
Hello crossfire.

I respected Tosspot for this site, But what i don't get is how the hell he coped with a bunch of kids who insult one another for the fun of it, If i was tosspot i woulda banned most of you idiots for your bad mouth and insulting humour, Maybe some of you would get friends if you werent such retards.

So, Crossfire is a cheat busting website also, Wonder why people cheat, Because once again some of you retards make people cheat bringing more cheaters to the et community. Some of you are always like..

"Cheater! HAcker !!1 z0mg you haCked 5 years ago!! ban!1 omfg ban this twat who cheated last year WTF CHEATER BAN OMG LIFE IS OVER hacker"

Now them comments are gonna make more people cheat, But some of you little kiddies are to dumb to relise that, Everyones cheated.. In real life, cheated on friends if you have any, cheated on your mum n dad out of something, Everyone must've cheated at something. After all noones perfect, You're just attention seeking with your poor attitude towards people who have done nothing wrong to you. I havn't done anything wrong to either of you, You just "Flamed" me with your comments making me hate you, Wasn't my doings!

Why do admins let this happen, Why cant they make this site better to go on, With better people? .

I like some of you people here, I happen to like many on crossfire, but many has no friends. Most of you have no life AT all! when i was new to this site, I got insulted, Is that what you want your community to be like admin? Everyone insulted me because i was new to crossfire, so what? you people here need to learn respect, You need to learn how to be nice to others, and most inportantly, You need to grow up! Theres a big world out there with lots to see, Lots to do, Enjoy life because your missing out :)

Regards to my friends on crossfire

People who piss me off. Go to hell

Wolfe :)!
You might not be a kid, but you certainly do act like one.
QuoteGo to hell
+ nerd ?
maybe everyone flames/hates you is because of your retarded attitude + cheater

Man jij bent het retardste persoon op dit forum, dat bedoel ik op een nice way :D
Dirty chav.
charv* but still ahahahah xD
The word's chav.
The general opinion from the North of England, is that it is indeed charv* not chav! >:)
Sorry evan i'm not a posh git like you :p
you cheated on the first rule of crossfire
haha rly lold at this comment :DD
Your a retard.
That is the most dumb thing I've read today on crossfire.
Now quit ET and crossfire so that all the 'idiots' on this site can go on without you.
whine more baby
If Tosspot wouldn't let people flame and whine insult each other this site would die, its true...
I don't think so, it's just a mentality change, which I think would be good. I used to work at where there where very strict rules about posting comments; there was no flaming AT ALL and the community was big and great.
yea but crossfire already started flaming and insulting, you cant really do something about it, nuked 20 people per journal? banning people would take more than half of the users.
Yeah right, like you know me or anyone else here, i doubt you are able to judge if i got a rl...
ppl like that, flaming others with statements like "you have no reallife" make me laugh (it reminds me of "projection" (sigmund freud, anyone?) :p)

btw noone here cares if someone ever cheated to his girlfriend, this is about ET and as long as they dont cheat ingame, why should i care? and if they do, he should be punished.
ah diese anspielung auf freud fand ich super ^^
i lol'd
Okay, you hacked on publics and in scrims (not sure about officials), and didn't get banned. No consequence for you at all, then you blame people for whining at you, because you say it was a mistake and in the past (like 2/3 month's LoL). Count yourself lucky, you receive like barely anything compared to what I did and you still have the nerve to create something like this and whine.
I agree with this cheater.
get lost pls its the internet ur so sad u remind me as a sad panda

image: pandas75za
made my day LOL
QuoteIf i was tosspot i woulda banned most of you idiots for your bad mouth and insulting humour.

QuoteCheater! HAcker !!1 z0mg you haCked 5 years ago!! ban!1 omfg ban this twat who cheated last year WTF CHEATER BAN OMG LIFE IS OVER hacker

do you get the sarcasm in that?
If admins would ban everyone flaming. this site would go from ~11000 members to ~250 and would take admins 11019210 hours to ban.

