monitors ?

Hi, I am buying monitor next week, tho I dont know which is better
Here are some examples

22" iiyama ProLite E2200 WS
HP w2207

Or is it better to buy CRT ? If yes, can someone tell me which crt monitor is good ?
CRT > TFT :o sad but true
tft looks better!
TFT > CRT :o sad but true
CRT > TFT by far.. seriously..
If you use it for gaming, take CRT
ask ronner!!
i bought 22'' lcd samsung 226bw and its AWESOME !
which ever u choose make sure u buy 2 :)
IIyama sux tho imho
CRT @ 100hz is way better than any LCD due to the fact that LCDs lagg (high ms+ghosting)

One of the best 19" crts around that do 100hz is Syncmaster 997MB and its still possible to buy in many shops. Recomended :)
it doesn't pull 100 Hz on decent resolutions, only on 800x600
well you can forse hz + It runs 1024x on standard
"BenQ FP93GX+" 19" TFT - 2ms - ~230 EURO
"ViewSonic VX922" 19" TFT - 2ms - ~205 EURO

if you dont use it for gaming [cuz it has huge ghosting]:
"Samsung SyncMaster 931c" TFT - 2ms - ~ 235 EURO [ has best colours]
THE HP one is absolute crap.

Go either for the LG or the Samsung one.

I baught the LG one and am absolutely happy with it :)
TFT > CRT by far...
tft if u dont play seriously,crt if u do play seriously
whats that for a bullshit "if u play serious" like u cant play serious with a tft nstuff.
Its not 2004 anymore

Im getting the Samsung Syncmaster 226BW in a few weeks
iiyama vision master pro 454 19" crt
i have the hp w2207 myself and i havent had any problems with it, its a nice screen : )
Iiyama Vision master 1451 19'CRT <---
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