:o looking for a team

I am an american lookin for some chill kids too play et with since twl closed. i play utility. I am problly low low+ for skill you can get at me on irc in #indecisive.et or #euclan under the name Flight-. also i prefer 6v6 over 3v3 teams
how about your ping on european servers?
100 on uk
i admire your rating for your skill...
most ppl saying med+\high XD

good luck
2nd tht! good luck :) <3
i dont really know what skill i am tbh im just not really cocky about it. played with original [*EU*] btw and thats about it for clanbase competition experience. have played a few seasons of twl about 4 or 5. and 2 of STA.
Hey Flight! With you a lot of luck!
I can just recommend him since he plays this game quite some years if not on the highest level he's still got a lot of experience.

GL m8
thank you btw crash. tied sheep on a 1 headshot headshot only server untill he brought me on the 3HS server and anally raped me :)
lmao, yank :D
go play cs :D
good luck mate, EU clan - good old times ey :D
oh indeed even though you were a subpar panzer. beta at best.
hiiiiiiii gl =] gl :P gl :P gl :P
gl Chris. That guy is sick <3
Wow you get 100 ping on euro servers? Are you east coast? I get 150 at best. Then again im mid/west coast.
ive pinged as low as 100 on gb servers
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