if you cheat to your girlfriend... you might be an asshole in RL and maybe i'd dislike you. Still, this is about playing ET, if you cheat to your girlfriend its of no importance to me or an et-community tbh, it's your own problem you have to cope with.
Why do people care about people cheating on a game, even though a guy cheated a year ago, people are still caling him a cheater, why do people care? its a game for christ sake
if noone cares if i have cheated 3 months ago, why shouldn't i cheat either? Maybe i'm not even gonna be busted and if i am, in 3 months noone cares anymore anyway. you give them a carte blanche. If someone decides to cheat he should be punished (7-days-ban is no punishment). he has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
rofl its a game for fuck sake LOL
so? still i don't like playing with cheaters and neither does anyone else. now live with the consequences.
rofl its a game, and i dont cheat anymore, get that through to your thick skull, funny ive only been busted once and that was november last year, oo if i still hack i woulda been busted sooooo many times idiot :)
no one wants u to stay
flaming is fun, so fuck off @ everyone plz flame me! <3

image: T2Go-SadCat-HugsNeeded242

anyone who writes below the line is gay

btw pls make a news out of that.
fuck off

QuoteOk first of all, I cheated in november last year, Second fo all i only cheated once, third of all your attitude is what im talking about and you're abuseing your fellow brits, You need to get your facts right before shooting your mouth off.


go to fucking netcoders forum there you will be accepted and loved by mature not-idiot and friendly guys

image: annrx2he37er41kqa
i played some scrims with you absolutely ages ago and you were cheating, then when you played against someone decent you actually whined. Then you say I wasn't good enough, when i showed no interest to join you guys (mainly cause you were morons on vent and didn't like to play against good teams despite saying you were med/med+). Then you get busted and say you only hacked once, give me a break. My attitude to fellow brits ? As if you would know anything tbh please.
LMFAO i cheated once last year, and i have never played a warwith you ever, so i dunno what your smoking but you're making yourself look like a retard with no life, LOL cheated once stupid prick =)
XD XD XD evan > you
whos *evan*
cheater + Member For: 28 days

plz die
it remebered me about the Film: 28 days later xD
And u can see now, what happens with this guy 28 days later :)
ban this idiot
LOL. when are you finally gonna stop posting here!!? Don't you fucking understadn you make yourself look like a brainless cunt...?
your atleast not retarded like him, since you cheated to
It's pathetic to cheat :)
everyones done it mate, so dont tell me, i only did it once in november last year, wow its a crime!
Yeah the worst community ever full of retards, i know the nerd geek community :D gl with that! LoL
so why do you care, sucker?
lol i dont care you thinking that i care is really funny like i said keep it up ! Loser
your reply shows that u actually do care. xD if you would not care you would not have written that whole text omg bastard u are so retarded

lol i just find it funny what your saying because you have no clue :D
you are right. tho i didnt read most parts
You piss me off, go to hell.
Pitty small minded people nearly die at the fact someones cheating, lol it makes me laugh, someone who cares so muc about cheating on a game on a computer is just plain pathetic lol
You care.

Now where's gambit...
I don't care at all?

and whos gambit?
the point is that we try to make somebody laugh....
Yeah i know but insulting someone to make someone laugh is pitty small minded, and patheticjokes make people laugh, like the people on crossfire, most of them complete jokes :)
its all sarcasm, and we just make fun, we dont rly mean what we say to eachother omg...
rofl are u like 5 years old? dont take everything personally, it's mostly sarcasm. xfire is great because of the flame, my cs:s mate says he's never seen a website where people flame so much. tbh, like it or fuck off
ok lets flame your the biggest dick in the world LOL aso funny, get a its the best way to start living homie
I'm sorry but didn't you just made a post where you insult this entire community and i can see you're having a heck of a time right now...
ofc im insulting the entire community, not the whole community though, some people are nice, they insult me i insult them back, they're just kids so i m wasting my time
the big lebowski is like one of the best movies ever :P i'm gonna go watch the dvd now :)
It's hard to believe that he is so retarded, maybe it's just someone's fake account?
What a retard.
Wolfe die you says i stop with et so stop then ok with spamming a community noob
engrish work niceonely !!
it's a perfect example tbh, should have used it in my test 2 days ago :D
did u graduate 1st in ur emoclass?
that nolife flame is sooo 2005
to be quite frank ur:
1. a judgemental idiot
2. a nolifer urself for actually taking the time to write this
3. a complete idiot
4. a carebear cuz u care too much
5. a cookie!
I lol'd hard, but I hope you wont post @ xfire anymore...
can u just ban this fucker
So you are actually telling every1 on crossfire to respect you? respect a cheater? what for? for cheating, breaking the rules?
frusted kid 2nd spot: wolfe?
v51 to Wolfe
Yeah i have a life, i just have some free time =) and thats laughing at you lot, It's fun, try it sometime, oh yeah i dislike you!
"some" freetime.
dude shut up thanks
u r doing exactly the same u were whining about in this thread. well it looks like u r actually the one without a life. get it faster or will be too late (you know brain isn't able to regenerate, especially when nothing is left from it)! 8(
i have a life mate you gotta understand that, this thread is telling people to get a life and to stop insulting others
yep, have to agree with crackbitch..
your comment shows that you are the retarded one here
no i aint your to dumb to even know whos being retarded, its all of you kids on crossfire thinking your funny by insulting others for no reason, i aint the one who is retarded, you lot are ahh fuck it i dont care lol!
i wasnt insulting you...and if i would have had a reason..since you said such stupid thing like "you are a german, so you dont understand"....
i dont flame people without a given reason...

