lookin for a good clan!

that play officials! i already have a clan for funn wars,..

I consider myself to be oldskewl, since i played ET as long as any1 could have done. and i played rtcw before that in clans like cOb , KiH , $ill .
earlier ET clans : $ill , sissy , k1ck , noll8 (started it up and played for a short while)

I have played in NC, OC , WL , rtcw.no , and sm ligan ..

My main class is Rifle engy mid atm (can be high if i pracc vs good clans, used to do so) . havent played any official for a year thou.

Med skill in all other classes i guess.

Former Team captain of the Swedish NC team for 2 seasons (i have really good ideas how this game is to be played.)

I hope to find a haxx free team that are i need of an haxx free rifle engy, in theire officials mainly .. I can start as the 7 th player but my goal is to play the games.

Rock n roll!

/.mail me at: "gob@r" [email protected] or find me in #et.se
Nisse äntligen kan ni byta ut tornis..

Sveriges bäst rifle är tillbaka
lycka tilL gobar the man the myth the lamer :)
vadå lol .. bara för att jag är 34 behöver ni inte mobba mig .. :)

translation: just because im 34 years old u dont have to bully me ..

also a skilled translationist as you can see, take him!
IDD very skilled allrounder as he shows above, CRAB HIM!
ps. and im damn sexy too! I also was the CL of Cs3r.dae for a while of 2 months .. :)

BTW: Swedes do it better ! .. :)
gl hf, take him very high player and he could show you lots of skilled trickjumps and stuff!
Lycka till gobar, kul att se dej tillbaks :)
GL KiH.gob@r
lycka till :D:D
Lycka till GOBAR!
gL, good player. :O)
gl gobar! <3
gl, nice guy
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