EC groups

just pointing out that i think everyone should refuse to play this EC unless groups are put back like it was. groups changing cause of some whine that is retarded especially it is an invited team if a lower skilled team would whine oke but an EC direct invited team thats just a joke

image: swagg_5b4681_2717832_large
ok lets do this
is that your real cfg @ your profile? :>

PS: whole story what happened? :D
What exactly happened tho? cannot follow the scene nowadays
just decerto whined cause group to hard so they changed it and make group easier :D
stop spreading rumours if you're obviously this misinformed

in before robaciek and co responding that they know more , I've seen the complete logs
Show me the logs, please
show us the logs then everybody knows that saken prolly got scared that he didnt pass the group he double chinned ohurcool to get easier group BOEEEEEEEEEM
child is for the boy that is afraid not to pass groupstage and go whine to change it. you never see me talking about groups to hard :D
no, I only see you spreading lies, stupid child
Actually... That was me. I made the point that tmoe and turbot shouldn't be in the same group and it would have been wiser to switch gmen/turbot or alternatively tmoe/ls.
Oxy, what have you done?
Create drama on a massive scale, isn't it beautiful?
Agreed, mission accomplished.
it wasn't just you though. :P
Obviously not, but saken's reasoning is hardly out of "fear" for being kicked out of the group stage, it's quite evident that they're the better team and will get into playoffs anyway. Neither do I understand any of the whining towards him or Decerto, if at all they've shown how strong they are in the CF cup a few weeks back by completely annihilating tmoe. Better Groups = Better playoffs = Better and more interesting Cup, what purpose does it serve having disposable, gmen, loca or god knows who advance over far better teams? The only thing worthy whining about here is the fact that clanbase admins bent to players' criticism, which, yet again, could be considered a good thing.. It always depends from what side you're looking at it.

decerto completely annihilated us in some random cup while we played with some random lineup on some fucking shit server. i like how people who're somehow connected with decerto are bragging about this victory everywhere like it would have been some fucking world championship 1000000000000000000$ final :DDDD

could say same about your sick6 directed invited team that got destroyed by wiSe-mix in some random cup but come on you are the one who speaks everywhere about et like you were any good rofl :S

its been like 3rd time i read today that someone writes how good decerto is because they won vs our mix in this cup
damn this site really need a [+] button
i still stand that if you have that group everyone is equal / tmoe turbo and decerto on the same level so anybody of them could get knocked out depending on who got a better day its not like decerto is a topteam that will steamroll them like its nothing would be 3 exciting and promising matches
wasn't just you!
why u whine
Im with you on this, I refuse to play.
i would do it but im not the captain of my current team :<
lol cptn whine spoke
Right, you play this game to have fun, dont get what the fuck you're doing
Just show up and have fun for once.
lol says the guy who rages when losing a random 3on3 war. your mother needs to sort you out. take away your pc for a few months because that ego has grown bigger than your brain
Rage losing a random 3on3 war?
_ANYONE_ who takes me even a little bit serious got some sort of braindamage.
exactly you're a joke
Don't see anyone laughing but yourself :)
Thats enough for me, i have fun
I'll be laughing at this joke when you get rolled vs germany

Top4 is good enough for me and even if we lose i have fun, now stop being up my ass please ;)
congrats you are top4 in 2013 et, hope you pass on the story to your grandchildren if you ever get laid to have a child in the first place anyways. I doubt it with that mouth and attitude you have . here, take $30 dollars to renew your brazzers account faggot

inb4 LOL UMAD, childish response
LOL UMAD, childish response
Weird that you know that a brazzers account cost 30 dollars hehe:PP
At least I got a gf, where's yours? oh wait never mind. she's coming to visit me this month again, have fun playing games nerd. I'll be living my life and actually getting laid.

Aren't you that guy who wrote 20 paragraphs about how you are quitting gaming because you found e-love? Link me to that novel again I want a chuckle.
who are you again and why am I talking to you? Try minding your own business how's that for a chuckle
QuoteSina, I know we have ups and downs and disagreements with the clan and other things, but in the end none of that matters to me. you will always and forever will be in my heart and I will miss playing et with you. YOU are the person who really understands me and know who I am. I love you honey see you soon 33
haha ur a cunt and i love it!
haha nice one. asking for a link when you already have it copied somewhere. get a life and stop wasting my time with your silly games
I have to say that's quite pathetic, though
you must be a retard to think long distance relationships are pathetic.
What you wrote up there =

