OVERLOAd.inseh busted
Yahaa! I still need a moviemaker =o]
You have to be
-Innovative (Do something original)
-Motivated (My last moviemaker wasn't anymore =o[)
-Active (Tell me how the movie is progressing)
-Able to finnish it within the period of 4(???) months (Or if you can do it within a month or so and still having a decent movie, I'm not complaining)
I already have some demos sorted out with times and everything.
My demos expand from 2005 to 2007, so there are still some demos that I have to look into!
Are you up for the challenge?!
Contact me at #tacky or #morrigu
You have to be
-Innovative (Do something original)
-Motivated (My last moviemaker wasn't anymore =o[)
-Active (Tell me how the movie is progressing)
-Able to finnish it within the period of 4(???) months (Or if you can do it within a month or so and still having a decent movie, I'm not complaining)
I already have some demos sorted out with times and everything.
My demos expand from 2005 to 2007, so there are still some demos that I have to look into!
Are you up for the challenge?!
Contact me at #tacky or #morrigu
Nice computer! and gl :D
Make your own movie like I am, moviemakers just suck.
not funny anymore bro'
anyway gl with your movie, gonna download fo sho!