AuxiliA - how sweet!

So, we have just lost the match protest in ESL for the match vs AuXilia.

I always rated good their admins, till now. The protest was about a noshow, there was a dafault date for the match and mr. big ego Russia Hummel and his friends were to lazy to show up. Not even to lazy, they knew they wont play, but they didnt have to inform us about it, being sure match will be rescheduled, mr. Hummel didnt ask us, but wanted to know new date after we joined and pmmed him whats up 10 minutes after match time

Its not like we are unfriendly or smth, we already rescheduled a match in this cup, because someone asked us about it, asked not told.

So the conflict is, opponent doesnt show up, we want a forfeit.


In admins opinion, Auxilia wins the conflict, because teams didnt talk each other, but wait... fuck... The date was good for us so whats up ? Should have we? Why not them if date was bad for AuX?

No need to be smart, (excluding Russia hummel) to know that if aux would have lost the conflict, they were out from the cup... ESL admin, Germany Kaufx (the hummels 'recommended' admin) didnt like the idea..

So now, admins told, match should be played, because if not, all 3 team (some Germanyownzone is 3rd) would have 6 points and same rating.. but wait again, how the fuck if havnt played vs them yet? Is admin a clairvoyant or smth ?

But anyway, lets that be, we lost them 0-4, and yes 3 teams have 6 points, but wait again.. AuX won ownzone by 4-2 and it looks they are last.

We know its a secret, but who cares now ? if someone doesnt have any better things to do, let him read that for some fun..

[Removed by request of ESL]

And im not crying, I just want you to know, ESL isnt really better.

And remember we didnt agree to reschedule because of hummel attidue and ego, not that we like to win by forfeits.
Often on Crossfire users do not use any punctuation. Occasionally someone uses it too much.
You use it too much.
I, totally, agree
Welcome to ET
i cared till i saw that it is the 3on3 summercup
nice attitude
if your side of the story is right then it sounds like you've got a case
probably not because he already lost it ;x
bad for you and your team ;(
wildcat had a match against hummel's crew. But they didn't show up at the right time, so wildcat wanted a forfeit which he couldn't get because of the admins. Now they had a rematch and wildcat got owned :(
we didnt have a rematch, but we prolly would get owned.
You forgot about one thing, if we hadn't inform them, we would loose a protest and Auxilia would get a defwin.

So this is not because of the rules (we should win according to them!) or fair play or anything else, it's only because of the 'very-high-uber-pro-do_you_know_who_the_fuck_I_am?!' hummel.
ESL > CB !
auxilia friends with the esl admins? never!
Yes, they are too low for hummel to talk with them, but he did an exception because he didn't want to be out from the cup.
This is what Sn4kE said about his decision -
i didnt even know about what was happening - so first of all stop talkin about hummels "crew" or whatever.

normally everyone who 's connected to hummel in any possible way gets treated 2 times harder than anybody else. fact.
now, the admins decide in his favour for once and suddenly he's the biggest admin friend of all time.

dont bullshit me.
Don't you agree that what you point out is really strange?

You are telling us that the admins are frauding but because it has been against you for so long apparantly it is correct if the admins make a incorrect decision since you have had such bad times already!

And because you state that as fact I would like to see just that.
nah you didnt really get my point.

no matter if this decision was correct or wrong the admins decided in advantage for hummel (for once) - and suddenly its called "big admin friends hummel, nice", which actually is a pretty ridiculous statement.

my comment was not about the story itself - i didnt read through the protest, comments on the esl page neither did i talk to hummel about what was happening.
Take auxilia out!

So now, admins told, match should be played, because if not, all 3 team (some ownzone is 3rd) would have 6 points and same rating.. but wait again, how the fuck if havnt played vs them yet? Is admin a clairvoyant or smth ?

