recruiting 2 members is currently looking out for 2 members to join up with the normal lineup.
We are a med skilled clan, that is active in cups and laddergames. We are looking for a new lineup player and one backup guy (which will have an active gaming experience with us aswell).

Our current lineup consists of the following players:

- Belgium Koe (c.)
- Belgium Chalk (ingame leader)
- Belgium Witje
- Belgium Flames
- Belgium Cluster
- Netherlands Zeno
- You?!

Since zeno has to go on vacation we will need the backupboy to play for us for 1 week activelly and 3 weeks semi active for sure. The lineup guy has to replace the current left member BelgiumdLay, which left due to problems with me.
If you are an egoquitter, plz do no apply because then you will follow the same way BelgiumdLay followed..

We can offer you:
- gameserver
- ventrilo
- bnc (if you request i can maybe fix you one)
(- our own cup)
(- ETTV )

What we request from you is:
- activity at at least 3 days in the week (i prefer sun-thursday, but hey its holidays!)
- med skill (not med-, just med, don't need to be med+ aswell, but med+ is welcome aswell)
- having at least some comments on ventrilo (dont need to be a chatterbox)
- having the skill to live under my 'command'
- that you don't egoquit after a loss (which we have plenty of..)
- That you speak dutch Belgium/Netherlands (if you don't speak dutch, feel free to ask aswell i'm considering to go eu)

I hope at least two of you players don't hate me too much and at least give it a try!
3 more months and i would join :o
Koe ?! I thought you were going to trial team BE ?!

two weeks max/low+ max !

kweet ma die lulle gave mij ni eens de kans
Quotehas to go on vacation

i think its not a "must" to go there, if you feel like this, you should go to a clinic
imo he should go to a clinic then xD
gl koetje :D
gl, but low+ man
dLay > you anytime anyplace :(
my cat > you, anytime, any place
nice presenting
- having the skill to life under my 'command'
lol you just proved how stupid you are... i just corrected your english you nab :D
tbh he corrected mine, and i edited
play instead of live imho
u made me lol
k, my bad, i apologize, accepted?
No, u must burn in hell!
*burns in hell*
gl koe

next EC team fo sho ! :>
is niet zo skilled als corazon :<
lol moet je pracce eh :x
take Netherlands Estaloth
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