team VagrantS still looking for 1 medic

Our main obj for next season is compete in OC Premier League and WL too. We will play on ladders/cups up to the end of June.

Current lineup is:
Italy SuPrEmO (cl)
Italy H4nS
Italy cl0ne
Italy Fouillis
Italy Iceman
Sweden tornis

We need a skilled medic, the team will be active up to the end of June, then we will be back at september (with same lineup ofc :p).

- You MUST be able to play from Monday to Friday 21-23/24 CET
- You MUST be skilled and motivated
- You MUST have been playing on good level
- You must be english speaking

VgS members get a free bnc.

VgS`tornis / VgS`H4nS@ #vagrants
I'll join just to get the BNc whilst I'm not skilled enough

EDIT: Oh shit I'm supposed to say gl
EDIT2: ooh shizzle i gotta say im 1st as well!
GL @ EC "allstar" tornis!
good luck italian bitchies
cl0ne, tornis <3
Didnt play on a good level

But i can do a trail
Listen to this man.
gö tornis
take me take me! :D
gl H4nS you noob ;D
ty my friend
gl, nice guys :)
n1 tornis
u r playing in centuria!
still remember some games vs u in good old days;D

gl guys
gl tornis D:
gl looks like a nice line up
good luck =)
dont take me!
take chamire!
Why did chamire leave?
he got kicked to inactive / rambo / whined a bit
If you write: "men RoLiGt" you like pojksnoppar.
gl tornis
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