
ive just got back from the wigan vs huddersfield game away in yorkshire,
i was greeted by a few messages as normal with some interesting links like the migros interview, i just want to bring up the fact that, its seriously hard to read. i can see the comedy value but the fact that you guys think of yourselves as a community and a group is fucking comedy legend, i dont wanna have a go at you im just laughing at you. you realy need to get a job/get a life even better get a girflriend, i love the way that some people have gained status because they post the word of 'law' on crossfire, i know its probably impossible but if i could just take one of you guys for a game of rugby or a day out maybe a pint whatever you could see what youve been missing , because you are corrupted by this online game. i hope you see the light before you get married or have children, if you already have them then i hope your marraige survives.

i wont reply to this cos im working tommorow and ive gotta train later that night.
first read the comments on www.netcoders.be and then come here...
hey raskl :))))
lol pls...?
high skilled post!
conclusion:keep on gaming!
i-net is a way of life !
If you think that's the case, Then you have no life
True true, thank god we have a guy like you who writes a real life tutorial
can i dll it somewhere?
Careful or you'll get another visit from potsmoker.
this post says more about yourself than about all the other people you're talking to
rofl raskl, please tell me someone has a copy of his post on gamers nation then we can talk about sense making! and talk about gettin a life raskl arent you a coke head? yes sir u are livin!
blah blah blah

pls - all that coke really has turned your brain to pate

no wonder you had such trouble on comms with words of more than one syllable

get a grip
You the kid who got shook when potsmoker came to your doorstep yeah? Don't act fucking tough u little 14 year old nob
lol this true? :D
hes actually in his 30's
I heard he told someone that pot didn't actually come to his door at all and he just "went along with it" rofl
real life ownator!!
true to that. only thing is that your even more sad wasting your time making and 'testing' hacks.
good day to you sir!
he didnt make a thing, just bought.
<3 kokain =))
I Rly Laughed At This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RASKL i dont know about you, but i dont wanna get married when im 18, nor get kids. And why does spending pass time on a website discussing a game that we all like make us nerds ?
RASKL!! my little gay.uk
I'm sure/I hope everyone here knows that ET and online gaming 'tout court' are just another useless though fun way of spending your time. You're a dumb person to call all of the people in this e-community lowlifes. How do you know that they're all nerds? Do you even know that? No. I'm glad for you that you have seen the light, as you said it so nicely, but that's only because you yourself were an addicted loser w/o any friends/life/whatever. You now see how big of a loser you actually were and just start to insult other ppl you think are 'losers' like yourself? Nice guy, very mature and not hypocrtitic at all. I can 't even see the purpous of your post lol. All I can see is that you're happy to have beaten your addiction and how wrong your life actually used to be. I'm sure there are a lot of talented people in this e-community and that there are very little 'lowlifes' around. It's true that people shouldn't be lead by the game they play and that they need jobs/hobbies/friends and so on, of course it's true. But don't we all know that. Again I call you a dumb person because you obviously underestimate your fellow citizens.
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