gANg-D searchin...

some informations

from image: de - image: ca
age 20
classes medic - field op
skill n/a, didnt played for one year ago
playin since Aug '03
ex teams look profile...

i prefer image: de teams but image: eu teams maybe also ok.

qry me @ #craZy or leave me a pm
gl, good & nice player
uiuiui - gl oida!!!!!!

skill n/a ^^
n/a means from noob to almost pro anythin is possible
good luck mate
gangor :D !!!!!
good luck :D
gl, but i think u are busted
you playin tonight with cause against us?
yes cu @ valley
clanhopper! :)


at least we know their weak point now <3
tja, dann guck dir mal die yawn einträge an und drumherum, wurd scho wieder unbusted...
jojo kk :>
do u contact players before banning ´em? or do they get any infos bout their bust? just wanna know cause without calling a 3-years-old mobile number he wouldnt hardly know today bout that "bust"...nice was already that he had to wait weeks till u came back...again no offense but think about ur holiday-presents next time...they dont have a chance to defend theirselves for a long time this way what fucks up their reputation imo
i dont contact them no, as you can see from bans i dont do the banning CB does and sometimes it takes weeks im afraid.
k, a situation we have to accept imo.
now concetrate on the lun4tic-affair but dont get tired of fightin against cheaterz these days ;)
wasnt u busted for cheating? o0 nvm what happened to craZy? they kicked u for that "bust"? :p
1st. gang is the leader and founder of crazy ; )
2nd he isnt busted : >
and why he isnt playing for craZy anymore? :o
because he didnt want to play with them anymore
he was searching for smth new
no he isnt busted
jetz macht der bonse beef :o
best luck GANGi
gl :-)
Good Luck kleiner gaNg :))))
gL Germany gANg-D
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