aeq @ CDC3

Since legend has folded i am looking for a loose team to go to cdc3 with. can pay all things myself. for contact
lmao @ Legend! :D:D
join decem & co, they had 5 already when they decided to call it a day =/
wtf with legend ? :/
legend becames a legend
I would like to see danone @ LAN !
I would like to see you @ LAN !
then ask CB to short my ban period :x
2 bad for danone ://///
not my bad soz
gl aeq

good player, take him!
whats a reason for mylegend to fold? support wasn't that good after all? danone failed?
no i was supposed to go -.-
i think he has mixed up norskit and svenskit
Member for: 11 days
how about we hook up with Ronner, Neglect, HNKN, AEQ, Mav and a 6th and go as dHb :P
all goods 4 me
u need a rifle? :p
fucking awesome idea ;o
rivo ;D of chosen dat was die belg toch?
riv0 is NL and chosen aka ChosenOne is also NL (and is in fact X3M|Pat)

(and pim, translate this to english before I delete it)
roflol. sure :) DREAM on :D

you will never get a dHb team to a lan anymore since most of them are inactive for a looong time now, and an oldskool dHb team to a lan is even more impossible. (and by oldskool I mean a line up of Aeq, Gulpen, Neglect, Riv0, Hnkn, Ronner)
who said anything about oldskool? Im are coming to cdc3, aeq is, i am, we can persuade HNKN to drop 1 day from his study and ask Neglect and a random 6th. Not a mission impossible imo
yes, but im not gonna spend 50 euros on playing 3 random games again. I'll spend it on beer and poker imo :P
yeah maybe you are right, dont wanna do tax and stuff all over again for the next couple of weeks. But if the opportunity show up to play as a 6th with guys i already know, i might take it. Otherwise we go pwn in poker, cards, beer and marlboro light :P
well, if it's a team of guys I know very well and they need a 6th then perhaps sure, but otherwise I'll just use the 50 on poker'n'beer. I'm gonna have fun there regardsless of playing there or not.

lans start after 20:00 anyway :D
gl dude :)
gl aeq, but what happened with legend?
i said it with finnish!
<3 aeq :)
highskilled take him

<3 aeq
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