RTCW CDC3 team

As some or perhaps even many of you might have noticed, Wolf has recently seen a small tournament at a LAN called CPC (Crossfire Prizefight Challenge). Can’t be bothered to look it up but i think it was in februari and those who were there will agree that it was a succes, despite the small amount of teams allowed to attend (namely onesoldier, fallanx, verdiend, KiH, rTg).
To get a short impression of CPC you can have a look over here: http://www.brightcove.com/channel.j.....9355743&firstVideo=0

Anyhow, coming back to the point for which i posted this thread:
Crossfire.nu have again announced a LAN event, again in Holland and this time named CDC3 (Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3).
The LAN event will be split into two smaller events: one late september hosting W:ET, ET:Q, Warsow1v1 and Quake3CPM1v1 and the other will take place November 16th 17th and 18th. This second event will host both the Call of Duty 2 event and an RTCW QpadCup.

Coming even closer to the very reason for this post, I’d like to once again attend the LAN event. I suppose some of the previous teams will attend again, perhaps with a slightly different lineup.
What I need is 5 players to form a reasonable team. I’d like for you to be a bit experienced, which might sound a bit weird coming from an RTCW newbie but I need people who can make up for what I lack ;)
If you are quite sure you will be able to pay and make the trip to Enschede, Holland that weekend then let me know and perhaps we can work something out.

Age -> 18 or higher
Skill -> Preferably experienced
Attitude -> In for some fun after we raped everyone @ the event in the form of a beer and some partying in Enschede
Language -> Basically English but I’m in for a fully Dutch, German or French team as well.

For more information about travel options and costs contact me at:
mail: [email protected]
irc: sling/slinger @ #fallanx (not always online)
or pm me here
Also, for more information about myself you can have a look at my lovely profile >_<


(ps some parts of this might sound a bit silly: this is due to the fact i copy/pasted it from my post over at the warleagues.com forums)
(ps2 toss will perfo be allowed to participate in the rtcw tournament of CDC3?)
u write bout me palys??
been there done that
shit not 18 yet :(
banned players are not allowed and you know it
GoodLuck Netherlands rbnt
essay? :X gl
well... im not so sure about perfo lol

they say anyone who is cb banned cant participate but i dont know the rules about playing in other games

gl... id like to say cYa at lan but i cant since rtcw is a different date :P

in november he would be unbanned no?

he got banned in may 6 months = november so he should be allowed afaik
m!das is searching too ??!!
gl muate :D
ask m!das i heard he killed 6 infesus with 6 lugershots once @ rtcw
he's famous, I read about him on et-truth. gl!
gL sLinGer :o <3
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