1. net some own-Zone just the one and only own-Zone
5. want a handkerchief emo
6. whine more
7. die on aids bitch
8. i dont care about ban and i love to flame
9. die on cancer pls
10. i love to count :D:D:D

p.s. you are the son of a motherless ogre !
<3 wow beleidigungen
indeed wow beleidigungen ftw xD

dunno what it is in english but /hintern roxx too :D
geile Argumente :D
tja ich halt :D <3
dich gibts auch noch? oO <3
n1one beste nachricht heut

hab gehört bist nu bei gab :P
ja, aber schon seit droelf monaten oder so
wtf scho seit droelf monaten oha... naja ich lass mir ma dann berichten wie ihr so bei der enlarged abgeschnitten habt :D
sorry but i hate you :<
Get new sarcasm detector pls
hmm so you are one of those nice funny guys that are talking about sarcasm detector? KkK maybe you should think about something new instead of faking it from everybody but nevermind this would be waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too difficult for ya :D and OF COURSE I did NOT get the sarcasm NO POSSIBLE way what do you think? it was cleverly hidden in your comment :D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D::D:D::D

made my day btw
Did I say that this is new? It tells everything, that's the reason why I used it.
k now i will write what tells everything:

ssaj mojego chuja ty skurwysyn

It starts to be boring... :P
naaaaaa i love to reply looking forward to the most-replys-ever-made award so nP for me :o

btw was my polish right? :P
Almost, the correct version sounds like this: "ssij mojego chuja ty skurwysynu". I'm going to the bed now, so more comments later. gn8
ssij mojego chuja ty skurwysynu

wtf thought it was skurwysyn not skurwysynu :<
Yes, but it depends on one thing - when do you want to use it. It's polish language, so there is a lot of not logical things :P.
wtf when to use it? so you just add an a if its evening n stuff? :P na thought it could be coz of the person thingy like cie and ty n stuff ^^
Yes, it's the "person thingy". It's "ty skurwysynu" (you son of a bitch), "jestes skurwysynem" (you are...) or "co za skurwysyn" (what a...).
Die "on" cancer? : D okay.
esl just sucks..
pm chosen
mh didnt know the kafux is a "friend" of humm3l ... but anyway stop t he whine : )
Sn4kE took this decision. It's not important who is the friend of who... You missed the point of that.
you're saying that this is some useless whine ?
nope but i think it wont change anythig anymore
auxillia SUX imo !

nubs cant r bad loser
publishing support content is forbidden.... if an esl admin sees this you gonna get some PPS XD
I atm left the ESL 1on1 ladder and I won't be back untill the ET admin won't be changed. So I really care about it, same as my team mates (check the last screenshot posted by wildcat
Is this the snake who makes tj-maps?
"big ego Russia Hummel"

what a nice story thanks now i can go to sleep :*(
this ESL season has been really sucky. We havent played single match nor have been contacted by anyone, no channels, no nothing.
you are allowed to contact the opponent also ;)

and the channels normally can be found in clans profle ;)
idletime : 159 hours 26mins 30secs
Racism against poland :/..
its because of the protest in the EU-Goverment they did

e: But they're humans too.
Heil humMeL´ (o/
i read the whole protest and if its correct what humM3L wrote (that he tried to contact you and rescedule the match few hours before the match!) you cant blame anyone!!

and read what snake wrote "he informed kafux to set up a protest for finding a match date. kafux missed to open this ticket"

so i am pretty sure the admin decision is right!
first kafux missed the ticket and then humm3l accidently missed the coments aswell?
i lol'd about your comment!!!
How could he try to contact us? Read the match comments (url - as you can see, he DIDN'T say, that he can't play, so we were thinking that it's the good date for them too, same as a lot of another clans would think too) and what he 'wrote' in our clan channel when he was there - url. He didn't try to contact anyone from our clan by irc, we proofed that by a screenshot in the match protest, but hummel couldn't proof that he was trying to contact us, weird?
and you missed that hed lied with that, he didnt.
Didnt read but i saw hummel so hes a ugly mofo :<
fckn idiot! hummel!whiner! 16 y.o pretty boy! jeeee...big EGO!
et ist ja so arm geworden
vor 4 monaten war noch alles besser!
humMEL sux hard, we all know it already
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