and btw. i havent even read your journal/thread..just read your comment about the connection "german" and "not understanding"
Quoteyour comment shows that you are the retarded one here

so you wasnt insulting me? are you stupid?
ok, i insulted you...but just after you insulted all the germans...allthough you dont even know all germans which would give you the right to judge about "germans" in general...
well we owned you in the war so shut up
plz man you are such an idiot. Plz re-read your posts in this topic:

you are speaking about people here @ crossfire who are insulting and spamming only. But in fact you are not a tittle better than these people, you are crying like a little child, you reply to each comment @ this topic (most people would call it spam) and you are insulting everyone.

Is it this what you expected us to be? To be
Why do people take Crossfire too serious again?
Quotebut many has no friends

learn some engrish first pls, but i just wanted to tell you that if cf would delete everyone who has insulted someone once on this website there wouldn't be many left so i dont think that will happen my friend ....
he is english and you not ... so why do you judge about his english skills
certainly don't hope he's english cause that would be fuck up for him ... and just for the retarded journal which is useless cause noone will care i judge him
you could also be mature and not give a flying fuck about offences received on the internet.

then again you could waste a lot of time trying to change this site, your choice.

jesus i'm just 16 and i'm mature enough not to pay any attention to random flame..
(You didnt make my day, you didnt make my weekend, you made my whole month <3)

You are a cheater, dont like it we flamed you for it, made a post we should be friendly. Afaik, the post on xfire is sarcasm + I'm glad im not retarded in the way you are. <3

<3 u wolfielein
Wolfe, can I have a picture of you?
Tbh wolfe you kinda ruin you own point by flaming in your own topic about flaming..
Quote by Wolfeok seriously go die right now because i couldnt care less about your gay life

But i still <3 you
let him "relise" that.

why do u care so much about some idiots from the internet?
ur live must be really sad!

btw: attentionwhore!
Where does it say i care mate? It doesn't, Either you need glasses or lazer eye surgery, Why are you being nasty? Any reason at all? This is what im trying to point out, Oh and I ain't doing this for attention.
u do care!
cause if u wouldn't, u would not write all this stuff about getting flamed for no reason. If someone says something stupid in a funny way about u in rl do u also act like that. Or do u ignore him or try to laugh about it?
Dont take this flame so serious ... its a part of the community. and without all this flame it would be soo boring here.

btw i dont play ET anymore. im just here to flame and laugh about all this flame about everyone!

lol i dont care mate, its just a computer
Quote by Mistah WolfeWell i couldn't care less what you guys have to say

I, my friend, have a question. WHY in the name of God (and any other entity people can, could and will possibly believe in) do you reply to every comment of your "I quit cuz y'all flame me" journal? If you don't care, just don't reply.

Quote by Mistah WolfeDon't judge a book by its cover, Once you get to know me i'm a nice person

Again, why don't you prove that you're nice? All you do is flame people because they flame you... I've only seen you whine up until now.

Quote by Mistah WolfeI am making a point, you're probably to young to understand.

Ok... So it's gotten this far... Making comments about people's age is pathetic, for all you know there's someone of 12 who knows more and has seen more of life than someone of 23.

End of whine on your comments, HF trying to answer this.
P.S.: Try not to use any words that contain fuck, shit, or anything else like that. Try it! It's not that hard.
i was waiting for this pic :D
2 much to read, sum it up plz
uhum, you are insulting us we dont have a life. Do you know us, or are you just watching our covers?

I dont think i have a special RL but i go out every week. Is that ok for you?
QuoteWell i couldn't care less what you guys have to say

Then your reason for replying to people is?
+ small penis cuz United Kingdom Wolfe bite his own penis of, h4x again!
yeah, deleting own posts, to pretend not to care LOLOLOLOLO

quit life instead of ET
:DD suck on that fuzz you fucking nerd =D go to bed
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