xAv the new skilled player? Nop

well, i played him last night, and he was damn strange, so i decided to look at his yawn! and i got a surprise!

first of all is normal


but then if u click in the E94BBA8EAB3C80AE767BFC53BC4A4E86ED231DEB etpro guid
you can see a diff pb guid, ok, so click on it "d0fed9c5"

and chalakaboooom
or he does have 3 pcs, or his hack is getting a mess :(

etpro guids in order (new to old)

2CD4BCA5951B36A566D7F0F838BEA4E3FB47314E ( this one might be strange, but its the first one where he uses the name xAv, so if it was a spoofer, he was a guesser!)

He has 3 PC with same pbguid
Is that THE proof, ban xAv !!!


fuckin wnb
2 weeks guid?

"o xAv é adivinho" :>

ja viste a demo com o wolfcam? quando vires diz algo. Eu amanha vou ver isso :< Hoje tenho que estudar :\
o,O ?

3guids don't say that he hacks :-)
She simply have multiple pcs and like to switch around etkey alot
missed, see you next week for another bust !
he gave his etkey to 3 friends 8>
irgendwer muss es ja kaufen wenn er damit 40000 € im monat einnimmt
der würde sich freuen wenn er einmal im leben 40000 gesehen hätte :o
ich hab auch so eine
I've got 3 etpro guids registered to my yawn, but i don't hack ;d
It randomly changed once, and then i got a new pc on sunday and trasnferred my etkey over with my configs - means nothing :x
i found the real proofs in his nicks,

eZ xAv hAx

that s proof enough imo :)

I really would like to see clear evidence that xAv hax, and same for any of my teammates, but you guys are seriously egoboosting him and we can laugh at him a lot so it s nP
... open your eyes! and u will see a beautiful world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's a pleasure.
ehrm he already got busted 1 or 2 month ago or ?!
2 pc that's all

more post just for me GOGO
xAv you dumb hacker :P still i <3 you btw i got alot of guids too check my yawn :) GGS
most players do i have like 10 pbguids and 3 guids
Well that's different, this guy's etpro guid changed to A then B then back to A again ...

well i got a new guid when i added a new HDD to my comp without removing the old one so i would think if i were to remove this newly added HDD my guid would change back to what it was
and to make it clear im not trying to protect him or anything just saying this is just something that should be looked as another suspicious action
infact if i were to bet i would say he does cheat judging by only few games i have played against him or specced him at ETTV
Well it seems suspicious because it is him, plus the fact that he has the same pb guid, why would you transfer your "etkey" from your computer to your laptop ? And he said 2 pc's now he is saying a laptop (maybe because he realised after that that would make more sense?).
If I played ET on a computer and a laptop, I would not say I play ET on 2 different pc's if someone asked, I would say that I play on my computer but sometimes on my laptop ¬_¬
like i said he most likely cheats, this whole nonsensetalk makes it much more clear, but still he wont be banned bacause of this, sadly
hopefully this makes it kinda clear for clans and players not to take him in any team in the future
pb_cdkeyreg or smthng, otherwise you've got your old pbguid.
You'll also get a new pb guid when you remove etkey, because pb automatically registers a new guid than :) .
What a proof, u should become a prosecuter for the state.
that's not real proof, my guids change every day as well

but it's strange he claims he got 2 PCs when this can easily be explained with 1 PC
why u got same pb guid on both? that's nonsense... and why would u play ET on laptop if u got normal PC
tbh; I copied my whole ET dir when I started playing on my laptop but this can idd be one 1 pc, maybe he bought a new hdd :P
he cant explain himself cause his engerlish suxx but he use 2 pc as he s a student, he s not at home during the week so he uses a laptop with a screen i guess, and during the week end his own computer :)
Everyone knows that whoever plays on laptop is a cheater, look @ kiitos, nils with kik_aim etc


frite pas cuite d0fed9c5 2CD4BCA5... 2007/03/24
frite pas cuite d0fed9c5 E94BBA8E... 2007/03/23

So u decided to play on your laptop the day after and your same nick is yawned and this nick doesn't appear anywhere else on that guid ... hmm
Thought it was laptop?

If you're trying to be funny, it's not working .. People know that cheaters themselves joke about the topic when accused as part of a psycological plan to confuse those who accuse them.

Fact that you replied to this comment and then deleted it just makes it look so obvious, vanq style obvious :x
i checked it, and 23 and 24 are a friday and saturday, so he s at home and doesnt use his laptop, so the new hdd alibi can work .
I am not defending him cause i play with him, but after playing a lot i never seen something really really impossible from him, some nice headshots but nothing i ve never seen from Tsu or freek or whoever.
omfhksg, he was fucking strange
xAv got 2 pcs...

T'es vraiment qu'un roux toi...

<3 :*
xAv is cheating everybody know it , who cares
hmm... but it isnt a proof. New PC (Hamachi on/off) makes all together 3 Yawn et guids. I can delete/copy my pb guids, that will make millions of pb guids... get an Screenshot of his pb guid, et pro guid, ip adress and a multihack kick ^^
what's so strange about that?
I use the ETPro guid i had a year ago since my new hdd broke :O
I still got my old et-pro guid even if my hdd broke and using new one.
shut the fuck up no proof here stop useless topic ffs
played against him yesterday and saw nothing strange... he wasn't standing out all too much tbh.
get some .avi, they are always amusing ´^_^
thks lagger xDDDDD
lol right back at ya whiner :P

portuguese server next time haha

stop being jealous @ xAv.
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