Fredzio bust3d

Today I was plying a 3o3 war with friends and this Fredzio guy was a little bit 2 good.
So i checked his yawn and i saw this ---> guidspoof

GG Anonymous Fredzio
daMnZz homEBoYZZ
a different guid.
must be hack
nice joke

if someone is better than you and playing sometimes on another pc it must be h4x fo sho
lol tard. he has got same pb guid noob.
Its a bit stupid what you do now...If you buy a new usb for your internet connection you also get a new guid. So if his new usb suckt he put it away takes his old back he will get his old guid back. So can be many reasons why he got one time different guid so the busted thing you can put it away
You wouldn't get your old guid back then.
mmm thought you would. I had 2 different usb sticks in 1 day and yawned myself thought wtf and thought if you would put back old one you get your old back but dnno about that because old is broken
lol wnb cheatbuster, pls leave home once and find life..
nice bust ...

TH onyl thing thats strange is how he actually managed to fill an entire yawn page with different nicks during the same day, as if he was trying to cover his new guid or something.
Why don't you add some decent links if you want to bust someone?

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