Duality.et searching for squad

Maybe you know us from our ETTV servers or something but probably you dont. Anyway that doesnt matter :). We at duality are atm searching for a skilled 6v6 ET squad that is willing to play under our name.

The requirements:
- have to be active
- skilled, like med/med+ or higher
- have a stable lineup

In return you get all the support you can expect from a clan:
- gameserver
- voiceserver (ventrilo or teamspeak)
- BNC's
- ETTV support

You can contact us on IRC: #h-4life

Thx for reading this post :) Have a nice day.
gl :D
etid : first
arent you supporting tacky/krauts?
personally yes as a sponsorship
why not #duality.et :P?
I can help you :D?
you dont need to but thx :)
Its quite better for Duality self imo :P
whiner idi spat x]
I can see another CwG forming.
QuoteMaybe you know us from our ETTV servers or something but probably you dont.
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