
Cool organization.

snd"Raged and his buddies trying to takeover an american teams IRC channel. Very mature guys.


For more
hi caralho
to bad i need to register to see it
that link doesn't work :/
proofs or die
Well dear syntax before u whine about others , take a look at urself.


n1 fanboying razz and tekoa though :O
QuoteIt is him, but we were able to prove it was due to an external crosshair, hence my announcement about PB banning them shortly thereafter. He's not suspended from TWL.

n1 If you actually think I hack

for all teh monkeys who are not registered @ et-center:

don't piss em off or they'll act like kids and takeover your IRC channel.

[22:34:56] ::: kick: (WhoopsAzz|TWL) was kicked by (snd`Raged) Go play leapfrog with a unicorn

from #team_facial

fucking great "organization" let me tell ya.
serious business
post it here noob :D
they also have super-B sponsors and can send teams to LAN events all over the world
[22:34:25] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*apocalyps@*.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net)
[22:34:25] ::: Kick: (ap0calyps0|OUT) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) It's not that I hate you, it's just... that I don't like you
[22:34:25] ::: Mode: (Q) sets (+o ronaldjundago)
[22:34:27] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*d_patel09@*.dsl.bumttx.sbcglobal.net)
[22:34:27] ::: Kick: (\Dman\) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) Lame and fake - that's you
[22:34:30] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*marknazz@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:30] ::: This *!*marknazz@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @`prophet
[22:34:30] ::: Kick: (`prophet) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) This is not #kiddiechat
[22:34:33] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*N3gat1ve@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:33] ::: This *!*N3gat1ve@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @N3gat1ve
[22:34:34] ::: Kick: (N3gat1ve) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) You really wanted it, right?
[22:34:38] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*pj_work@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:38] ::: This *!*pj_work@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @pj_work
[22:34:40] ::: Kick: (pj_work) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) I didn't invite you, did I?
[22:34:42] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*jurkin_24@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:42] ::: This *!*jurkin_24@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @peterjennings
[22:34:44] ::: Kick: (peterjennings) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) Thanks for your visit
[22:34:46] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*primo@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:46] ::: This *!*primo@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @Primoo
[22:34:48] ::: Kick: (Primoo) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) You didn't understand any of this
[22:34:49] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (+b *!*Raged@*.bagu.cable.ntl.com)
[22:34:49] ::: This *!*Raged@*.bagu.cable.ntl.com ban affects: @brt-leorn
[22:34:49] ::: Kick: (brt-leorn) was kicked by (ronaldjundago) A pity you have to leave so early
[22:34:59] ::: Mode: (Alt`Breatr) sets (+b *!*Files@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:34:59] ::: This *!*Files@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @X_o`Files
[22:34:59] ::: Kick: (X_o`Files) was kicked by (Alt`Breatr) See you in hell
[22:35:00] ::: Mode: (X_o`Files) sets (-b *!*Files@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:00] ::: Kick: (Alt`Breatr) was kicked by (X_o`Files) Don't ban me!
[22:35:06] ::: Join: (renjaaaa) ([email protected])
[22:35:11] ::: Mode: (snd`Raged) sets (+b *!*sd@*.129.89.75.ip.alltel.net)
[22:35:11] ::: This *!*sd@*.129.89.75.ip.alltel.net ban affects: @wmg`
[22:35:11] ::: Kick: (wmg`) was kicked by (snd`Raged) Oops, I did it again
[22:35:13] ::: Mode: (snd`Raged) sets (+b *!*lappy@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:13] ::: This *!*lappy@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @Whoops|TWL|Lap
[22:35:13] ::: Kick: (Whoops|TWL|Lap) was kicked by (snd`Raged) I wonder what this button does?
[22:35:14] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (-b *!*primo@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:15] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (-b *!*d_patel09@*.dsl.bumttx.sbcglobal.net)
[22:35:16] ::: Mode: (snd`Raged) sets (+b *!*nn@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:16] ::: This *!*nn@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @WhoopsAzz|TWL
[22:35:16] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (-b *!*marknazz@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:17] ::: Kick: (WhoopsAzz|TWL) was kicked by (snd`Raged) Go play leapfrog with a unicorn
[22:35:18] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (-b *!*jurkin_24@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:21] ::: Mode: (snd`Raged) sets (+b *!*Deluxe@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:21] ::: This *!*Deluxe@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @Weapuh
[22:35:24] ::: Kick: (Weapuh) was kicked by (snd`Raged) Thanks for your visit
[22:35:29] ::: Kick: (snd`Raged) was kicked by (ronaldjundago) Oops, I did it again
[22:35:31] ::: Mode: (ronaldjundago) sets (+b *!*lol@*.users.quakenet.org)
[22:35:31] ::: This *!*lol@*.users.quakenet.org ban affects: @snd`renja[nG]
[22:35:31] ::: Kick: (snd`renja[nG]) was kicked by (ronaldjundago) No Homers

Hopefully the admins dont delete :(
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