retroactive wants you!

Hello, retro4u is searching for 3 players – including a rifle - to complete the new 6on6 squad!

What we expect from you is:
-to be friendly and have a good communication (I don’t mean some A+ in English,
we can’t afford that anyways :P – I am talking about a clear and loud voice)
-to be active, motivated and ambitious
-to have a decent aim
-to have some brain, like understanding the tactic :O
-to play for the team, not for your score
-to have some patience, because it takes some time to build a team which will
hold longer than some random 2 week team!
-to be able to play Medic and SMG Engineer
-to be European because of Ping and Time-zones

Overall I would say we expect you to be “med+” -.-

We can offer to you:
-a team that’s half-completed :P
-friendly and skilled guys
-a Game/Comm-server and BNCs

Our current Line-Up is:
Germany sajt
Germany farniSh
Germany dazed
Finland Zeku
Germany quul

So if you want to contact us:
du bist dir auch für nix zu schade du stück! [german]
ja kA hab überlegt ob ich nen flame von wegen never heard off reinpacke aber dafür war ich mir dann zu schade (ich flame doch keine nonames) :D
dacht ichs mir doch deine oldsk00lness verleitet dich immer wieder auf die dunkle seite derße
soo true!!!
dir is nur kein guter flame eingefallen :)
BIG GL to u
thanks a lot fanta :]
-to be friendly and have a good communication (I don’t mean some A+ in English,
we can’t afford that anyways :P – I am talking about a clear and loud voice) yes
-to be active, motivated and ambitious yes
-to have a decent aim no
-to have some brain, like understanding the tactic :O yes
-to play for the team, not for your score yes
-to have some patience, because it takes some time to build a team which will
hold longer than
some random 2 week team! yes
-to be able to play Medic and SMG Engineer yes
-to be European because of Ping and Time-zones yes

can i join?
almost, you picked the wrong line for "no" ;O
Since aim matters....
well, if your aims like low+... ;)
but, i dont know schmusen, so no offence!
low+ aimer can be med+ player with brainonly!
Overall I would say we expect you to be “med+” -.-

gL , :"DDD
no name no skill
oh i just read now.. SAjt ex-S4F? the one who got wnb-busted by me? whahahahahha nice gl die of aids
(if not forget it)
so i see, "S4F" is very similar to "sajt"!
good to know :)
and iam newbie at this crossfire forum, but i see 2 years ago the community was not so flaming. :)
2 years ago the community was not so cheating
but like i said, if you arent the one i mean, forget it :p
than i must forget it :)

<3 dazed + farnish & sajt

???? XDDDD
böcker <3

nope it was Germany fak3 :(
they went back to there old home !!!
i love your attention so keep it on!!!
SpainItalyGermany mamalukes played with nearly the same lineup in Italy ec4 (ok not the same but with some of his actual lineup) then they decided to Europe call it a day!! after some games with some Spain spanish guys Spain SoCo Spain polass and some other they (Europe he and Italy petruu) decided to build up a Italy only team again and joined Italy after some inactivity of the managment they moved to
Germany #retro4u and then suddenly (dunno why) they moved to Italy again!!!

I've Never even Heard of This Guys!
dazed: Member For: 9 months and 2 days

and iam cod2 player normal and went back to ET some months ago :)
(german) aber gleich med+ , ich weiss net

gl anyway...
trotzdem danke :)
sind doch eh alle deutschen et gamerz med+ :o
sagen wir es so die ganze et community wie es ausschaut :)
dann läge es doch an euch den anfang zu machen und nen ganz selbst underrateten suche med gamer thread zu machen um das zu finden was ihr sucht :]
such med und low/+ meldet sich ;S
das ist schon ein debakel mit diesen skilleinschätzungen!!!
das stimmt wohl gesehen.

und wenn man nicht med+ sucht meldet sich im endefekt sowieso niemand.
he busted me for having no idea what i have to write (decent flame) :(
the timeline of this story is around 2 years so if we compare it with our great and beloved community its not clanhopping i think!! is it?

btw stop delete and post your replies again!!! just keep them like they was or editorizor[/u]
i guess not :(
busted forgoing to lose my flameskilLz :(
everyone knows the crazy Loekino :p
yess!!!! letz bLaMe tHe adMiNs 2getHeR
caNt bE maYbe he was just taking a shower or smth :o
you are definatly :o

but we like you like you are
nAh tHeY wOnT!!!

i aM pReTtY sURe tHeY aRe t0 Germany _shy @ LaN to bLaMe aNyoNe foR his/her cHiLdisH bEHaVioUR @ cF

edit: brb smoking!!
yEs!!! iF mY pAreNts wouLdNt sLeep noW i wouLd tAKe a sHoWer noW t0o
LoL i bLaMe mY eNgLiSh f0r reAdiNg yoUr sENteNce nOt corRect!!!

nAh acTuALy i doNt neEd buT i liKe tHe feELiNg oF a sHoWer

wAtcH ouT adMiNs we wiLL sTeAL youR coOKiEs @ LaN!!!
aNd i caN coOK tHem foR you to maKe thEm a tAsTy meAL
havent you noticed yet that his 1st comment was a irony ?
havent you noticed that i was bored and enjoyed to spam with him!!!
you go2bed that early?

what happend to oúr beloved night spam loekemo? :((

poor us but anyway i going to bed soon too
oH noEs!!


btw you wanna buy a new pc with the money?
gl guys
u photoshoped ur profile!
not another cheater squad plz :S
idd and i thought they learnd smth after they recruited there last cheater Italy squad
gl, although never heard of u, exept zeku who is not med+ imo
first of all, except

i am _BACK-UP_

and does that proove anything if you haven't heard of anyone? :)) imo you aren't the middle point of ET-scene. I bet that noone haven't heard of you either.

EDIT: who isn't med+ nowadays? you?
pmme if you need skillor rifler :D
[fag=fi] crosby
oon huomannu ^__^
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