image: ladies-please-hold-your-orgasms
QuoteSina, I know we have ups and downs and disagreements with the clan and other things, but in the end none of that matters to me. you will always and forever will be in my heart and I will miss playing et with you. YOU are the person who really understands me and know who I am. I love you honey see you soon 33
in public is quite pathetic and retarded.
idd, considering what I wrote wasn't for anyone on this website, but since certain kids think its funny and don't have a life outside their own. they invade other people's
privacy to feel important. or perhaps to laugh at something to make up for their own pathetic life. or all above. Either way I don't have time to waste on these kind of boring people.
How did he get the quote then? Was he "Sina"?
I posted that on my clan website (Controlled-Gaming), and some nerd decided it would be funny to look through all my posts to find something to post on crossfire to flame me. and Sina is not a guy, we met already. and I'm about to meet her again this month. Its true I met her in ET and she lives in germany but I dont see why that would matter. I'm happy with her so these retards can spew shit all they want :)
You posted it on a public website. If you dont want anyone to read it, dont make it public you fucking inbred.
The area was class restricted from guest, You need to register to view the post I made, anyone who registers on a website and search for posts to flame one person is clearly a no life. The post was meant for my clan members. and For Sina (since she's not in the clan. she can't view member section posts.), how on earth would I know I have a craze kid stalking my posts to flame me? If I had posted it on then I'd understand I'd be asking for it.

So you, you shut the fuck up and get out because this is none of your business & you're boring the shit out of me with your ignorance
wow such a mad nerd :D
Restricted or not, its still public for everyone else who its made "public". If you dont want it to come out, keep it to yourself and her.

Keep living in your dream world, where someone from Crossfire made an account on your clan's website just because they magically knew you posted something in there about your e-love.

You're a retard for posting it where other people could read it, no need to get mad, its all thanks to your ignorance.
tl;dr version, inbreeding must hurt.
If you want the last word go for it. if it helps you sleep at night
Damn, sounds like you can't take the heat after running around talking shit as if you aren't some random jaymod only scrub who can only find girls on the internet. Don't talk shit to others when you haven't played anything above 7th division and have already made a laughing stock out of yourself in front of the entire internet for being a bumbling cringe-worthy awkward simpleton.

PS: Only took a minute to find that quote, just had to find this entire journal making fun of you:
Because I care so much about being the "laughing stock of the entire internet"

Taking the heat? what heat? lol you sound like some kind of fucking e-celebrity. as if anything you say to me will effect my life in some way. It's notthing about taking any heat, just cba with you and this shit anymore.
Then my work here is done. Don't forget lots of sunscreen, the initial shock of the UV rays could cause some serious damage.
embarrassedREPLY 7 Sep 2012, 18:23
You're just upset you haven't found true love like he did.
"Don't talk shit to others when you haven't played anything above 7th division"

u Syriuz??? AHAHAHahah shit got real
omg this shit is for real? >>LMfao >>cant believe i missd that hahahahhxdxxdxdxd
Why even bother to reply? They're obviously just jealous they can't even get into NC, even more get top4.
Have fun and good luck vs Germany Weslannbrotherfriendmatepalbuddy.
Stay safe ;)
rinse that sand out of your vagina. even if weslann is ego or whatever you claim him to be, you're the one proclaiming your virginity with your nonsense comments.

zzz stop boring me with your shit. if you dont like what I post then don't read it. I don't need some random person on the net's advice. or "wise words" to look after. I really don't give a shit what you think or say.

so bring in more of your e-friends to bash me. its a waste of time
>claims to be of higher intelligence
>replies with retarded comebacks that went out of date in 1993

honestly the worst "bashing" you're receiving is by your own comments.
4th place after winning 2 matches by forfeit
USA literally rolled them without bN, so that says enough
How does one literally roll someone in a video game?
Bragging about TOP4, only cus u got forfeits win, while u would get knocked out at first round with or without anim, is quite dumb rofl.
More balanced groups = more fun for everyone
I agree with the bad decisions but going full snoop here is not going to work. Noboby cares that much.
oh dear, best comment since a long time
I love you. :D
full snoop :D:D
lol, just play/who cares.
lowest EC ever
we are gentlemen
mother father gentleman
Comeon chry, come talk to uncle koop xoxo
gentlemen will win anyways
no1 cares

if it was any esports standard the admins like this would be doing toilet cleaning
Boston tea party this shit
If it means fucking over saken I ALMIGHTY to boycot OC div 7!
pls dont boycott oc 87 :$:$
and still whining :D wtf... this game just wont die.
and won't anytime soon!
because of the continual drama ;P the fact that there are still so many people that care is enough to keep ET going for a fair while!
i had sth else in mind how to finish that sentence: "the fact that there are still so many people that care is..."

But i think you are right ^^
we could call them "sad" or "nerds" if we wanted. the truth is, I prefer to see people caring about playing ET/RtCW/Quake than those who are super serious about LoL and such =)
ET died when #velerion died.
nothing changed, I see. Go lose ice on purpose chry! :D
So you say lets just boycott what is left of this game,even tho nothing much left but EC,lets set it all on fire!
nah,I like dat e-drama much.
plixplax is boycotting EC, im with you :))
saKen i got ya back braw, make drama like a bitch. WOAH!
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