space that today's players are, he would have scored hundreds more than he did.

He is simply the finest footballer that has ever played the game - it's just a pity that he also eventually turned out to be a drug-addicted lunatic...

Ronaldo, much like Beckham (and Mourinho), is more about marketing a name than any first-class playing (or indeed managing) ability. Although Ronaldo is certainly a better player than Beckham, he is in no way as good as Messi - and neither is as good as Maradona was.

/Oh, and congratulations to the referee for a decision that may well have ruined a European Cup tie between two of the strongest teams...idiot.

/...and he's now ruled out a stone-cold penalty too. The referee is having a bit of a shocker tonight.
QuoteMaradona had the strength and speed that modern players have, and would therefore have ruled today as much as he did in the past.

Literally untrue. The development in training methods/increased professionalism means that everyone is far, far, FAR fitter than they were were Maradona was playing.

QuoteIn addition he played this style back when opponents used to try to destroy him and he was given little or no protection at times. If he had been afforded the freedom and space that today's players are, he would have scored hundreds more than he did.

Do you watch any high level games? In the Clasico, for instance, all of the players have no time on the ball at all. It's the same in the match tonight before Nani was sent off; absolute closing down every time somebody has the ball. The players are 'protected' for their own safety, but in reality, the game itself is fiercer than it has ever been, surely.

You can argue that the rules have changed and become more lenient, but trying to place Maradona into a modern context is absolutely impossible. He was a player who was extremely good in his era, when they had a certain set of rules, and when players played in a certain way. Now the game is completely different, and you cannot claim that Maradona would have 'scored hundreds more than he did' or any shit like that, but its an unsubstantiated, out of context guess.

QuoteHe is simply the finest footballer that has ever played the game - it's just a pity that he also eventually turned out to be a drug-addicted lunatic...

'best footballer ever' doesnt make any sense; each era creates a different game through its rules, changes in players fitness and technique, so it is impossible to make any assertions like that. A better comment would have been 'he WAS simply the best player in his era'.

QuoteRonaldo, much like Beckham (and Mourinho), is more about marketing a name than any first-class playing (or indeed managing) ability. Although Ronaldo is certainly a better player than Beckham, he is in no way as good as Messi - and neither is as good as Maradona was.

Dont get me wrong, i think Messi is better than Ronaldo, but football is a fairly meritocratic sport; if he wasnt effective and didn't play well, he would never have been in the situation he is now, as one of two of the best players at the moment. Think about his start at Man Utd; was it about 'marketing a name' when he was proving himself at Old Trafford? I would say no, he was absolutely sensational for Man Utd and gained his reputation as a brilliant player from that.

In summary, it makes no sense to talk about 'Who is better, Ronaldo or Maradona or Pele', because each played a completely different game to the one before. It would be like calling a 70's Formula 1 car 'The fastest ever' when all modern Formula 1 cars are faster than they were. The game has changed.

TL;DR - get your fucking facts right and stop making cuntish assertions, you silly bastard
The average modern player may be fitter, however, Maradona was faster and stronger than the average player of his time, which I would suggest makes such a comparison more viable than with most others of his generation. Therefore you haven't at all refuted what I said, yet alone supported your personal opinion that it was "literally untrue".

(Quite seperately, I'm not at all sure how you can claim anything is, literally untrue, when all you've done is offer your own unevidenced personal opinion in response...)

While I would agree that my claim regarding 'hundreds more' may perhaps require greater context, I would disagree with your claim that todays game is in any way fiercer. Owing to the higher average levels of fitness it is perhaps faster, but not at all fiercer - players today simply don't make contact enough for the game to be equated to historic levels of ferociousness, let alone to surpass them.

As for my opinion that Maradona was the finest player to have ever played the game, I still maintain this - despite my watching as much football today as I ever did when he still played the game. At the height of his ability I have never seen a more naturally talented player, ever. Nor do I believe that Ronaldo is in any way his equal, let alone his superior.

'TL;DR' yet you post a pile of your own shit opinions immediately beforehand..?

What ironic said below me. Fucking hell mate, pull it together.
As I said, your opinions - and clueless ones at that.

Maradona>* tbh, past or current - and no amount of present game, dick-riding fan boys will change that.

By the way, when do you lot consider the 'modern football era' to begin then..?
Man, you have to be a troll.
I'm getting the feeling you have about as much football knowledge as a hamster.
bye bye manu :DDDDD

about messi vs ronaldo
messi running with the ball and doing nothing else
havent seen him touching the ball once on the last two el classicos
barca made messi good, he would be useless in any other team, if barca playing bad, u cant see messi
what did messi do for argentina? yeah BIG BLACK HOLE
:D very convincing!
Have you ever watch any match of Argentina?
if yes tell me in which one you saw those big black hole.
we cannot compare old sportsman with actual one, since there are a lot of factor changing the performance.

at the verry first one, dopping stuff.
this post is full of women and fags complaining about ronaldo being better than messi.
Ronaldo have more qualities than messi, not because Iam portuguese just because its true. Messi is better dribling and stuff but, but ronaldo does everything (free-kicks, head, left, right, dribling, running.. should I stop?) lol
Ronaldo played good on Sporting Lisbon, Manchester United and now RealMadrid. Can you ask messi to do that? Barcelona made messi good.
This is not because iam portuguese, because iam a trully messi fan but lets be honest boys, admit it Ronaldo is the most complete player you all ever seen. ;)
messi owns ronaldo anyday, period.
We saw that at last two El classicos :)
"Most goals scored in El Clásico matches: 18 goals (shared with Alfredo Di Stéfano)"
It doesn't change the fact that his reply was completly missed, thus my statement that he wasn't able to do anything in the last 2 El classicos, if Messi would be so superior over Ronaldo, he should be deciding every single match on his own, yet we saw even against Milan that he was nowhere to be seen.
he is human he can have bad days it happens ( and happens when whole barcelona is playin shit) but still messi > *
ps: im not that much a messi fan
U still dont get why did i reply at first place.

Quotemessi owns ronaldo anyday, period.

Now read the beginning of chat, think twice, and then reply again.

It's not having a bad day, its about their game getting figured out and they simply cant play it as they did some years ago.
Ronaldo is the strongest and the fastest human that ever played football. He is the god of professional football. Messi is a freak. He is like a machine .He is slower ,weaker and less spectacular than Ronaldo but he makes 99% of best decisions and 90% of his touches are perfect. Ronaldo will never be as effective as Messi.
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