venco @ CDC 3

image: cdc3banner

venco @ CDC 3 ?

Im searching for a skilled team to play on CDC3, my skill is around med+/high.. Im not sure
about the skill thingy but you can test me of course ;)

So some infos and my Ex-Teams

Age: 20 (for 5 days) :))))
Living in image: de Jewmany
able to pay most costs by myself but sponsored team would be best
im able to play medic or fieldops on a skilled way, the venco way :p

I've played for clans like ..
image: de Nordgötter
image: de Last Evolution
image: eu senthex
image: de ultimate Esports
image: de pstarZ
image: eu iGods
image: eu Retroactive

Shoutout to image: at xet <3

to contact me pm me in #HMMZDUNNO?
just pm me on crossfire



Question: Who are you?

Answer: My name is Peter and i live in Germany now im 20 years old and had a ~5 months break of ET before my break i played for ultimate esports but we werent that active anymore (inactive) so i decided to stop playing computer. Not just because of my inactive, because of my shitty computer which was getting older and older. so when i saved my money during the 5 months of inactivity i bought a new pc for upcomming quakewars full edition+ Rtcw2. So for all people who dont know me, im not a random lowskilled player. I played with players like xet (now EC player - how ever he did it?:PPP) in a 3on3 team for levo and senthex. :) <3 xet so anyways this was a short story of myself and now i hope you guys will finally see im not this junky. Whatever have a n1ce day. Cu @ CDC3 hopefully. ;)
neverheard med+/high :o gl
gl faker
hotlinking from fnatic xDDDD
n1ce venco?
Member For: 16 days and wanna go to lan :D

i think nC did a great job with their lanproof hax
Member For: 2 months and 9 days and you are saying everyone hack :D

I think did a great job with their new creator-machine


gl venco!
funny how i'm a member for twice as long as you are, little boy
2 months and 9 days = 2 x 8 months and 18 days? good maths.
hi hentaizZor4jiXx <3
hiho keytaro <3
Are you planning to go to the CPC3?
i'm hoping, but my parents are killing my hopes atm :< we'll see; if i can manage to get there and back without missing school and a certain amount of support, i might be able to go ;o
=[ but you can come during the week-end right? It's from the 21st to 23rd. If you want to play, you need to jump a school-day (friday), it'll be only the start of the year :P
But, if you are planning to come as spectator, there is no pro blem because it'll be saturday & sunday, to meet some players irl, and you won't miss any school day =]
ye, but i wanna play xd
Well, you can try something like... "Hello parents, how are you this morning? Why don't you want to let me go at my LAN? It's only the start of the year, and I promise you I'll work hard to get nice marks!!" :P
that was amazingly clever, sir, you could be detectiv
i don't know why you're trying to use sarcasm to look cool, your previous comment made you look blatently retarded
ye ok it's true, this is my one and only account and i'm only here for about 2 months and i also tried to act cool tbh but it didn't work out :<
sry hentai, you are a pretty skilled etplayer, i should have had more respect from you!
funny if you have a second account and you are registered for a longer time than me, mature boy.

But, saying to _nearly_ everyone "you are cheating" "I like your bot" "nC!!!" won't help at all.
i don't know if it helps, i don't care tbh but it's fun
._. How the hell can you be so stupid? How can you say it's fun to insult everybody of being hackers?
why not? do you think i care= (except for scroch, jan etc they really hax)
zomg, you should get banned for what you are saying :x and at least try to proof what you say when you are treating someone of cheater
i don't need proofs for what i'm saying, but anyway i don't even know why i'm talking with you, i wouldn't have done in rl either
ok, so everybody hacks right now, np.

And If you don't know/understand why you are talking with me, just stop answering.

And if you wouldn't have spoken with me in rl too, just don't do it because Y0u 4r3 7h3 M4573R of Y0uR 50u1 \o/
ye, but keep away from me now, you are no good association for me, ppl will laugh if they see me talking with you...
HaHa, for sure! =']
so? shame on you man. If you want to be a good and flamefree et gamer, you should never registered on crossfire. So your double so retarded as some others here :o

btw, i shame myself for being registered on the utimate flame site...
shame on your whole family, because your fucking parents let their little son buy hax. they should better have taken the money and bought you some friends
amen be proud
why should i be proud now? oh pls you really understand nothing
cu @ lan
thx rezoNaccount no. 1132
who do u always reply if anyone says your name, if some new guy adds a journal ^^
who is pumu?

a) he are 2cooL?
b) i would say hmm. answer a)
c) i would say answer b) sounds best!
around wnb? huh
are you sure bout that high skilled thing ? :)
good luck venco
gl new junky :))
who are you ?
Neverheard med+/high skilled german bastard.

Good luck in your search.
gl junky
Age: 20 (for 5 days) :))))
Living in Jewmany

die pls?
gl venco <3, but u better choose other contactchannel :D
wieso was verkehrt? ich idle doch bei dir <3
ja n1, aber das is doch nicht dein Kontaktchannel :)
raff ich jetzt nich =DDDD
sag den p!xL3r$ mal wer ich bin die scheinen den schuss nicht gehört zu haben =DD
Don't take jews they only go if you pay everything for them!
hi junky you still alive?
too bad you never learned reading at school :~/
but he is good in guessing the truth apparently :)
das du ein hurensohn bist weiss jeder oder?
hi heinzi ^^
hi .. und liebe den fame um mich :>

und ey biste CPC3 ? sag bitte ja .. würd mich so freuen!
ach herrje, der nächste der mich verprügeln will? ihr seid schon alle n bisschen lächerlich
hab ich das gesagt?
will dich kackstelze nur mal sehen und ein trinken gehen!!

mich cared diese verhurte affensezene nimmer :/
im not guessing i just know it :D
Quotenow i hope you guys will finally see im not this junky. Whatever have a n1ce day. Cu @ CDC3 hopefully. ;)

why does your ip match with junky's ip then? still nice try :D
i played with this guy in my first et clan ~2.5 years ago, trust me this isnt junky omfg.
busted for having a danonicip?
true, I guess we got a bust :)
i really love your sense of irony :D
would be way too funny if these 2 guys - from 80 million german ppl - got the same ip and both logged in @crossfire with 15min delay...
furthermore a dynamic guid won't be given to another user after such a short period of time afaik.
lol du nab :D
gl venco
gl junky :-D
do you actually think some of the top-teams would take you to cdc?
i doubt he really intends to go, i think he wants to show he's sooo clean by pretending to go to cdc, knowing that he will not find a team anyway.
do u know this song: dreeeaaams, are my realityyy!! xDD
hurensohn junky :>
gl hacker
sponsored by nC
er ist nicht der venco, für den er sich ausgibt... warum auch immer
du miese faker sau

möge dein spermium für immer und ewig unbeweglich sein
möge dein fortplanzungsakt niemals stattfinden

ou kacke
thx krafti ;)
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