pb_ss (very weird !?) EARROR?


I was playing ET and I saw a medic with a fat head so I took a pb screen and then this came:




Is this a hack or a bug?
worst fake I have ever seen
Wirklich fake? Bei den Cheats die im Umlauf sind glaub ich so was geht ;)
Klar geht das. Ist aber trotzdem faked. :)
das is nichtmal der font den pbscreens haben...
dein Deutsch is echt genial
lold @ punbuster
LoOO00000000000ooolLLL :D:D:D
He has no eyebrows and he has a fucking weird ear :o
hax, no doubt about it.
I like the bad photoshopped (new verb) text under the screen :p
Was it the "punbuster" that made you think that?
I think he hacked my computer or smth :s How come I see his ugly head? Now I can't sleep anymore
wallhack with fat ppl imo
he even hacked your yawn, ERROR or should i say EARror
haha must a bug with a random piC :D
My first bust, now I'm a cheatbuster. Who wanna join the club? pm me
His ear blocks the pb screen, pb_ss blocker ; BAN imo
who is that guy?
He's fusioN, can't u read? His fat head is all over the screen.
gy moet ni veel lache want u kop is ni veel beter
ja maar jij bent een belg
perfo > fusioNz in uiterlijk tbh
kijk perfo is lelijk maar dies tenminste highskilled, die andere is lelijk en dik en low
zoiets als jou dus?
hoe kunt ge nu zege da hij lelijk is als ge hem nog nooit gezien hebt, wij kune zege da perfo lelijk is omda we die al op foto gezien hebe ...
noemen ze tegenwoordig Sarcasme? maarja snap meneer de belg niet en nee heb niks tegenbelgen
ik denk da gij den enigste zijt die da ziet als sarcasme sinds da topic ier een heel serieus topic is
En ik denk toch echt dat je eens je toetsenboard moet repareren of je vingers moet bijstellen want je typt een beetje scheef.
weer zoiets da er totaal nie mee temaken eeft ma ok
ga maar wa me u e-vriendjes spele
Noujaaa, iedereen weet wel dat dikke mensen een kleine piemel hebben, het is gewoon een feit. Maar dat hun piemel soms zelfs aan hun oren hangt ;S Dat is gewoonweg afschuwelijk!

BAH, vuiligheid!
ik wel, belgen zijn dom
Not bad, only PBSs have got a different font, the fake is pretty good though, you had some people going, it's badly done though, I can still see the luger from your screenshot, you don't get that with PBSs.
But overall, nice try ;-)
Like he rly wanted to make a perfect fake pb_ss, he just wanted to make fun of fusioNz :)
If you look better you can see an allied through the floor @ supply depot isn't that hax?
through his ear*
Cats = Aliens? :/
It's not that easy to see, and it doesn't matter, the ss is obviously fake, I'm not saying whether you're right or not, I'm just saying the ss is fake ;-)
Looks like ETH... You can spoof the screen and you can remove/change pbguid on the screens :o
i lol'd :D
koop wenkbrauwe jong
rofl, can't find them :<
another cheat :s BAN THIS GUY FOR FUCK SAKE!!!
new skinn pack ore wath?.... ( ugley skinn then)
okkkk.. wtf is dit hier, kheb gehoord wenkbrauwe optie enz..
ik ben hier pas nieuw en ik krijg al een dikke kankerkop zonder wenkbrauwe en een verkrachte oor te zien,
nou leuk hoor!
Extreme Make over ; elvis edition


atleast his ear is normal
the child has a kanker bump on his ear

I rofled xD
fusen ?
Macromedia Fireworks 8.
children shouldn't play with fire.
Hax for sure !
like the "HE IS FAT AND UGLY" part :P
BUG!!! a bug from his parents
the punbuster screenshot is genious
nice hacks
nice font also in the punbuster screenie
nette warze oben am ohr
I lolled at Punbuster :D
btw, I think it's just another pop up from some kind of gayporn site or smth like that..

Oh, I almost forgot, I heard he plays trompet??
Jupz, as seen here below when you scroll down this page :p.
i lolled :D
i lol'd :D
He is from Lord of the Rings
I lol'd irl
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